[News] Homestarrunner Coming back?

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I'm not sure how much anyone cares anymore, but Matt Chapman recently tweeted this image that pretty much says they're working on a new Strong Bad Email, and made another tweet that implies they want to go back to making Homestarrunner full-time.

no one in their right mind would willingly stop making Homestar cartoons for a living. #needlesslycryptic
The cartoons kind of lost their charm after a while, but I can't deny that I'm excited about the possibility of a Homestarrunner return.
The merchandise sales must be trickling down. Or their kids are grown up enough that they have more time. Either way, I'm having a hard time getting excited for this. I used to be a big fan who would religiously hit the refresh button every Monday, waiting for a new Strong Bad E-mail or cartoon. Except as you said, the cartoons lost their charm after awhile. I think the Chapman brothers lost steam themselves, too. Where once we had the great cartoons like the debut of Trogdor or 20X6, the humour became weirder and weirder to the point it was almost unfunny. Though they got some of that magic back just in time for the 200th e-mail, the majority of that special magic was gone.

Still, I can't deny I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for this, too.


Staff member
I was a sbemail follower for a long time, until the updates started getting sporadic. But I'm not sure the same thing would still hold my attention today. Flash-based cartoon comedy isn't as novel as it was 10 years ago.
I'd say it's one of those things I definitely outgrew, and Juski's right in that they're not all as funny as I remember. Here and there when I go to the site and rewatch them I do find ones that hold together pretty well, though generally it seems to be in the emails moreso than the cartoons/specials.

Though for whatever reason I still like trying to find all the easter egg scenes and images.
Teen Girl Squad is still as hilarious as ever.

I didn't know that Matt Chapman was writing for Yo Gabba Gabba, that's a pretty sweet gig right there.
YES! SBEMAILS may BE BACK! Oh the waiting I've dealt with, having to sit by and watch re-runs. But seriously Yo Gabba Gabba? Which eps has he written?
Step 1: Cryptically announce Homestar Runner's return on Twitter.
Step 2: Provide nothing for nearly a month.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!

Seriously, these guys used to be able to put out a new cartoon on a weekly basis. Now all they've done is a giant cock tease.
I've been generally lenient on their update skeg, since I've dealt with a lot of web-toons that don't up-date for MONTHS at a time. And not the crappy ones no, the ones who make MONEY from their flash. It irks me.
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