Gratuitous thread, please indulge me.

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Now that the meds are kicking in, I'm reading the title of this thread as a plea by CajunGal for a gratuitous thread to indulge her. In what, I don't know...


Staff member
Good luck. And, BTW, should you find an opportunity to surprise the young 'uns, do so. It helped a lot when I was doing my teacher training ;) Had some kids whispering to each other in class in Arabic (the school had a lot of immigrant students, and the neighbourhood' had a Muslim presence since the early 1990s); I turned around and said something like this: "Listen, I don't give a damn if you call me kalb ibn kalb (roughly meaning 'son of a bitch') behind my back, but let's focus, shall we?".

Got very little backtalk and whispering after that ;)


Staff member
Love that story, NR.

UPDATE! The lesson went well. They loved the game and were disappointed that they didn't all get to play. I told them I'd think of more fun word games. The teacher enjoyed it too, and my professor even watched. She gave me a little applause before she left. ^_^

The show was fun, but we ended up ducking out early. It got really awkward when the short film came on. It was documenting the mission of one of the men down here who holds signs during Mardi Gras about how they're all sinners. They come to Festival International too, telling us we shouldn't be drinking and dancing and enjoying our lives. When we realized it wasn't a parody, we decided that Jake had a flat tire and needed our help. They loved our songs, though. :) I made some mistakes, but otherwise I must say I kinda rocked.

Thanks for all the support!


Staff member
I'm happy my brother was there. Whenever I skipped a chord, he just kinda improvised on his bass until I got back to where we were supposed to be. Thank God for my safety net. ^_^


Staff member
Woot! Nice to hear the gig and the class went well =)

Say, have you considered taking the ukulele to class? ;)
Yep! I'm learning the state song to perform to the social studies class I'm teaching. And I'm considering using it in a word game, too, where they go around a circle of letters while I play music and stop when I stop playing. Then they each have to write out a word that starts with that letter or contains a certain vowel.
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