Hi everyone, I'm new here! ^_^ so thanks for having me...

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Hello, my name is Jerrose Salvedor, I've been in the software industry for a while and always looking to learn more and share my experiences.
In the software industry lately I have been working on a free chat product called Chatwing. I'm 33, and I live in Los Angeles California..
Chatwing sounds like some kind of superhero who travels through the internet.

Actually, that sounds pretty awesome. I call dibs on the idea.
For you lurkers out there that have yet to register, you will be considered immediately awesome if you register under the name of Chatwing.


Staff member
Liar! He's a big fat phony! His IP is the Philippines and his time zone is China. California my ass![DOUBLEPOST=1351047029][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and he's been banned.
Liar! He's a big fat phony! His IP is the Philippines and his time zone is China. California my ass![DOUBLEPOST=1351047029][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and he's been banned.
Obviously he had to route his IP through China and the Philippines to get around the restrictive Californian Internet censorship laws.

Oh wait.


Staff member
And 5 days ago on a food forum he listed his age at 25. I'm beginning to think he's not completely on the up & up with us here.
Was there some kind of link or something in the original post? If not, I don't really get the point of a spam bot if it's not trying to get people somewhere


Staff member
Testing the waters to see if the mods/admins are watching? I don't know. I can't believe the spammers who leave links get enough hits to rationalize the time & effort it takes to actually spam. Most places (Halforums included) have protections in place so that the person signing up has to be human. When they break these protections we get a large infestation like we did a couple months ago. These individual ones are actual people taking the time to sign up. Which I don't get.
Only thing I can think of is having a human do the login, then turn login info and password to the spambot.


Staff member
The worst part is I checked out the product and it doesn't look all that bad. But any company that would use spammers does not gain my trust when to use it I have to log in to their site. So no matter how good the product is, I will never try it due to tactics like this.
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