This is going to sound like a silly question, but is there a way to enjoy the game without PVP? I've never enjoyed MMO PVP. Or PVP in general.
Well, let me ask you this... do you not enjoy PVP because you first experienced it back in UO/Everquest/WoW/whatever where "PVP" meant you'd be somewhere minding your own business and 3 or 4 assholes would suddenly jump you from behind while you were half dead from fighting a Mob, take your shit and camp your corpse till you quit in rage?
Because that's not what this is. Most MMOs have PvP set up in a way that sucks (and forcing PvP based corpse retrieval should be a felony, imo), and makes it an almost traumatic experience sometimes. But not this particular paradigm.
The PvP/RvR/WvW that has been in place in DAOC/Warhammer/Guild Wars 2 is more like, you take your character into a special continent-sized area where people go when they want to fight players. There's nothing else to do there, just group up with other people on your team, and go find enemies out there who are also there explicitly to fight players - and you don't lose anything from doing it. That way, it feels less a futile excercise in eternal vigilance and inconvenience, and more like TF2 DND style. The key is to find friends and play together.
Let me tell you, in Warhammer Online, I never did any PVE. The only mobs I killed were guards/keep lords that you HAVE to kill to trigger RvR objectives to change hands. I took something like 10 toons from level 1 to max tier exclusively via RvR. Being able to do that ruined PvE for me in MMOs, pretty much. If I can't level by fighting other players, I'm pretty much not interested. I even got loot from players that was just as good, if not better, than I could have gotten questing/camping... and it didn't make the people I killed lose anything, because it was "generated" for me upon their death, not "taken" from them.
TLDR version: All PvP is not equal, maybe it's worth another look for you?