I can has kitteh!

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You know what pet I've always wanted to have, though? An english Bulldog. They look more little monsters than dogs, and I really love their looks and, as far as I've been able to find out on the internet, their general personality is also kick ass!

Oh, and, of course, there's also my childhood dream of owning a cool cool penguin.
Strange story:
My dream dog was Welsch Corgi ($900-1200 most retailers) and my GF's was an English Bulldog ($3000-3500), but the price and our small living area (with no backyard) we didn't plan on getting a dog anytime soon. (We already had 2 ferrets, 1 cat, 3 mice and 12 fish) so we were in no rush to get more pets.

Long story short, we were at the animal shelter, looking around as usual (no intentions of taking anything but just there to browse) when we found a full breed dachshund that had just been picked up the day before. Found wandering after at least 2 weeks abandoned. It was skin and bones and my GF was smitten.

So yeah, we have a dachshund now, couldn't be more pleased even with our previous "wanted dog dreams".
Heh, you should've seen them last night. There was a fireworks display nearby. I checked on them as soon as it was over. They were all hiding underneath the shed again. As soon as they saw me all four of them emerged and ran to me. The fireworks must have scared the crap out of them because that was the most pathetic meowing I've ever heard. If I'd taken a video of that I'm sure people would be clamoring to adopt them.


Staff member
Heh, you should've seen them last night. There was a fireworks display nearby. I checked on them as soon as it was over. They were all hiding underneath the shed again. As soon as they saw me all four of them emerged and ran to me. The fireworks must have scared the crap out of them because that was the most pathetic meowing I've ever heard. If I'd taken a video of that I'm sure people would be clamoring to adopt them.
As creepy as this will sound with my current avatar...


I'd help you out, bro... but cats aren't allowed in our building. Plus I'm in Finland, so... :tear:
One of my friends here told me the local humane society is a no-kill establishment. But the kittens will have to pass a few tests in order to get accepted. First, they have to be friendly and sociable. Check. Next, they need to weigh 1.5 pounds each. How should I fatten them up? Feed them larger amounts of food? Feed them more often? Force-feed them a box of corn starch?
They're a lot more energetic now. I think they're also beginning to associate humans with comfort and safety. Remember that grey kitten that was a bit skittish in my second video? He's not like that anymore. He's become the friendliest kitteh, especially when it's close to feeding time.

By the way, I introduced them to tuna today. They acted like crack addicts trying to get their next fix. I thought they were going to pass out with their faces in the food dish.


Staff member
Great, you've introduced them to the gateway drug. Before you know it, they'll be selling belly rubs to get their next hit of catnip! ;)
Good news, everyone! The humane society came by and took the kittens in. They will NOT be put down. I'll post the farewell pics and video later today.
Even though I know the kittehs are being taken care of, I miss them now. It felt good knowing that the four little guys (well, two guys and two girls) were waiting for me to get back from class.
Here's a little update. I visited the humane society a few days ago. All four kittehs have officially been adopted. Three of them were taken as soon as they were put on the adoption list. The fourth (he was the gray one with the white chin) had to wait a bit because he got a cold. But the end result is each of them is now part of a family.
You live in Hawaii?

Need a roommate?
Haha it's funny you should ask that. I'm supposed to have a roommate but he never showed up. So I have the entire hotel room to myself (the hotel leased out a building for student housing) am paying only the shared rate since the rent is on my lease.

But you don't want to live in Waikiki Beach, do you? :)
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