hypothetical questions thread!

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I think the best answer to that is "I'm as ready as I'll ever be"

You find a magic fish that will grant you three wishes! What do you wish for?
a kitchen with modern appliances
some bread crumbs
the magic fish to taste great when breaded and baked

Somebody has kicked you out of bed for eating crackers. How do you get revenge?

Kitty Sinatra

I've already had my crackers, so I'm happy. Don't need revenge.

Which celebrity would you smurf, and how? (please don't define "smurf" in your answer)
I think if you accidentally coke bottle, you've overdosed on about a bottle's worth of coke.

What is best in life?


The best in life is being a memory for another person.

What would you do if the most important thing to you was suddenly gone?

Kitty Sinatra

What would you do if the most important thing to you was suddenly gone?
I'd just woo a new lover.

If you were a mod here, which threads would you merge just for the smurf of merging threads?
A giraffe and a dung beetle. Funny times ensue. Then I would merge that with Courtney Love... and shoot it.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza. Not my favorite food, but I never get tired of it.
If you could only get one tv station, which would you choose? (you cant watch tv shows on dvd or the internet)
If you could have appeared in, or played some role in any movie or Tv show, what show or movie would you be in and what would your character be like?


Staff member
I played Joy in an excerpt from Shadowlands when I was in high school. I think I did ok. It would be fun to take another stab at it. Also, if there was ever a film for A Little Night Music, and I was old enough, I'd totally try and play the grandmother. I love the song Liaisons. Really, any smart-assed old women from a musical... those are the roles I was meant to play. I was a mean Bloody Mary in South Pacific, too. ^_^

Would you let go of your best talent in order to become really good at something else you're interested in? Example: Say you're an excellent writer, but you wish you know how to play violin (and you're not good with music). If you were given the chance, would you give up your ability to write in order to play violin beautifully.
Yes, in a heartbeat. For piano, guitar, dancing, drawing, or writing. Of course, I don't actually have any talent, so that's a problem there.

When can I tap that?


Staff member
I do, I do! I need one, actually. :( This week's been almost completely hugless.

If you could never get colds again but also never get hugged again, would you? (not me :( )
Heck no. I don't mind a sniffle. Though I've only been hugged by my father and my neighbour, this week :-(

If a tree falls on a mime in a forest with no-one to see it, is it still funny?


Staff member
Mimes getting injured is always hilarious. (Also, ty Gusto ^_^)

Would you give up talking on the phone or texting first?


Staff member
*high five* Yes, you should, Bubs. Twice, in fact.

So here's a question: Do you think anyone besides the 3 of us will post in this thread within the hour?
True that. Still, I think she really is.

Does she know full well how cute she looks, or is her innocence part of her cute?
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