[PC Game] Hearthstone (Practically Beta)

Wow, they give you 300 gold for winning a hundred games. That was nice. Now I'm wondering if I should just buy more booster packs or save up for something else.
New brawl: only portal cards. This is goofy and fun, but difficult to strategize.
I just made my husband rage quit when I used three unstable portals and a coin on turn two, and then got Van Cleef as the last card.

He didn't even quit out of the game, he just got mad and left the room.
Wow, they give you 300 gold for winning a hundred games. That was nice. Now I'm wondering if I should just buy more booster packs or save up for something else.
If you haven't, I recommend trying some arena. For 150 gold, you are guaranteed to get 1 pack, but if you get some wins you'll get more rewards (including gold).

That, or save for solo adventures. There are some good cards there.
New brawl: only portal cards. This is goofy and fun, but difficult to strategize.
If it's the one with the chatty "helpers," then it's a repeat brawl. Still gobs of RNG fun, though...unless you're losing.
If you haven't, I recommend trying some arena. For 150 gold, you are guaranteed to get 1 pack, but if you get some wins you'll get more rewards (including gold).
You don't actually "break even" until you get to at least 3-4 wins (assuming you count one pack = 100 gold), and you don't earn back your entry fee until you get 7 or more wins.

If it's the one with the chatty "helpers," then it's a repeat brawl. Still gobs of RNG fun, though...unless you're losing.

You don't actually "break even" until you get to at least 3-4 wins (assuming you count one pack = 100 gold), and you don't earn back your entry fee until you get 7 or more wins.

Arena awards have been updated.


So just one win could next you two card packs. Now I feel like a chump for having used so much gold on packs themselves. Even 40 dust is about what you'd get from a typical 4 common + 1 rare card pack.

Now I just need to find out if you only get classic packs or if expansions are available.
Arena awards have been updated.
While it's true that I haven't played Arena since before the award updates, that was the list I was quoting.
In order to guarantee that you get back at least as much as you put in (i.e., 150 gold's worth of stuff), you have to hit the 3-4 win mark. Otherwise there's still the potential to get back < 150 gold worth of content (e.g., pack + 20 gold < 150 gold).
Oh, and expansion packs are available in the prize pool. Only thing I don't know is whether retired packs are possible or if you can only get whatever is currently in Standard.

While it's true that I haven't played Arena since before the award updates, that was the list I was quoting.
In order to guarantee that you get back at least as much as you put in (i.e., 150 gold's worth of stuff), you have to hit the 3-4 win mark. Otherwise there's still the potential to get back < 150 gold worth of content (e.g., pack + 20 gold < 150 gold).
Oh, and expansion packs are available in the prize pool. Only thing I don't know is whether retired packs are possible or if you can only get whatever is currently in Standard.

I think it sticks to standard, and the chance of expansion pack leaning towards most recent.
Oh, I know, but all those numbers mean that the arena run costs you at most something like 30 gold, with a lot of chances of it being less.

On the expansions, if I'm not wrong, the first pack is always from the latest expansion.


Staff member
Cleaning up screenshots I'd taken:

Hearthstone Screenshot 12-23-16 Medivh draws boobs on his spellbook.png

Not sure if Medivh has been drawing eyes or boobs on his spellbook...

Hearthstone Screenshot 12-18-16 Golden Defender in hand.png

And this has got to be one of the rarest cards to have in hand, a golden Defender.
I am writing down everything for my account. I logged out for some stupid reason, took me 45 minutes to get back in and with Blizz support. They were good about it, but it's just more hassle than the pride of "I can remember digital info!" is worth, especially when I'm fucking wrong.

Unrelated: started messing with stat-stacking Warrior deck thanks to Gadgetzan cards. I think there's something doable here, but I haven't uncovered it just yet.
I am writing down everything for my account. I logged out for some stupid reason, took me 45 minutes to get back in and with Blizz support. They were good about it, but it's just more hassle than the pride of "I can remember digital info!" is worth, especially when I'm fucking wrong.

Unrelated: started messing with stat-stacking Warrior deck thanks to Gadgetzan cards. I think there's something doable here, but I haven't uncovered it just yet.
Grimy Goons are pretty fun, but sadly are the weakest of the three gangs introduced in mean streets. Doesn't mean you can't have fun with it, though
Grimy Goons are pretty fun, but sadly are the weakest of the three gangs introduced in mean streets. Doesn't mean you can't have fun with it, though
I'm not sure how to apply cards I'm getting for priest, aside from being an annoying silence deck. Which is fun, but not necessarily a game winner, just a neat way to frustrate an opponent each time they put out a special minion.
Today's mission--win three games as Warlock.

Hahaha that's so wonderful; I totally haven't been using that class as dust fodder because I hate playing it. :whistling:
Today's mission--win three games as Warlock.

Hahaha that's so wonderful; I totally haven't been using that class as dust fodder because I hate playing it. :whistling:
Warlock is possibly the most consistently strong class, because it's hero power is so good. I'd recommend looking into zoolock decks. They're easy to assemble, they're usually very dependable in ladder, and will teach you a lot about board control
Warlock is possibly the most consistently strong class, because it's hero power is so good. I'd recommend looking into zoolock decks. They're easy to assemble, they're usually very dependable in ladder, and will teach you a lot about board control
Looking at the top rated one as of last month, I fortunately never dusted any of those, and have a good number of the others. I'll have to improve in some places, but I'll give it a shot.


Staff member
Is "holy shit" really the proper response to not getting something for free?
You might have a point if it cost the company something to give it out, but in this case it costs Blizzard next to nothing to give out free packs (I'm assuming there's some trivial amount of electricity spent on the server power handing packs, but it's almost certainly less than the processing power actually spent playing the brawl.)

Also, Hearthstone players got ignored this Winter Veil. WoW players got gifts, including a mount and other stuff. Hearthstone got... Nothing. The Winter Veil brawl we were supposed to get was postponed (assuming it will still happen). Not that I really wanted another brawl where the only reward is card back.

We're less than a month into a new expansion. It's the holiday season. New players came in. Old players came back. Blizzard is supposedly celebrating Winter Veil and the 20th anniversary of Diablo. So, yeah, I'm kinda shocked that they aren't being even a little generous to their players. "Hmm, it's the holiday season, and we screwed up on getting the themed brawl out on time. How should we make it up to players?... Yeah, we'll just do nothing, and hope no one notices."
I think what it really comes down to is that for FTP players of Hearthstone, a free pack has far more value than a card back, and the free pack was taken away this week. Poe spends all his money on VR and Hearthstone cards, so he doesn't care if he misses out on that. ;)