Hate On: Best Albums of the Decade!

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Staff member
Fucking bother, asshole! If anything, I'll ask to move it into general thread so people give a damn :(

I'll have an response to your list soon, too!
10) J.Dilla - Donuts
9) Franz Ferdinand - Franz Ferdinand
8) TV on the Radio - Dear Science
7) Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine
6) Outkast - Speakerboxx/The Love Below
5) The Strokes - Is This It
4) Kanye West - Late Registration
3) The White Stripes - White Blood Cells
2) Daft Punk - Discovery
1) Jay-Z - The Black Album

Extra credit to : Amy Winehouse - Back In Black, Robert Plant & Alison Krauss - Raising Sand, The Killers - Hot Fuss


Staff member
Vag, I was waiting for you to show yourself here! :p Good selection, though a little hip-hop heavy. And I gotta get back in the saddle and ream Cynicism for his choices, too :p :) :p
though a little hip-hop heavy.
ugh. White people.

edit: i made a top 20 for another place, so I'll post 11-20 here too

11 Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSounds
12 Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
13 Lady Gaga - The Fame Monster
14 The Cool Kids - The Bake Sale
15 David Guetta - One Love
16 The Lonely Island - Incredibad
17 Cut Copy - Bright Like Neon Love
18 Electric Six - Fire
19 Matt & Kim - Grand
20 Sleater-Kinney - One Beat
On a slightly unimportant note: some people do read this forum without commenting, you know.
It may be amazing, but I might actually just lurk on the "other" boards outside of the general stuff :-P

That aside, I don't think I've bought 10 albums produced in this decade. I do love some modern artists (I'm a big RHCP fan...If this cd is as good as California, as Cynicism claims, I ought to go buy it :-P), but most of my CDs are musicals, opera, or collections.
Oh, or Belgian music. But you wouldn't know what language they're singing in, let alone what they're saying, so that'd serve little purpose.
On a slightly unimportant note: some people do read this forum without commenting, you know.
It may be amazing, but I might actually just lurk on the "other" boards outside of the general stuff :-P

That aside, I don't think I've bought 10 albums produced in this decade. I do love some modern artists (I'm a big RHCP fan...If this cd is as good as California, as Cynicism claims, I ought to go buy it :-P), but most of my CDs are musicals, opera, or collections.
Oh, or Belgian music. But you wouldn't know what language they're singing in, let alone what they're saying, so that'd serve little purpose.
It is the silver medal to Californication's gold.


Staff member
To tell you the truth, I've been burned out with the Chilli Peppers for a while...and I think that Stadium Arcadium is overall forgettable, besides the big to-do about the first single. But then again, their output has always been decently entertaining, so it's not hate...just...indifference.

Out of your list, CK, the only one that would probably make top 20 would be Rockin' the Suburbs, though that's from just personal connection. Ben Folds does have a knack for being a talented pianist and a showman, which works to its advatage in Suburbs...which is probably the last one where I felt he pulled it off right. Silverman was undercooked, and Way to Normal felt like he was trying too hard to keep some of that bite. Either way, that CD is dear to me--or atleast, a younger fomer me--and I really wished I mentioned that in my honorable mentions :(
I'm partial to the last two Pearl Jam albums released, partly because I feel like they are one of the few rock bands to be putting out honest music (if not a bit too political). Their self titled album and Backspacer (which I'd think is a stupid name if it weren't named after the sea turtle they sponsored or something like that) were both a return to a more energetic sound.

I also discovered a band called No More Kings which was a nice, more upbeat band with clever enough lyrics that contain enough references to pop culture past that I happen to get. You might have seen their video "Sweep the Leg", which has the entire male cast of the Karate Kid (and I thought the chick too).

But, I'm not a fan of most music that comes out, so I can't do a top 10.


Guess I'll add my own list. My favorite albums of the decade:

1)Radiohead: Kid A
2)Arcade Fire: Funeral
3)The Decemberists: The Crane Wife
4)Modest Mouse: The Moon and Antarctica
5)The Hold Steady: Boys and Girls in America
6)Fleet Foxes (Self Titled)
7)Okkervil River: The Stage Names
8)Of Montreal: Hissing Fauna Are You The Destroyer?
9)Wolf Parade: Apologies to the Queen Mary
10) Belle and Sebastian: The Life Pursuit

Therese are some that had in mind but didn't quite make the top 10:
Honorable Mentions:
TV On The Radio: Dear Science
Vampire Weekend (Self Titled)
Ben Folds: Rocking The Suburbs
Sunset Rubdown: Dragonslayer
The White Stripes: White Blood Cells
The Thermals: Now We Can See
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