How Do You Make a Living?

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I'd like to know what everyone does here for their job! :)
I myself am a web designer who works in a fancy little office in a big building. My tasks variate between designing huge Content Management Systems and for big businesses to creating flash videos for tiny companies you've never heard of. It's a pretty fun job, and I get to be creative. The pay isn't so bad either if I say so myself. :p

How about you? :)


Staff member
Quality Assurance Specialist at a University in Omaha, Nebraska. Basically if the counselors don't do their jobs I say, "Naughty, naughty!" and then they have to kiss my ass.

edit: You're going to be surprised at the professionals we have here. Per capita we have more people here with advanced degrees than any other place I've ever seen.


Quality Assurance Specialist at a University in Omaha, Nebraska. Basically if the counselors don't do their jobs I say, "Naughty, naughty!" and then they have to kiss my ass.

edit: You're going to be surprised at the professionals we have here. Per capita we have more people here with advanced degrees than any other place I've ever seen.
Does it make you feel all man like?


Staff member
Only when they beg me for their jobs. I make them kiss my pinky ring and genuflect.


I have no job sadly. I am a law student which means that I am in the process of spending money now in the hopes of making money later.

But when I did have a job I was a preschool teacher. I loved it.
Graduate student. We get a stipend. It allows me to have shelter and food, which is better than the majority of the world, so I am grateful.
Right now I don't, I live with my parents and they pay for everything... Wich, while greatly greatly convenient, makes me feel bad sometimes. Right now I'm studying a Master's degree in scriptwriting, directing and producing, and I hope to be able to make a living being a university teacher and a writer or, ideally, just writing.
I work for a smallish bank. I'm a computer operator, I do pretty much anything involving computers. I also get the mind shatteringly boring job of reconciling our accounts with other banks, and some internal accounts. Plus any other odd jobs no one else wants to do.
currently I am contracted by CompuCom to work for Intel as a PCLD Tech but I hope to get moved up to a Service Center Tech position the next time a spot opens.
I used to work doing motion graphics for game shows and medical DVD's until I went back to grad school. Now I'm a full time student, an adjunct professor at a local college and I manage a independent coffee shop. I stay busy.

Wasabi Poptart

Stay-at-home mom to two children (4 years old and 5 months old) and full-time college student majoring in psychology. I was a casino finance supervisor. I also worked as the accounts manager/delivery person/salesperson for my parents' saw sharpening business. I worked in retail for a while and had several secretarial jobs, too.


I make boxes. Corrugated cardboard to be exact.

For now at least.

I took this job because it kept me in the paper converting/printing industry. I've spent the last 15 years working on various types of printing presses. I've made everything from wrappers for fast food places on a 5 color, old ass Kidder-Stacey press, to making kool-aid packages ore-ida bags on a 5 year old 10 collor Rotomec rotogravure press. Currently I am working on a 10-15 year old rotary die sheet fed press that I am enjoying very much. the pay sux though.
I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.


I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?
I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.


Staff member
I actually had to leave my job, and I'm aggravated about it. It means I'm totally dependent on the parents, maybe even til the summer. I'm guaranteed a job then with my old boss both in the dorms as a desk worker AND at the summer class center as an operator. I was a desk worker for years, but they could only offer me hours from 1am - 4am this semester, so I said so long. There's no way I can work that on my schedule. I'm in the process of looking for another campus job or a tutoring gig. There are a few of those available, but a lot are high school. On weekends I'll probably be cooking for my neighbor as much as possible... not much, but something at least. At least I'll have plenty to do, school-wise, so I don't feel totally useless.
I'm an intern at a small wealth management firm, so I do all the work that my bosses don't have time to do or don't want to do. Lately, most of that work as been revolving around cost basis. It's a good job, but I'll be so glad after April 15th when we're finally done with all this.
Cloud of smoke and I'll appear, some would say a master of surprise. I've been called a cunning mind, hiding behind a shadowy disguise. Sometimes I don't even really know for sure, I do know however, that all the guys are out of luck.
I used to be a Medical billing analyst until the "layoff". Right now, I'm a customer service rep at an inbound call center while going to school for an IT degree.

Incidentally, YAY, I'm employed again!


I used to work for a big Pharma company in conjunction with my research being done at a Children's Hospital, but since management people are greedy idiots, I lost my position after a whopping 8 months because my entire department got shit canned. I now work at a university that's in the same city running the Mass Spec in their core facility. The pay is about half of what I earned before, but good for a job that I found almost a month after I got dumped. Little do they know, I have a professor position lined up in August at nearby community college (actually they do know, which is why their kissing my ass in hopes I stay). Muahahhahahahahahaaha!

On the side, I run a janitorial business with my wife where I get to yell at lazy immigrants when they don't clean right.
I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.[/QUOTE]

He makes every moment a Kick the Dog moment.


Damn, we have a lot of talented people here... Anyway I pretty much try and survive in any country Im in, and currently I'm working as an English, Malay and Portuguese teacher, while teaching Yoga and the odd translation/interpreter job.

Funnily, I graduated in Advertising and Islamic Theology, go figure.
I wander the people.
Man, that was my line back in the imageboards, when I actually did wander around.

I feel old.
I taser people indiscriminently, I beat suspects mercilessly and I'm super rude and the worst thing that has ever existed.

At least, according to most people I meet.
Whoa. You're a cop in my town?[/QUOTE]

Nay sir, I'm a cop in every town. We're all the worst people. When we wake up in the mornings, all we think about is how we can make the lives of the people we "protect" miserable. Hell, I think we eat babies sometimes, just for kicks.[/QUOTE]

He makes every moment a Kick the Dog moment.[/QUOTE]

TV TROPES? NOOOOOOOOOOOO *gets pulled into a vortex and does not emerge for 3 hours*


I'm a pimp. It's quite hard out here for me. Indeed.

You lucky you ain't flaunting yo shit on my corna, mmmhmm. Ain't no one got no bottom bitch like Chaz da pimp. Bow Chica Bow WoW!
I develop software for my municipality and I'm something like the Database Administrator here. Basically I am the one to blame if someone's taxes are miscalculated.
Currently working in procurement for metal fabrication company. I spend the day negotiating deals, spending money and talking like Cartman. "You're bustin my balls here man, you're bustin my balls."


Teaching in Ch-Ch-China....BUT my contract runs soon so I'm looking for other work.
Isnt a team of black-clad Chinese special police supposed to burst through your window and take you away for just entering here?
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