Gun battle in Times Square (NYC), tourists think it's awesome

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Hmmm... I can believe that... I guess the tolerances on the frames aren't as tight as they could be, given the circumstances.

And thus my department's policy of recirculating ammo during yearly range quals makes more sense. We unload all magazines, and retain 20 rounds. These rounds are then fired. The rest go into a bucket, to be redistributed later (I presume. For all I know, our Sgt-armorer could wave his hands and perform some strange Pacific Islander magic over it. Actually, given what I know of the man, I could believe it... *chuckles*)

And Deschain - sorry if I came off as oppositional/confrontational. It's refreshing to have an argument with someone who is informed on the subject matter, rather than a fight that degenerates into whose howitzer is larger. *grins*


Hmmm... I can believe that... I guess the tolerances on the frames aren't as tight as they could be, given the circumstances.

And thus my department's policy of recirculating ammo during yearly range quals makes more sense. We unload all magazines, and retain 20 rounds. These rounds are then fired. The rest go into a bucket, to be redistributed later (I presume. For all I know, our Sgt-armorer could wave his hands and perform some strange Pacific Islander magic over it. Actually, given what I know of the man, I could believe it... *chuckles*)

And Deschain - sorry if I came off as oppositional/confrontational. It's refreshing to have an argument with someone who is informed on the subject matter, rather than a fight that degenerates into whose howitzer is larger. *grins*
Man, don't apologize to that guy, his irrational hatred of the glock is only matched by his love for his Kel Tec sub 2000. He's less than human.
I don't know if I should be amazed or afraid of the technical knowledge on firearms represented in this thread...

I don't know if I should be amazed or afraid of the technical knowledge on firearms represented in this thread...

It's the ones without the technical knowledge who still have firearms that you should probably be afraid of. ;)


Like I told you Twitch, that gun is redeemed by 3 qualities: (1) it folds in half (2) it is still somewhat reliable (3) it takes Glock magazines.

After everyone's glocknades have exploded, I'll be able to use the magazines scavenged off their corpses.

Yea, I'm kidding.

I probably should have seen it coming Charon. The moment I saw you post I was thinking, "Hmm, he's an officer isn't he. And most police issue/offer glocks as a sidearm. I can see where this is going." I'm definitely not offended considering I'm the one filled with irrational hatred for the Glock and its square slide and invisible hammer.

I've pretty much seen all the gun arguments possible: 9mm vs. .45, AK vs. M16, 5.7x28mm vs. any, .22LR vs. any, M14 vs. M16, DEAGLES vs. any etc. etc. It never goes anywhere.

And Andi, I know where you live and I'll be right over. I'm the guy with guns draped all over my body with full camo, gas mask, helmet. I'll be driving a converted Hummer with sheet metal welded to the sides and rifles mounted on each of the doors. You'll see the bumper sticker on my hood that says, "Suffer not the Unarmed to live."
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