Staff member
I've done a few "Halforums" themed playthroughs of RimWorld, as I know several of you have noticed, but only upon completing the second one have I realized that, through the use of mods, I'm allowed to start with as many colonists as I want, and can customize them each completely.
That means I can do a proper version of Halforums House, like Gusto did in the old Sims days. Granted, it won't be quite as overtly saucy as Halforums Academy, but there's still sex and violence aplenty in the game for those who want it
The game basically maroons everybody together on a distant, meagerly-colonized planet, sort of like you'd find out on the rim in Firefly. The challenge will be to work together as a community to survive and build a settlement. Much like the Sims, the people will have their own interests, perform necessary tasks, engage with each other socially, make friends and enemies, fall in and out of love, "woohoo," get married, divorced, live, and die. All while dealing with natural disasters, wild animals, hostile natives, raiders, and other offworlder factions.
So, in order to do this right, I'm going to ask for volunteers to be in the game. Unlike Sims or Artificial Academy, there is *no limit* to the number of people I can take on - however, once the game has started, I can't add any more custom characters - and for the purposes of this playthrough, I don't intend to let any more randomly generated characters join later. So if you want in on this, pretty much your only chance is to get in on the ground floor. I'm hoping for at least 20 or more people to roll characters.
First, consider the below to be your worksheet -
For the purposes of this game, I'll be starting everyone at age 18, though you can increase that for more stat points (more on that later).
First, fill out your name and physical appearance:
NAME (First/Last), I'll be using your forum username for your nickname, but if you want you can pick what your First and Last name are.
BODY TYPE: Average, Thin, Fat, Muscular
COMPLEXION: Pale, Fair, Olive, Tanned, Dark
HEAD SIZE: Average or Narrow
JAW SHAPE: Heartshaped, Oval, or Square
Available Male Hairstyles:
Available Female Hairstyles:
BACKSTORY - don't worry about it, there are dozens and dozens to pick from, I'll pick one for you based on the stats you choose.
Then, get into your skills. Distribute 36 points among the 12 skills available, ranging from 0 to 10 in each skill. Bear in mind, the scale for most basically goes 4 is amateur, 6 is dependable, 9 is expert. The scale actually goes to 20, but that's unreasonable to expect in an 18 year old
Bear in mind that skills will improve in-game with use, so you don't have to START an expert, necessarily.
The skills are -
Shooting: Proficiency in the use of all kinds of ranged weaponry, be it bows, guns, or thrown objects. Not just used for fighting, but also hunting animals for food.
Melee: Proficiency in hand to hand combat, with or without weapons. Almost all combat becomes melee at some point, and meleeing with a gun is treated the same as punching. It helps to be good at it.
Social: Haggling, manipulating, negotiating, convincing, leading, and cheering up others.
Animals: The care, training, and control of animals. If this is below 4, you probably won't ever get an animal companion. Properly trained, animals can help with tasks and fight for you. This skill also affects speed and yield of activities like milking and shearing.
Medicine: The treating of wounds, diseases, and skill at performing surgery. Also required (along with crafting) to manufacture medical supplies. Below 6, you're actually kinda dangerous.
Cooking: The ability to safely and quickly convert raw food into tasty meals. Little to no skill is needed for merely butchering animals, but nicer meal preparation requires higher skill.
Construction: The skill to build structures and furniture from raw materials. The higher this skill, the faster you complete and the better your chances at high quality products.
Growing: The planting and harvesting of crops. Affects speed at both, and some of the more useful crops require minimum skill levels to plant.
Mining: Digging tunnels and operating mining machinery. Affects work speed, mostly.
Artistic: The ability to create impressive art from raw materials, to improve your surroundings or sell.
Crafting: Making items, weapons, tools, and tailoring clothing. Affects completion speed and final item quality.
Intellectual: Affects speed at researching new technology and managerial tasks.
Then, go back and also apply 5 "interest" points across those skills, with a maximum of 2 points in any given skill. A skill with no interest points is learned at 33% speed and is tiresome. 1 interest point is learned at normal speed and doesn't penalize joy levels as much, if at all. 2 interest points learns at 150% speed and counts as entertainment, generating joy while being performed.
The default will be 18 years old, and I recommend sticking with that, but you may add additional skill points in exchange for aging your character 10 years per point. You may add additional interest points by aging your character 20 years per point. BE ADVISED this is not a fair trade, as skill points will rise naturally over use very quickly - you will probably gain 10-20 in the first year of play alone, depending on interest levels. BE FURTHER ADVISED that characters over 50-60 will generally develop age-related illnesses such as bad backs and dementia. Also be advised that any skill left at zero at this point stands a decent chance of becoming completely and permanently incapable via your backstory, when I'm making your character.
You may also add 2 skill points or one interest point in exchange for starting with an addiction, permanent injury, or other such medical condition. Just tell me what the condition is, it's probably in there - everything from scars, to cancers, to burns, to organ problems (cirrhosis, bad back, asthma, etc). I recommend thinking REALLY HARD before doing this.
You may optionally add up to 3 traits of your choosing. Not all traits are beneficial - some are negative, and some are mixed, but even negative traits can make the game more interesting. I also have installed a mod that adds more traits to choose from. If a trait is blatantly negative (for example, "Ugly"), you can take an extra skill point for it. If it is blatantly REALLY negative (for example, "Staggeringly Ugly"), you can take an extra interest point for it. There will be no penalty to you for choosing positive traits, however ("Pretty," "Beautiful," etc). If you would rather me pick traits I think suit your persona for you, I can do that, just let me know. Special note: if you want your character to be homosexual, this is where you specify that.
Every character will be given 10 vacu-packed emergency meals, a synthread (Space-Polyester!) Shirt, Pants, and Jacket in their choice of color (let me know what colors you want, otherwise the default is light blue), and choose one of the following:
A Colt M1911-pattern semautomatic pistol (Requires at least 4 in Shooting skill)
A plasteel knife (Requires at least 4 in Melee skill)
An untrained animal of your choice (Min handling skill varies, see chart and remember to specify gender) of 6 DPS or less.
Five Glitterworld medpacks (Requires at least 6 in Medicine skill) *note, the entire colony will already start with 30 regular medpacks
If none of the above requirements are met, you can opt to, instead, add 500 silver to the colony's starting cash, or take two extra skill points, or take one extra interest point.
Here, for example, will be my own character:
When I plug all that in, it generates this character:
So, If you want to be represented in HALFORUMS HOUSE: RIMWORLD EDITION, please post in this thread. Again, this game has NO LIMIT to the number of characters we can have, so the more the merrier.
That means I can do a proper version of Halforums House, like Gusto did in the old Sims days. Granted, it won't be quite as overtly saucy as Halforums Academy, but there's still sex and violence aplenty in the game for those who want it

The game basically maroons everybody together on a distant, meagerly-colonized planet, sort of like you'd find out on the rim in Firefly. The challenge will be to work together as a community to survive and build a settlement. Much like the Sims, the people will have their own interests, perform necessary tasks, engage with each other socially, make friends and enemies, fall in and out of love, "woohoo," get married, divorced, live, and die. All while dealing with natural disasters, wild animals, hostile natives, raiders, and other offworlder factions.
So, in order to do this right, I'm going to ask for volunteers to be in the game. Unlike Sims or Artificial Academy, there is *no limit* to the number of people I can take on - however, once the game has started, I can't add any more custom characters - and for the purposes of this playthrough, I don't intend to let any more randomly generated characters join later. So if you want in on this, pretty much your only chance is to get in on the ground floor. I'm hoping for at least 20 or more people to roll characters.
First, consider the below to be your worksheet -
For the purposes of this game, I'll be starting everyone at age 18, though you can increase that for more stat points (more on that later).
First, fill out your name and physical appearance:
NAME (First/Last), I'll be using your forum username for your nickname, but if you want you can pick what your First and Last name are.
BODY TYPE: Average, Thin, Fat, Muscular
COMPLEXION: Pale, Fair, Olive, Tanned, Dark
HEAD SIZE: Average or Narrow
JAW SHAPE: Heartshaped, Oval, or Square
Available Male Hairstyles:
Available Female Hairstyles:
BACKSTORY - don't worry about it, there are dozens and dozens to pick from, I'll pick one for you based on the stats you choose.
Then, get into your skills. Distribute 36 points among the 12 skills available, ranging from 0 to 10 in each skill. Bear in mind, the scale for most basically goes 4 is amateur, 6 is dependable, 9 is expert. The scale actually goes to 20, but that's unreasonable to expect in an 18 year old

The skills are -
Shooting: Proficiency in the use of all kinds of ranged weaponry, be it bows, guns, or thrown objects. Not just used for fighting, but also hunting animals for food.
Melee: Proficiency in hand to hand combat, with or without weapons. Almost all combat becomes melee at some point, and meleeing with a gun is treated the same as punching. It helps to be good at it.
Social: Haggling, manipulating, negotiating, convincing, leading, and cheering up others.
Animals: The care, training, and control of animals. If this is below 4, you probably won't ever get an animal companion. Properly trained, animals can help with tasks and fight for you. This skill also affects speed and yield of activities like milking and shearing.
Medicine: The treating of wounds, diseases, and skill at performing surgery. Also required (along with crafting) to manufacture medical supplies. Below 6, you're actually kinda dangerous.
Cooking: The ability to safely and quickly convert raw food into tasty meals. Little to no skill is needed for merely butchering animals, but nicer meal preparation requires higher skill.
Construction: The skill to build structures and furniture from raw materials. The higher this skill, the faster you complete and the better your chances at high quality products.
Growing: The planting and harvesting of crops. Affects speed at both, and some of the more useful crops require minimum skill levels to plant.
Mining: Digging tunnels and operating mining machinery. Affects work speed, mostly.
Artistic: The ability to create impressive art from raw materials, to improve your surroundings or sell.
Crafting: Making items, weapons, tools, and tailoring clothing. Affects completion speed and final item quality.
Intellectual: Affects speed at researching new technology and managerial tasks.
Then, go back and also apply 5 "interest" points across those skills, with a maximum of 2 points in any given skill. A skill with no interest points is learned at 33% speed and is tiresome. 1 interest point is learned at normal speed and doesn't penalize joy levels as much, if at all. 2 interest points learns at 150% speed and counts as entertainment, generating joy while being performed.
The default will be 18 years old, and I recommend sticking with that, but you may add additional skill points in exchange for aging your character 10 years per point. You may add additional interest points by aging your character 20 years per point. BE ADVISED this is not a fair trade, as skill points will rise naturally over use very quickly - you will probably gain 10-20 in the first year of play alone, depending on interest levels. BE FURTHER ADVISED that characters over 50-60 will generally develop age-related illnesses such as bad backs and dementia. Also be advised that any skill left at zero at this point stands a decent chance of becoming completely and permanently incapable via your backstory, when I'm making your character.
You may also add 2 skill points or one interest point in exchange for starting with an addiction, permanent injury, or other such medical condition. Just tell me what the condition is, it's probably in there - everything from scars, to cancers, to burns, to organ problems (cirrhosis, bad back, asthma, etc). I recommend thinking REALLY HARD before doing this.
You may optionally add up to 3 traits of your choosing. Not all traits are beneficial - some are negative, and some are mixed, but even negative traits can make the game more interesting. I also have installed a mod that adds more traits to choose from. If a trait is blatantly negative (for example, "Ugly"), you can take an extra skill point for it. If it is blatantly REALLY negative (for example, "Staggeringly Ugly"), you can take an extra interest point for it. There will be no penalty to you for choosing positive traits, however ("Pretty," "Beautiful," etc). If you would rather me pick traits I think suit your persona for you, I can do that, just let me know. Special note: if you want your character to be homosexual, this is where you specify that.
Every character will be given 10 vacu-packed emergency meals, a synthread (Space-Polyester!) Shirt, Pants, and Jacket in their choice of color (let me know what colors you want, otherwise the default is light blue), and choose one of the following:
A Colt M1911-pattern semautomatic pistol (Requires at least 4 in Shooting skill)
A plasteel knife (Requires at least 4 in Melee skill)
An untrained animal of your choice (Min handling skill varies, see chart and remember to specify gender) of 6 DPS or less.
Five Glitterworld medpacks (Requires at least 6 in Medicine skill) *note, the entire colony will already start with 30 regular medpacks
If none of the above requirements are met, you can opt to, instead, add 500 silver to the colony's starting cash, or take two extra skill points, or take one extra interest point.
Here, for example, will be my own character:
NAME: Buzzy "GasBandit" Pomona
BODY TYPE: Average
HEAD SIZE: Average
HAIR STYLE: Topdog, Brown
Shooting: 4
Melee: 4
Social: 0
Animals: 4
Medicine: 6
Cooking: 0
Construction: 6
Growing: 3
Mining: 3
Artistic: 0
Crafting: 6
Intellectual: 0
Interest points:
Shooting: 1
Medicine: 1
Construction: 2
Crafting: 1
AGE: 18
Stab scar on right shoulder, +1 skill point to Shooting (now 5) (Edit: oops this should have been +2, oh well)
Glutton (+25% eating speed)
Steadfast (Mental Break Threshold -9%)
Psychically Dull (-50% Psychic sensitivity)
Blue Jacket, Black shirt, Black pants
BODY TYPE: Average
HEAD SIZE: Average
HAIR STYLE: Topdog, Brown
Shooting: 4
Melee: 4
Social: 0
Animals: 4
Medicine: 6
Cooking: 0
Construction: 6
Growing: 3
Mining: 3
Artistic: 0
Crafting: 6
Intellectual: 0
Interest points:
Shooting: 1
Medicine: 1
Construction: 2
Crafting: 1
AGE: 18
Stab scar on right shoulder, +1 skill point to Shooting (now 5) (Edit: oops this should have been +2, oh well)
Glutton (+25% eating speed)
Steadfast (Mental Break Threshold -9%)
Psychically Dull (-50% Psychic sensitivity)
Blue Jacket, Black shirt, Black pants
So, If you want to be represented in HALFORUMS HOUSE: RIMWORLD EDITION, please post in this thread. Again, this game has NO LIMIT to the number of characters we can have, so the more the merrier.
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