Happy Birthday Gusto!

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Staff member
...or however you say it in Canadian. :awesome:

You're my best buddy in the whole wide forum, and I hope you have a spectacular weekend. Thanks for bein a friend. MUCH LOVE! :hug:

And now, Kevin.... a gift:

CG, you are the bestest best friend ever, and I feel the need to ingratiate myself to you MONTHS in advance.

That was beautiful, girl.

Wasabi Poptart

Happy B-Day, G-Man! I bring you the traditional gifts of your homeland:

Everyone gets a little beaver on their birthday? What if you don't like beaver?

---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

I got you some balloons.

Everyone loves a beaver. So why don't you?

Happy birthday, Gusto. May your day be marked with sugary baked goods and items wrapped in flashy paper.
HAppy birthday, Gusty. I give you...Err, copies of all those pictures above? Just imagine looking at all of them again and pretending you haven't seen'm before :-P
Happy Birthday Gusto!

And now Canadian Trivia time;

"It is traditional to hit someone with a canoe paddle on their backside once for each year of their life on their birthday in Canada."


Happy Birthday Gusto, eh. Watch Strange Brew with your hockey hair and hosers, eh!



Staff member
Just don't put em in the dryer or they'll set. Soak them in Dawn for a couple of hours. ^_^

/mom's advice
Hey guys! Woo thanks! Seej, you're the best. :heart:

Calleja, you didn't have to get me anything; you got me the best thing LAST year. :)


Staff member
"Winning," lol. Now now, Gusto, don't look a gift half-naked-lady in the mouth.

...ya know, cuz then you won't be able to see her boobies.
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