Hari Kari chicken wings.

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So my wife and I go to a local pub for dinner tonight, and I order up their spiciest dozen of wings. The waitress warns me. I have to sign a wavier, blah blah. I get my plate and chow down. These wings barely register on my hot-o-meter. I think I've either built my tolerance up to the point of no return, or I had me some weak ass false advertised wings. Don't get me wrong; they were delicious. I was just disappointed over the anticipation of a good spicy wing.

Anyone else ever been let down this way?

Oh, I also had the beer to end all beers tonight. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout. That shit is like Dom Pérignon of beer.
Ordered "Nuclear" wings a while back.

Sat there with a very dissapointed look on my face. It was pure hot sauce, zero flavor, barely any spice.
Shegokigo said:
Ordered "Nuclear" wings a while back.

Sat there with a very dissapointed look on my face. It was pure hot sauce, zero flavor, barely any spice.
I hate that. Spicy is wonderful, but if there's no flavor it's just no good to me.


One time I was hanging out at my boyfriend's parents' house, and they had some Indian snack (something in the cracker/chip vicinity) there that is supposedly super spicy. Like, they loooove spicy food and his mom won't even eat them. They ask me if I wanted to try one and I said, "sure," so they make sure to get me a nice glass of ice water before I eat one. I like spicy food a lot but I would say I have an average to maybe above-average tolerance to spicy food. So I eat this thing and it has as much heat as a barbeque potato chip. They were all looking at me, stunned, wondering how I could eat it with no response, and I was looking at them, wondering if they were playing a joke on me. They were not. They still say they are super spicy, I still say it wasn't, and we still have no idea why.


Shegokigo said:
Ordered "Nuclear" wings a while back.

Sat there with a very dissapointed look on my face. It was pure hot sauce, zero flavor, barely any spice.

I've learned a long time ago if a place has so little creativity as to call their wings "nuclear" or "suicide" without any other cleaver adjectives, then you're gonna be in for some hot sauce on a deep fried wing.

These wings I had did have good flavor, the sauce had little habanero seeds in it. I could see it was made with love, but man it needed to be spicier. Then again, I do live in the middle of Pennsylvania-Dutch country where table pepper is considered "wicked stuff."

Best wings I've ever had were down in Philippi, West Virgina. The sauce was great and it felt like I was eating razor blades. My tolerance is pretty bad anymore. When I make chili, I have to make it in two separate batches, since I'm the only one who'll eat "my batch".

My secret weapon for spicy chili without sacrificing flavor:

One tablespoon of this shit in a pot will make you run for the hills.
Lally said:
One time I was hanging out at my boyfriend's parents' house, and they had some Indian snack (something in the cracker/chip vicinity) there that is supposedly super spicy. Like, they loooove spicy food and his mom won't even eat them. They ask me if I wanted to try one and I said, "sure," so they make sure to get me a nice glass of ice water before I eat one. I like spicy food a lot but I would say I have an average to maybe above-average tolerance to spicy food. So I eat this thing and it has as much heat as a barbeque potato chip. They were all looking at me, stunned, wondering how I could eat it with no response, and I was looking at them, wondering if they were playing a joke on me. They were not. They still say they are super spicy, I still say it wasn't, and we still have no idea why.
Some people just have a better tolerance. The stuff my brother and I get teary-eyed eating, his girlfriend can eat with no problem at all.


Yeah, but usually these people eat waaaay more spicier stuff than me without batting an eye. It was only in this particular instance.
My brother and sister-in-law-to-be took me to an Indian place they really liked...They both said the stuff there was pretty hot, I shoudl order "mild", yadayada....they both ordered mild and said it'd probably still be pretty spicey, I order medium, and it still didn't register *shrug*
I don't have an exceptionally high tolerance, really - my brother usually eats his stuff hotter than I do mine. It was odd.
I fake having a high tolerance to spicy foods to be more faux-manly around my friends and co-workers, many of whom are like you folks with the not batting an eye at food so spicy I want to cry eating it. Damn my manly pride. The highest I go comfortably is some Frank's Red Hot Sauce on some home made chicken wings (my specialty......not Frank's on chicken wings, just the way I make wings in general. My mom's recipe for brown sugar garlic wings is the best shit ever).
I love spicy food taste wise but my stomach hates me when I eat it. I can't handle all that acid and get super sick when I eat spicy food but its so friggin delicious.
ordered a "tiger cry" salad from a Thai place once. They asked me if I wanted "thai hot or american hot" I said "hotter than Thai" they made a big deal about how hot the dish was. I was like "pshaw, whatever".

I had to ask for more peppers 3 times before it was as hot as I wanted it. They finally brought me some dried scotch bonnets. I dug in, sprinkled liberally and was in heaven.

They had the last laugh, though, as halfway through dinner, i rubbed my eye...
Similar situation in Panama: relatives asked if I like hot sauce on food, I said yes, and they gave me a bottle that they said was too hot for them. A sprinkle did nothing, nor did a spoonful. They wondered what I usually ate at home.


I'm let down a lot. I love spicy food and when I make things at home I go way spicy, to the point where I eat whole Habaneros.

A friend of mine moved to Oregon to go to grad school, when he came back to visit he said he discovered there was a new level of hot. Oregon Hot. It's slightly below mild.

But yeah, I've severely disappointed at the woosification of spicy food. For example Taco Bells Lava salsa is about the level of a Poblano. That's hardly hot. This is America, people should be crapping themselves at the table. Cartoon level steam should come out of their ears.
Chazwozel said:
So my wife and I go to a local pub for dinner tonight, and I order up their spiciest dozen of wings. The waitress warns me. I have to sign a wavier, blah blah. I get my plate and chow down. These wings barely register on my hot-o-meter. I think I've either built my tolerance up to the point of no return, or I had me some weak a** false advertised wings. Don't get me wrong; they were delicious. I was just disappointed over the anticipation of a good spicy wing.

Anyone else ever been let down this way?

Oh, I also had the beer to end all beers tonight. Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout. That poop is like Dom Pérignon of beer.
I love Sam Smith beers! I've had a few varieties and they're all delicious!

I think I have a high tolerance for heat. I put sirachi/jalepenos/cayenne on just about everything I eat. Capsaicin also has loads of health benefits, and it has been shown that folks that eat more spicy food are generally happier.
I don't know how hot I can go, because I don't want to sacrifice flavor for spice. I should go try Death wings at Duffs (best wing place in Buffalo) just to see if I can take it, but the highest that I've ever tried there was hot.
Hari Kari chicken wings is defeated by Kebab!!

A döner kebab in pita bread (just called kebab in Sweden, served in most pizza places). About 18 years ago, there was new pizza restaurant in town, and I wanted to try them out. I like spicy. Burn your mouth hot. So asked them to make it extra spicy. What I got was extra salty. Taste the sandy mineral flavor amount of salt. I took two bites, because I couldn't belive what I actually tasted the first bite, then threw the rest away. It was takeout, so I didn't discover the disaster until I got home.

No idea what went wrong. Idiot incompentent cook? Some kind of confusion on the meaning of spicy vs salty due to swedish not being their first language? So I stuck with my old Pizza place from then on... Until I moved to the US, that is, where I have yet to eat a pizza that doesn't taste cheap. Ah, http://www.skovde.net/cgi-bin/pizza.pl?sub=main]Prima Pizzeria[/url], how I miss thee!
Heh, as a kid my father always went "and Tabasco is VERY VERY hot! Just two drops in the bolognese sauce will make it spicy!". So when I grew up, I never ate much hot food until I was a student and got to make my own dinner. I started making my food more and more spicy. Now I empty at least 3 table spoons of tabasco in a pot of bolognese sauce and I still don't find it very hot.

I heard that Wasabi is very hot though?
AngelofBitterness said:
Heh, as a kid my father always went "and Tabasco is VERY VERY hot! Just two drops in the bolognese sauce will make it spicy!". So when I grew up, I never ate much hot food until I was a student and got to make my own dinner. I started making my food more and more spicy. Now I empty at least 3 table spoons of tabasco in a pot of bolognese sauce and I still don't find it very hot.

I heard that Wasabi is very hot though?
My brother told a friend it was Guacamole once.

"Oh dude I love Guacamole!"

*eats the whole pat*

He threw up about 10 agonizing minutes later.
AngelofBitterness said:
Heh, as a kid my father always went "and Tabasco is VERY VERY hot! Just two drops in the bolognese sauce will make it spicy!". So when I grew up, I never ate much hot food until I was a student and got to make my own dinner. I started making my food more and more spicy. Now I empty at least 3 table spoons of tabasco in a pot of bolognese sauce and I still don't find it very hot.

I heard that Wasabi is very hot though?
Tabasco: Habanero is delicious if you like spicy + flavor.
Ha, i know people that say that KFC Crispy Strips are too hot... i regularly put black pepper on them myself.

Also, i hate the taste of hot peppers, but everyone else keeps saying how they don't have any taste because they burn so much... they're crazy imo.

Hottest thing i ever ate was at an indian place, where my brother ordered it, and i just took some of the sauce... the problem wasn't that it was hot (and it was), but that it made the food seem warmer, and you couldn't taste it anymore... was too hungry to check if it worked if the food was colder...
Yeah, this local Japanese place in my home town makes some real brutal wasabi. Way hotter than any wasabi I've had elsewhere. We always did this thing where we ate wasabi balls and the wasabi at this place felt like it was molten lava going down my throat. Every inch of the way down burned worse than a bile burp. I was glad there was a Starbucks nearby that I could get a green tea frappacino from to soothe the war in my throat and stomache.
Hari Kari chicken wings is defeated by Kebab!!

Siska said:
A döner kebab in pita bread (just called kebab in Sweden, served in most pizza places). About 18 years ago, there was new pizza restaurant in town, and I wanted to try them out. I like spicy. Burn your mouth hot.
They used to sell hot kebabs over here too... but over the years the sauce has been getting less and less hot...

Man, i miss the time when one of my friends would ask for 4 spoons of sauce and get red as hell in the face... now they could put all the sauce on it and it wouldn't happen...
When I have powerfully spicy food, hot isn't the word I'd use to describe it. "Jellyfish crammed into my mouth" would be a better statement to describe the experience. I'm not complaining though, the spicier the better.

Whenever eating spicy foods, I recommend having a glass of milk or some yogurt with your meal, they'll alleviate the burn sensation better than water will.
BlackCrossCrusader said:
When I have powerfully spicy food, hot isn't the word I'd use to describe it. "Jellyfish crammed into my mouth" would be a better statement to describe the experience. I'm not complaining though, the spicier the better.
As stated in my first post, if it's really spicy then it will make food seem hotter (as in temp).

But when did you cram a jellyfish in your mouth and why?

BlackCrossCrusader said:
Whenever eating spicy foods, I recommend having a glass of milk or some yogurt with your meal, they'll alleviate the burn sensation better than water will.
Also, doing it before too seems to help for when the food comes out the other side...
I got a pot of Hot Sauce made from Madame Jeanette peppers from my grandma, who knows I like spicy food, about a year ago.

I still have yet to summon my courage to try a second time.


I'm slowly training my girlfriend up to eat spicy foods, adding a little bit more every time I make her a chilli con carne. It'll still be a long time before I stop having to tone it down for her though., which is why whenever we go out I make sure to have something very hot, because I'll never get it at home.
Bubble181 said:
You're saying your girlfriend isn't hot enough for you? For shame, dude.
He's probably just not preheating the oven long enough... mmm... roasted human... delicious.
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