Halforums, what's the saddest thing?

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I actually saw something like this in person a few years back;

I was coming home from school one day, I still didnt have a car in HS so yea, I got a ride from my family when available. And close to our neighborhood, on a main road that had plenty of traffic for 4pm, there were two dogs

One laying in the road, not moving, and another dog pacing circles around it, making sure cars would go around.

Not one fucking car stopped or anything. That second dog was risking its life, to protect the hurt one. It was heart breaking. Best I could do was get my cell phone out and call animal control and alert them, the traffic was moving too fast to pull over, and they were on the other side of the road than us, we were separated by a median anyway.

Never found out if they lived or died


Hylian's* image is too sad for me.

It reminds me of this summer when my mom and I were away and left my step dad in charge of the dogs, our border collie Millie and chocolate lab Venus got out.

They were across town when Millie was struck by a car. A cop stopped but no one would help her. Venus ran away when the cop showed up. Finally, a really nice lady stopped and put Millie in the car and took her to the vet. Millie only ended up with a gash on her head so she was ok. Venus was eventually caught by the coppers and brought back.

It makes me so sad thinking of Millie lying in the street all alone and no one stopping to help her.

This thread blows.:(

*Apologies to mav who i blamed for that pic.

Grave of the fireflies

One of the saddest movies I have ever seen

I haven't seen it since I was a small child, but I remember getting choked up over this animated film.

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