How much Coke is too much Coke?

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I have one or two cans a day and that's it. It's the only caffeine that I get as I don't drink coffee.

10 liters? Insanity.
The father's comments that he didn't think anything of it at the time, he thought it was like drinking water, are just as nuts as Coca-Cola's defense that they think there's no evidence drinking 10 liters of Coke a day can be a detriment to your health. The story is just a huge bag of insanity.
Oh man. Ouch.

I used to drink way too damn much pop in high school (1-1.5L/day) and quitting cold when I was 19 is one of the best decisions I made. Now (I'm 24) I get the occasionally craving for pop and if I have one, I usually can't finish it, it's just sooo damn sweet.

10L/day. I can't imagine.

I feel badly for her and her family.
I drink a can or two of Coke Zero a day, and I want to cut that out completely too. I can't imagine 10L.
Uh, soft drinks.

The best way to start living healthy is to completely remove soft drinks from one's diet.

I was drinking 2L of Mountain Dew per day as an undergrad. One day I was in the lab and measured out the ~250 grams of sugar that I was consuming every day, and about fell over. I stopped drinking it after that.

I now have the occasional Coke Zero or Diet Pepsi, but I haven't had a full-sugar soda in years. I am trying to cut soda out completely, but Mexican food and pizza wouldn't be the same w/o it!


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Jeez you guys drink/drank a lot of soda. Maybe 2-4x a month. It starts tasting gross beyond that. It reminds me of downing maple syrup with bubbles.
Jeez you guys drink/drank a lot of soda. Maybe 2-4x a month. It starts tasting gross beyond that. It reminds me of downing maple syrup with bubbles.
Bro-fisted for the description. I periodically remind myself that soda is liquid candy. Still, I go through phases where I drink to much, such as the last week or two. :-\
This is so true. I rarely have pop in my apartment and often eat pizza only to get a never-sated craving for some.
For me it's pizza, burgers, or hot dogs. I couldn't imagine going to a Giants game and having water with my hot dog. It would just be wrong.


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Jeez you guys drink/drank a lot of soda. Maybe 2-4x a month. It starts tasting gross beyond that. It reminds me of downing maple syrup with bubbles.
That's why I like this:
Dry soda, it's got like half the sugar of most sodas, or less. I still only drink some every week or two, but I wish there were more sodas like this.

Although, Izze-esque is pretty good too.


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I like to have a soda with pretty much any hot meal. I hate drinking plain water with food.

Where I really overdue my soda use? When I'm playing a video game. I'll drink when I get a breath and tend to drink half the can as I don't know when I'll be able to drink again. So I go through a lot. It's worse when I have a glass instead of a can because it's harder to determine the total intake.
Yeah, it's the "mouthfeel" that gets me too, more often than not. The fact that it's technically a liquid, but really it's a syrup with carbonation. I still have a can of soda every once in a while, at work where they're free or at home if we order pizza, but not like when I was living with my parents and they kept a fridge in the basement just to keep soda and beer cold, and I'd have several cans a day.
I haven't touched pop in a long, long time with one exception: when I see a movie at the theatre. Then, root beer's the only thing that goes with popcorn. :D
I like to have a soda with pretty much any hot meal. I hate drinking plain water with food.

Where I really overdue my soda use? When I'm playing a video game. I'll drink when I get a breath and tend to drink half the can as I don't know when I'll be able to drink again. So I go through a lot. It's worse when I have a glass instead of a can because it's harder to determine the total intake.
I'm the same with video games, which is why I had to just straight stop drinking soda when I gamed. I would grab two cans and before I knew I was done one of them, they'd both be empty. Mindless consumption.
I get a 20 oz bottle and split it between two days. I used to drink soda a lot, but have cut back quite a bit. I'd rather drink iced tea or flavored seltzer.


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How has this NOT been posted yet?!

Fun fact - before I gave it up (and cold turkey, THAT was fun), I was up to 2+ liters a day. Now I don't feel as clever and quick as I was back then. But everybody tells me I'm WAY less of an asshole.
Man, as a kid I drank way too much soda. As in, it was the only liquid I drank throughout the day. When I grew up and realized how incredibly bad that was for you, I cut soda out of my diet completely and now drink only water. It was a really hard transition to make, because I -really- fucking wanted a coke, but not buying it and stocking bottled water in my home instead eventually did the trick. Now water is delicious.


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Man, as a kid I drank way too much soda. As in, it was the only liquid I drank throughout the day. When I grew up and realized how incredibly bad that was for you, I cut soda out of my diet completely and now drink only water. It was a really hard transition to make, because I -really- fucking wanted a coke, but not buying it and stocking bottled water in my home instead eventually did the trick. Now water is delicious.
I hear you. When I was in my teens and 20s, Mountain Dew in the wide mouth can was the fuel that kept my afterburner going 24/7. Went through a 6 pack a day of those back in high school. As I mentioned, when I finally quit, I was at the point of buying a 2 liter of diet (my one previous concession, to avoid adult acne) on my way into work in the morning and it would be gone by the time I went home.
I cannot imagine drinking that much soda in one day. Even when I did drink soda it was usually only 1 or 2 cans a day and even with that I felt bleh and decided to cut it out of my diet years ago.


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I used to be terribly addicted to Wild Cherry Pepsi.

I made the move to La Croix and/or carbonated water (with slight flavoring) because I've found that I'm more into the carbonation than the sweet.

Diet/No-Calorie soda creeps me out because of aspartame.


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I love water. I especially like it cold from the cooler at work. If I'm hot and sweaty, I like to imagine I just dipped it out of a mountain stream. Don't get me wrong, now. I do like soda, but not too much. I had two cans of Coke in one day a few months back because they were free, and bleh, that second one was nasty, and my teeth felt like they were wearing socks.
I may be a fatass, but if there is one thing my parents did right by me and my siblings, it was getting us off cola. I will only on occasion have a Dr. Pepper, and that's only a small cup of it when I go out to a fast food place with other people. Usually I'm either drinking water or teas. If I try to drink a regular cola now, it makes me so sick that I will start coughing up blobs of syrup. It's disgusting! :puke:


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I'd been drinking a lot of Dr. Pepper 10 last year. This winter, I got a terrible sinus infection and completely lost my taste for it. I was drinking it mostly as a ritual; it got me through the second half of my work day. After two weeks of not being able to take anything in but water and soup, they just taste funny now. I'm back to the occasional club soda with a bit of lime or cranberry juice.
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