Hey, Canadians!

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That's a ballsy statement, Allen.

Also, I'm gonna go vote, after all. Been depressed today, so maybe walking to the voting station will do me some good. Debating whether to vote NDP or Green.
I was torn between Green and NDP. I figured the NDP had a better chance of keeping Harper out of office hence my vote for the NDP.
I rarely disclose how I vote, though anyone who knows me would find it ridiculously easy to figure out. I especially try to avoid it if I'm encouraging someone to go vote, as I don't want them to think I'm just trying to push my views. Mostly I am just glad if I can successfully convince people to take advantage of the privilege.
Steven Harper and the conservatives have won majority.

To compare, this would be like Bush getting re-elected for Americans.

So, basically:

I understand there was some problem over voting locations, or at least misinformation? (the headline was "potential for massive voter fraud")
Went earlier today and it was very smooth and quick. While I can't say I'm happy with the results I'm not really surprised either.
It was an exciting night! I love watching elections.

What an upset for the Liberals, and wow... The Bloc was decimated! But my congratulations to the NDP, a very impressive earning, their first time sitting as our Official Opposition. Congratulations to the Conservatives for their much-sought majority parliament. I can't stand Elizabeth May, so hrmph, I say, to her election. But I suppose the first Green candidate does add one more historic moment to the election night. But a SMALL one. :p

I thought Mr. Duceppe's speech was very impressive and honourable. He boldly and unequivocally accepted blame for his party's massive defeat. Graciously congratulated Layton on giving the Quebecois a Federalist voice, and fairly advised him of his obligation to Quebec.

Also, of all the speeches, Harper's crowd was the only one that applauded, instead of booed, at the mention of rivals. That was classy. But, on the other hand, perhaps it's easy to applaud when you're the victor.

All in all, an exciting night for Canada. I had fun watching it!
I honestly figured not much would change. I thought the conservatives would hold steady +/- a few seats and that the NDP would gain a few at the expense of the Liberals. I never counted on the NDP getting 66 extra seats, the Bloc Quebecois getting decimated and the Conservatives getting a majority government. Also, kudos to the Greens for earning their first seat... hopefully Elizabeth May will be included in the leader debates in the future (I always thought it was B.S. that they excluded her).

Congrats to Jack Layton though... the man is a trooper and his charisma and smarts on how to run a campaign have done him proud (seriously... I swear every second youtube ad I had to watch was an NDP ad).

Steven Harper and the conservatives have won majority.

To compare, this would be like Bush getting re-elected for Americans.

So, basically:

Hyperbole much?
Did not see it going that way. The country's political map has completely changed. I can't believe the NDP tripled their seats, or that the Liberals and Bloc both were defeated in such numbers.
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