How to Attract a Woman

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Element 117

what really scares me is that this guy puts "scary rapist" waaay too close to "confidence guys need to date women" and there might actually be influenced creeps out there that just go "fuck it, lets rape someone" today.

Toronto Stud

What an AWESOME thread! I'm a journalism student in Toronto, Canada, working on a report on local celebrity "Dimitri The Lover". I conducted a quick Google search and came across this blog discussion. There is strong evidence pointing at the fact that the "Douchey voicemails" are merely viral marketing for a Hollywood film by producer Brad Goodman of Borat, Bruno, Religulous, etc. There is a press release which includes the movie trailer here, Dimitri The Lover Movie Production Team Hosts First Press Conference to Screen Work in Progress and mention of the film on Dimitri The Lover's twitter here DIMITRI THE LOVER (dimitrithelover) on Twitter.

I am still researching the subject, but will keep you guys in the loop.

Toronto Stud

No troll. I'm studying Journalism at Ryerson University in Toronto. The viral marketing hoax is unsubstantiated. I've been trying to get commentary from Dimitri's production company or his mananger, but with no luck. A really bizarre email surfaced in which he endorsed one of the local Mayor candidates. He then took single-handed credit for his surge in the polls (a big of megalomania on Dimitri's part). Overall quite an interesting character.

Toronto Stud

Overall quite an interesting character.
He should be shot.[/QUOTE]

Can I quote you on that? lol! Opinion locally from many groups seems to mirror your own, but there are just as many fans. Interestingly, gay males like myself find Dimitri amusing, but lesbians loathe him. I have to run off to class now. I found the endorsement email Dimitri fired off here Dimitri the Lover Endorses Rob Ford in Email We'd Rather Not Share - Torontoist and also you might find this Page 3 article in the Toronto Sun on his "celebrity endorsement" of Rob Ford amusing. Mike Strobel is one of my favourite local writers, and a man I hope to one day emulate when I am a full fledged journalist These mayoral endorsements worth celebrating | Mike Strobel | Columnists | News | Toronto Sun

Element 117

Dear Toronto Stud: you might want to shore up your credibility by introducing yourself by name and giving us an idea who you are beyond the context of this thread; because as it is, posting in here as "Toronto stud" may skew opinions of why you're here.

(Also, I don't loathe him, but I sure as hell would taser him on sight for my own personal safety.)


If he were in some kind of porn site instead of a creepy weirdo posing as a doctor I might not care. As is, yeah taser him.. taser him right in his balls.

Toronto Stud

Dear Toronto Stud: you might want to shore up your credibility by introducing yourself by name and giving us an idea who you are beyond the context of this thread; because as it is, posting in here as "Toronto stud" may skew opinions of why you're here.

(Also, I don't loathe him, but I sure as hell would taser him on sight for my own personal safety.)

My name is Jamie Smith. I'm on Facebook in Toronto. I'm posing with my dog Noir. My boyfriend Todd took the photo. She passed away a few months ago. Anyway, I'll check the discussion after class
You breath calmly. After a few seconds, the psychologist continues, "Now where did the bad thread touch you?"

Suddenly the room starts to spin, and you awaken alone on a nice soft floor in a padded white room...
Overall quite an interesting character.
He should be shot.[/QUOTE]

I think the point is that he might be a made-up character, similar along the lines of Borat and Bruno.[/QUOTE]

Except Sasha Baron Cohen is a comedian and James Sears is a disgraced former doctor and sex offender.[/QUOTE]

Cannot stress that last part enough. When one has one's practicing license revoked for molesting patients, it DOES tend to throw a lack of credibility on one's status. I will give Sears credit for delving into the psyche and figuring out which buttons to push with a select portion of the female population, but he destroys this effort with his underlying skeeziness. It's one thing to work the "dominant male" angle, quite another to say that "all women want to be gang-banged."

tl;dr 6/10 troll, who's unfortunately going to get his 15 minutes.

---------- Post added at 01:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

So, did Dimitri just post here?
Yeah, just a little bit. He does, after all have plenty of time on his hands, when he's not working on his film script on the weekends.
Some recent photos show Dimitri at a local high school. He runs an extracurricular workshop that teaches introductory courtship skills.

Dear Toronto Stud: you might want to shore up your credibility by introducing yourself by name and giving us an idea who you are beyond the context of this thread; because as it is, posting in here as "Toronto stud" may skew opinions of why you're here.

(Also, I don't loathe him, but I sure as hell would taser him on sight for my own personal safety.)

My name is Jamie Smith. I'm on Facebook in Toronto. I'm posing with my dog Noir. My boyfriend Todd took the photo. She passed away a few months ago. Anyway, I'll check the discussion after class[/QUOTE]

I presume it to be this one?
Jamie Smith | Facebook - Enter at your own peril.
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