If it's Gothik you're having trouble with, try putting together a heal deck, and just try to outlast him. He draws two cards per turn automatically, if you can outlast him he'll eventually fatigue himself to death.Nope, Brawl didn't help. Time to try the next thing.
Yeah, this is where I'm going next. I don't get killed by his minions so much as by what's left in my own party at the end, and it's always at a point where he has about 3 cards in his hand and none left in his deck. Time to make those annoying bastages work FOR me instead of just against me.If it's Gothik you're having trouble with, try putting together a heal deck, and just try to outlast him. He draws two cards per turn automatically, if you can outlast him he'll eventually fatigue himself to death.
An ability to buff your spirits is also very helpful, so things like direwolf alpha, defender of argus, even sunfury protector will give you some taunt shield and force gothik to kill them.
And that's pretty much what I did with the first and third. That second one though just does NOT want to cooperate. Giving him card draw AND production makes it super tough to slow him down, then get kicked in the teeth when you do kill his minions. Very frustrating.I used my weapon based warrior to beat Gothik.I think I ended with 5 health. I kept myself armored up and really beat him down in the last turn with a the minion who gives charge, 2 raging wargen and a well timed whirlwind.[DOUBLEPOST=1407876037,1407875971][/DOUBLEPOST]For the other bosses, I found thought steal with my priest to be awesome.
He's talking about the AI's in practice mode.Expert mode?
Well, other than the first heroic boss, I've only managed to also beat heroic Patchwork. It was actually pretty easy with a mage deck with all direct freezes, water elementals and every low cost taunt I could fit into my deck. Once I was able to freeze him with the water elemental, he could only use his hero ability to get rid of one of the taunts I had out because I just kept hitting his face and freezing him and the hero ability apparently will always defer to a taunt minion over any other one.
You can also try shadowstepping some coldlight oracles. He doesn't draw cards on his turn like a normal player does, but forced draw still causes him to take fatigue damage.I beat my first Heroic level boss, took down Heroic Patchwerk with a Rogue deck:
1x Bloodsail Corsair (all I had)
2x Goldshire Footman
2x Murloc Tidecaller
2x Shield Bearer
2x Voodoo Doctor
2x Acidic Swamp Ooze
2x Bluegill Warrior
2x Defias Ringleder
2x Dire Wolf Alpha
2x Frostwolf Grunt
2x Haunted Creeper
2x Knife Juggler
2x Loot Hoarder
2x Murloc Tidehunter
1x Sunfury Protector (all I had)
2x Deathlord
If you play the Deathlord on a turn where he has to reweapon (i.e. turn 4, or turn 5 if you combo it with an ooze), then it'll take two weapon hits.
This is what my board looked like when I won:
I had daggered up the previous turn, since I didn't have room for any more minions. As you can see I just barely killed him. This was like my 6th try, and 3rd with this exact deck. I may try more heroic.
I don't have any Coldlight Oracles. Heartstone seems very reluctant to give me card draw in packs. I'm surprised I have two loot hoarders. I don't think I have any Acolytes of Pain.You can also try shadowstepping some coldlight oracles. He doesn't draw cards on his turn like a normal player does, but forced draw still causes him to take fatigue damage.
Yeah, I don't currently run priest but was looking forward to trying a Zombie Chow, Soulpriest, Circle of Healing combo. If you could manage to have Rivendare out there it could be crazy deadly.I was watching an Amaz clip, and I didn't think about this before, but Zombie Chow has synergy with Auchenai Soulpriest. They're like a little Mind Blast bomb waiting to go off.
You mean like this:Yeah, I don't currently run priest but was looking forward to trying a Zombie Chow, Soulpriest, Circle of Healing combo. If you could manage to have Rivendare out there it could be crazy deadly.
How does having to leave for a drink make you an ass? He was gone for all of 20 seconds, during a part of the game where initial card selection usually takes a large time, and he even emoted sorry when he got back and saw that card select was over.Wow, that guy got up during the card selection and walked away? What an ass! I mean, listening to him, I REALLY dislike him and his attitude. I really wanted to see him lose, which is a sad way to watch Hearthstone.
These guys stream for HOURS.I dunno, just seems rude to me. You can't get your drink before you start the game?
Yeah, that's nice. When I am at work I make sure I have everything I need and don't go randomly to get food/drink when people are depending on me.These guys stream for HOURS.
Alright, you're welcome to your opinion. I just don't see leaving for 10 seconds in a game with two minute turns as being that rude. Difference in ideas, I suppose.Yeah, that's nice. When I am at work I make sure I have everything I need and don't go randomly to get food/drink when people are depending on me.
Want to treat it like a job, that's fine. Doesn't really get sympathy from me though.
Fair enoughAlright, you're welcome to your opinion. I just don't see leaving for 10 seconds in a game with two minute turns as being that rude. Difference in ideas, I suppose.