How do YOU deal with stress?

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Personally, I smoke too much, develop ulcers, get blinding tension headaches, go through nasty bouts of insomnia (case in point, it's 6:00am and I've been awake since 10am yesterday), and recently have developed so much tension on one side of my neck that I'm starting to pull my shoulder out of alignment.

On the other hand, I like to do a little yoga on the wii fit, cook a nice meal, clean my kitchen (down to scrubbing the floors and bleaching the counter tops) or, until 4.0.1 was released, log on my Rogue and Pwn some Alliance filth. Taking a long drive in the countryside can be nice too, if you can afford the gas. I just get in the car, pick a compass point, and head in that direction until I feel better, then turn around and/or find a hotel room. Or, if the weather cooperates, I find standing on my balcony watching it rain, with all of the lights in the house off and candles lit helps a lot - but I like rain. Other than that, pretty much everything CG said, except the Uke part. I can't play a ukulele, and apartment complexes generally tend to frown on the late night playing of saxophones, clarinets, or trombones. Oh, and not the crying. Not that I have anything against it, it's just really difficult for me to do unless I'm extremely depressed, and I'm not that far down yet.


Staff member
I finally told my wife everything that was going on and it's much better. There was stuff going on with work and home and I had no refuge. So yesterday I talked to my wife about the home stuff and my boss about the job stuff which probably saved my position.

So the stress is still there but not nearly as bad.


good to hear Dave.

What I do when I'm stress?
make a list - Find out the areas that causing me stress
write out a plan of "attack" - see if you can actually deal with the stress that you have control over. Generally, if I have no or little control over, I try not to worry about it as much. It is easier said than done, but it does help ALOT. Writing it out also a good form of venting. Sometimes I start writing something and just deletes it (or not saving it) and it makes me feel better.
Take up a physical activity - it is not good to be sitting and coup up all the time. You need to release some of that energy. You can go punch a bag (I have one at my house that I use) and just keep going until you feel better. You be surprise how much physical activity can help.
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