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I fear Oprah.



This is why:


The fist paragraph made me laugh. And it's the primary reason I kept reading the article. I was sure there was more anti-male gold to be found. Sure enough there was, but this lady was contemplating leaving her no good, dirty, rotten husband because he has a porn collection... What a son of a bitch, really. :pud:

The rest of it well... I admit the dude had rage issues, but I love how everything his fault. Everything is a vacuum. The relationship has it's problems because of his rage issue. That's it.

As an aside, what normal human being doesn't at least mutter, friggin old bag, when it comes to waiting for the little old lady to finish making her 5 minute decision to finally make a turn?




Chaz, buddy. You are so very, very wrong here I can't fathom the depth of your wrongness.

I have seen guys like this who have anger issues snap over small shit. He was not physically abusive, but I would say that it was probably going to happen, especially after he grabbed her and told her that she was making him do it, which is the classic self-delusion that abusers use.

As someone who has had to look into a mirror about anger issues and a gambling addiction I can safely say that this was probably the major sticking point in the relationship. Yes, there had to be other issues, but this was the one that had to be reconciled or it was over.




Oh, and my wife had a lot of trouble with the fact that had porn at first, but she finally realized that it had nothing to do with her and it was not "an addiction".




I fear Oprah because she gives idiot nutbags like Jenny McCarthy a podium from which to shriek her delusional antivax bullshit.



Chaz, buddy. You are so very, very wrong here I can't fathom the depth of your wrongness.

I have seen guys like this who have anger issues snap over small shit. He was not physically abusive, but I would say that it was probably going to happen, especially after he grabbed her and told her that she was making him do it, which is the classic self-delusion that abusers use.

As someone who has had to look into a mirror about anger issues and a gambling addiction I can safely say that this was probably the major sticking point in the relationship. Yes, there had to be other issues, but this was the one that had to be reconciled or it was over.
Well my main issue is with the porn collection = lecherous bastard opener.

The dude had rage issues, no doubt, but I doubt the whole fiasco was one sided.

---------- Post added at 03:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:12 PM ----------

I fear Oprah because she gives idiot nutbags like Jenny McCarthy a podium from which to shriek her delusional antivax bullshit.
I love how Polio and Measles cases are back on the rise! 58 cases of Measles in 2007. Over 1,000 in 2009 with 3 deaths as a result.

Don't bring up the anti vaccination campaign. I'm starting to rage myself over thinking about it too much.


Wasabi Poptart

I fear Oprah because she gives idiot nutbags like Jenny McCarthy a podium from which to shriek her delusional antivax bullshit.




Now THAT makes me fear Oprah and her bully pulpit of outreach to millions of vacuous housewives who believe a talkshow host and her unqualified guests over people with years and decades of medical experience and training.

But the article itself was well done and showed that the porn thing was not about the porn but about the fact that he hid it from her, which she took to be a trust issue. She started by saying it was perverted but by the end was saying it reminded her of her first husband who hid the financial difficulties from her. Now, both of the men are doing it for laudable reasons - teh porn guy because he didn't want to get yelled at and the finances guy because he tried to shoulder all of the burdens himself. What neither guy did was include his wife in their life. You know as well as I do that secrets in a marriage are poison.

I think you read the first paragraph and it colored your views of it from there.




I'd rather watch Tyra, and that's saying something :bush:




I have a brother with anger management issues but I know him well enough to know what sets him off and what cools him down. His ex didn't. What to her were random bouts of anger, were, to me, pretty predictable and often, she was the one to trigger them (or make them far worse). When she used to live in with my brother and me before I moved out, I often saw cases where she should have had the common sense to leave him be but instead she "poked the bear". In other words: if you know your husband/wife has a short temper, don't make it worse you dolt. There's a reason two people with short tempers just don't work - the other person needs to be the opposite & calm by nature to balance the other.

Still, abusing your wife is a big step up since anger and abuse are on a different plane all together and so "not done". I still don't get why women so often go for violent men. I've heard the same story from dozens of girls and women online, and it's always the same thing: she knew he had a short temper and that he could get violent, but she thought she could change him *facepalm*.

It's like the joke:
Women want their man to change after marriage but are upset because he doesn't.
Men are upset because they don't want their wife to change, but she does.

In high school, I daily saw girls falling for the "rebels" which were nearly always assholes with bad attitudes and short tempers. I was more annoyed with the girls than at the guys because after the unavoidable break up, they then came running at me for a shoulder to cry on (yes, I was that kind of guy sadly enough). After two years of this, I got pretty annoyed by it and actually started berating them, telling them that if they were going to go with that type of guy, they were going to get the same thing every single damn time! It's like sticking your hand in the cage of a tiger - YOU are the dumb ass who put your arm in there when you should be smart enough to know a tiger is not a kitten.




Blaming the victim. Awesome.

And this guy was on the verge of physical abuse as he'd already exhibited signs such as grabbing her, etc.




Blaming the victim. Awesome.

And this guy was on the verge of physical abuse as he'd already exhibited signs such as grabbing her, etc.
She'd be a victim if he'd done this unprovoked, but the fact is she knew this was a hot button issue and kept pressing it. What he did wasn't right by any stretch of the imagination, but what she did wasn't exactly the smartest move ether. Both are to blame.



Dave, it's only his fault if he's a cop, get it right.




no, the cop would only be fulfilling his duty to protect society from his crazy wife...



I'm sorry, did you think I was talking to or about you?




It is a free world, and I am no cop.




The problem with getting one side of the story is that you only get one side of the story.



The problem with getting one side of the story is that you only get one side of the story.
Stop talking sense you!




But the article itself was well done and showed that the porn thing was not about the porn but about the fact that he hid it from her, which she took to be a trust issue.
Man hides porn, News at 11.

seriously men hide porn like squirrels gather nuts. pun completely intentional.



Well, first off, this is the Oprah site we're talking about - everything in it is 100% suspect and unverified.

Second? Yeah, Oprah is terrifying, in that millions of people actually buy her sensationalist bullshit.

Finally, anger management issues >>>>>> porn collection in terms of a problem. Stupid squeamish American values - would you rather have a sexually active(but faithful) spouse or a violent one? Isn't this a no-brainer? Although I may get on them for not telling about - hard to work it without trust.



It's like the joke:
Women want their man to change after marriage but are upset because he doesn't.
Men are upset because they don't want their wife to change, but she does.

In high school, I daily saw girls falling for the "rebels" which were nearly always assholes with bad attitudes and short tempers. I was more annoyed with the girls than at the guys because after the unavoidable break up, they then came running at me for a shoulder to cry on (yes, I was that kind of guy sadly enough). After two years of this, I got pretty annoyed by it and actually started berating them, telling them that if they were going to go with that type of guy, they were going to get the same thing every single damn time! It's like sticking your hand in the cage of a tiger - YOU are the dumb ass who put your arm in there when you should be smart enough to know a tiger is not a kitten.

Blaming the victim. Awesome.
In this case, yes. Absolutely yes. Because they willingly became a victim over the singular dumbass thought that they can tame the "bad guy" into some house husband who is still bad. It's ridiculous. The jackass guy is wrong for being a jackass guy, sure, but the vapid vacuum-brained women who flock to these men are to blame for their stupidity as well. You don't blame a bear who got fed food from humans at a campsite for tearing the place up after they stop with the hand-outs; you blame the humans for being morons.




My brother is this type of person. He is also alarmingly charming. Until you know him better he's a great guy. I know we are only getting one side to this story, but the whole premise of the OP is that the article revolves around PORN = WARRLGARBL which is not correct.



I walked in on the other half while he was watching some compooter pron. He immediately shut it down and looked all "omg I r so caughted!" I kissed him on the top of the head and told him I honestly didn't care if he looked at porn. I was serious and went ab out my business... I'm not sure if he believed me though lol.




I walked in on the other half while he was watching some compooter pron. He immediately shut it down and looked all "omg I r so caughted!" I kissed him on the top of the head and told him I honestly didn't care if he looked at porn. I was serious and went ab out my business... I'm not sure if he believed me though lol.
Heh, that's how it goes around here sometimes. And he does believe me that I don't care, but he still gets so adorably embarrassed.

I think the only way it would bother me is if he got off on something really disturbing, like CP or that fetish where people kill kittens by stepping on them. As it is, whatever.



that fetish where people kill kittens by stepping on them. As it is, whatever.
I don't say this often...

But I think it's time to alert 4chan.



Wait wait....you mean your NOT evil when you have a huge porn collection???

Now what the Hell am I going to do with all this porn now? ;)



Now what the Hell am I going to do with all this porn now? ;)


I fear people who pay attention to this Oprah creature.




Finally, anger management issues >>>>>> porn collection in terms of a problem. Stupid squeamish American values - would you rather have a sexually active(but faithful) spouse or a violent one? Isn't this a no-brainer? Although I may get on them for not telling about - hard to work it without trust.
Agreed. The fellow swears he's not into porn, but if I ever catch him, it'll be a huge "who cares" moment. If you're dating a heterosexual man, chances are he'll be looking at woman that aren't you. That doesn't suggest a lack of devotion.

As for the anger situation... I understand Chaz's initial reaction. With Lifetime, Oxygen, Oprah, I guess guys sometimes feel like we're out to get them and demonize them. But that much anger is a serious problem, regardless of what else went on in their relationship, and I'm happy he sought help.



Wait wait....you mean your NOT evil when you have a huge porn collection???

Now what the Hell am I going to do with all this porn now? ;)
All that work wasted! Now you'll have to find a new way to get into Hell.

My wife thinks it would be weird if I didn't look/collect porn. She sees it as it is intended a supplement, not a replacement of her.

Plus about half the time she catches me she'll help out.




I fear people who pay attention to this Oprah creature.
There are books I actually want to read, but won't, for no better reason than that they were on Oprah's book club.



Wait wait....you mean your NOT evil when you have a huge porn collection???

Now what the Hell am I going to do with all this porn now? ;)
All that work wasted! Now you'll have to find a new way to get into Hell.

My wife thinks it would be weird if I didn't look/collect porn. She sees it as it is intended a supplement, not a replacement of her.

Plus about half the time she catches me she'll help out.[/QUOTE]

I believe it should be added as a sub section to the male user guide. We must speak with others and have it inscribed. :D



I fear people who pay attention to this Oprah creature.
There are books I actually want to read, but won't, for no better reason than that they were on Oprah's book club.[/QUOTE]

in a way thats paying her attention...




I fear people who pay attention to this Oprah creature.
There are books I actually want to read, but won't, for no better reason than that they were on Oprah's book club.[/quote]

in a way thats paying her attention...[/QUOTE]

Well, then, fear me if that's the point you're making. :rolleyes:



Well, then, fear me if that's the point you're making. :rolleyes:
I do, for reasons beyond the pale.



It's like the joke:
Women want their man to change after marriage but are upset because he doesn't.
Men are upset because they don't want their wife to change, but she does.

In high school, I daily saw girls falling for the "rebels" which were nearly always assholes with bad attitudes and short tempers. I was more annoyed with the girls than at the guys because after the unavoidable break up, they then came running at me for a shoulder to cry on (yes, I was that kind of guy sadly enough). After two years of this, I got pretty annoyed by it and actually started berating them, telling them that if they were going to go with that type of guy, they were going to get the same thing every single damn time! It's like sticking your hand in the cage of a tiger - YOU are the dumb ass who put your arm in there when you should be smart enough to know a tiger is not a kitten.

Blaming the victim. Awesome.
In this case, yes. Absolutely yes. Because they willingly became a victim over the singular dumbass thought that they can tame the "bad guy" into some house husband who is still bad. It's ridiculous. The jackass guy is wrong for being a jackass guy, sure, but the vapid vacuum-brained women who flock to these men are to blame for their stupidity as well. You don't blame a bear who got fed food from humans at a campsite for tearing the place up after they stop with the hand-outs; you blame the humans for being morons.[/QUOTE]

There are several complicating factors, though. The anger issues only started cropping up gradually, once they had been going steady for a while. There were kids involved. Lastly, the tone of the writing rather suggests that this lady is not from the sort of place where divorcees are looked upon with kindness. It's not just a case of someone who was an outright psycho from the start who she's sticking with despite a liberal background re: divorce and separation and no material ties keeping them together. Even if you don't agree with her decision (and hell, I don't, though it's apparently worked out for her), it is at least possible to sympathise with it.

Oh, and incidentally, the anger-management lady and the one who found her husband's porn stash are two separate people. The former decided to stay with her husband, and the problem apparently went away after counselling. The latter was thinking of divorcing hers - outcome unknown there.




Here's the secret, she's just as afraid of you as you are of her. Just look her in the eyes and throw her a sandwich. She won't back down but then you can slowly move away.



Here's the secret, she's just as afraid of you as you are of her. Just look her in the eyes and throw her a sandwich. She won't back down but then you can slowly move away.
If she starts rifling through your bins at two in the morning, though, shoot on sight.




Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
Jesus christ.




Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
I actually found this part to be the most disturbing.


Kitty Sinatra

that fetish where people kill kittens by stepping on them.



Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
I actually found this part to be the most disturbing.
I would be creeped out by this... if I didn't know of a couple who would quite conceivably do this, were one of them poetically-inclined.

They're both good friends of mine, they've been together since halfway through senior school, and they are, collectively, the cutest thing ever. Sometimes, the mush works.




Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
I actually found this part to be the most disturbing.
I would be creeped out by this... if I didn't know of a couple who would quite conceivably do this, were one of them poetically-inclined.

They're both good friends of mine, they've been together since halfway through senior school, and they are, collectively, the cutest thing ever. Sometimes, the mush works.[/QUOTE]

It's not so much the mushiness that bothers me, as it is the common princess delusion.



Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
I actually found this part to be the most disturbing.
I would be creeped out by this... if I didn't know of a couple who would quite conceivably do this, were one of them poetically-inclined.

They're both good friends of mine, they've been together since halfway through senior school, and they are, collectively, the cutest thing ever. Sometimes, the mush works.[/QUOTE]

It's not so much the mushiness that bothers me, as it is the common princess delusion.[/QUOTE]

Oh, quite so - I was sort of assuming that the only reason she was suggesting it was because it had been mentioned in the conversation by the other speaker (gosh - poetry and anger issues, a volatile combination). If it were just 'I want a man who reads me poetry' clean out the blue, I'd be more weirded-out. As is, it sounded from the context more like "Oh, hey, he does that for you? That's so sweet!"

That's my interpretation, at least.




It's not so much the mushiness that bothers me, as it is the common princess delusion.
*dances around screaming Amen, revival style*




It's not so much the mushiness that bothers me, as it is the common princess delusion.
*dances around screaming Amen, revival style*[/QUOTE]

Admit it, CG... You'd love to be treated like a princess occasionally.





It's not so much the mushiness that bothers me, as it is the common princess delusion.
*dances around screaming Amen, revival style*[/QUOTE]

Admit it, CG... You'd love to be treated like a princess occasionally.






It's not so much the mushiness that bothers me, as it is the common princess delusion.
*dances around screaming Amen, revival style*[/QUOTE]

Admit it, CG... You'd love to be treated like a princess occasionally.











Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
Jesus christ.
Roses are red, violets are blue... make me breakfast bitch.




Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
Jesus christ.
Roses are red, violets are blue... make me breakfast bitch.[/QUOTE]

...and some coffee too! *spank*



Lacey sipped and sighed. "I want a husband like yours," she told me. "Someone who reads me love poems over breakfast."
Jesus christ.
Roses are red, violets are blue... make me breakfast bitch.[/QUOTE]

...and some coffee too! *spank*[/QUOTE]

Nice! Although I didn't want it to actually rhyme. But I like it!




I can't help it. If someone doesn't finish a "roses are red" poem with a rhyme, I must. It's a compulsion!




CG, you do realize that is a weakness too tempting for me to pass? I'm a dick that way :D

Roses are red, violets are blue, Kirk Cameron is an ass...




...and he takes it there, too.




Well, I can't top that. Dave wins.

But by all means, keep em coming. ;)






Curses! The poem was ninjaed by a floppy-hootered vampire!

Roses are red, violets are blue, damn you Tom Brazelton!




...kill some bad actors, too?


Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

Perhaps this might help, Words that rhyme with blue:

accrue, adieu, ado, ainu, andrew, anew, argue, askew, bamboo, bantu, bayou, beaucoup, bedew, bellevue, bestrew, bijou, blew, blue, boo, breakthrough, brew, canoe, cashew, chew, clue, construe, coo, corkscrew, coup, crew, cuckoo, cue, curfew, debut, dew, do, drew, due, ensue, eschew, ewe, few, flew, flu, flue, fondue, glue, gnu, goo, grew, gumshoe, guru, haiku, hairdo, hebrew, hereto, hew, hindu, hoodoo, horseshoe, how-to, hue, hugh, igloo, imbue, into, iq, issue, jackscrew, jew, kazoo, knew, kudzu, kung-fu, lean-to, lieu, lulu, make-do, manchu, mantoux, menu, mew, mildew, milieu, miscue, misdo, moo, muumuu, nehru, nephew, new, onto, outdo, outgrew, peru, pew, pooh, preview, purlieu, pursue, purview, queue, ragout, redo, renew, rescue, review, revue, roughhew, rue, screw, see-through, shampoo, shoe, shoo, shrew, sinew, sioux, skew, skiddoo, slew, slough, slue, snafu, snowshoe, spew, sprue, statue, stew, strew, subdue, sue, taboo, tatoo, tattoo, therethrough, thereto, threw, through, thumbscrew, tissue, to, tofu, too, true, tutu, two, undo, undue, unglue, unscrew, unto, untrue, value, vendue, venue, view, virtu, virtue, vishnu, voodoo, wahoo, wherethrough, whereto, whew, who, withdrew, woo, yahoo, yew, you, zebu, zoo, zulu




I walked in on the other half while he was watching some compooter pron. He immediately shut it down and looked all "omg I r so caughted!" I kissed him on the top of the head and told him I honestly didn't care if he looked at porn. I was serious and went ab out my business... I'm not sure if he believed me though lol.
Sounds similar to how my wife and I deal with porn. She knows I watch it (and draw it), and I have come out and told her years ago before we even married that it's just going to be a part of me (I am overly sexual). Even with that knowledge I can't grasp the idea of her "catching" me watching it. It is an embarrassing type of moment, like getting caught in public with your pants down (har har).

He will probably still hide it from you for that reason, well, unless you want to watch it with him. :p



If my wife started reciting poetry to me over breakfast I'd probably flash her.

Unless it was in public, then I'd probably try to stuff food in her mouth while looking around for the hidden camera.



Perhaps this might help, Words that rhyme with blue:

accrue, adieu, ado, ainu, andrew, anew, argue, askew, bamboo, bantu, bayou, beaucoup, bedew, bellevue, bestrew, bijou, blew, blue, boo, breakthrough, brew, canoe, cashew, chew, clue, construe, coo, corkscrew, coup, crew, cuckoo, cue, curfew, debut, dew, do, drew, due, ensue, eschew, ewe, few, flew, flu, flue, fondue, glue, gnu, goo, grew, gumshoe, guru, haiku, hairdo, hebrew, hereto, hew, hindu, hoodoo, horseshoe, how-to, hue, hugh, igloo, imbue, into, iq, issue, jackscrew, jew, kazoo, knew, kudzu, kung-fu, lean-to, lieu, lulu, make-do, manchu, mantoux, menu, mew, mildew, milieu, miscue, misdo, moo, muumuu, nehru, nephew, new, onto, outdo, outgrew, peru, pew, pooh, preview, purlieu, pursue, purview, queue, ragout, redo, renew, rescue, review, revue, roughhew, rue, screw, see-through, shampoo, shoe, shoo, shrew, sinew, sioux, skew, skiddoo, slew, slough, slue, snafu, snowshoe, spew, sprue, statue, stew, strew, subdue, sue, taboo, tatoo, tattoo, therethrough, thereto, threw, through, thumbscrew, tissue, to, tofu, too, true, tutu, two, undo, undue, unglue, unscrew, unto, untrue, value, vendue, venue, view, virtu, virtue, vishnu, voodoo, wahoo, wherethrough, whereto, whew, who, withdrew, woo, yahoo, yew, you, zebu, zoo, zulu



Perhaps this might help, Words that rhyme with blue:

accrue, adieu, ado, ainu, andrew, anew, argue, askew, bamboo, bantu, bayou, beaucoup, bedew, bellevue, bestrew, bijou, blew, blue, boo, breakthrough, brew, canoe, cashew, chew, clue, construe, coo, corkscrew, coup, crew, cuckoo, cue, curfew, debut, dew, do, drew, due, ensue, eschew, ewe, few, flew, flu, flue, fondue, glue, gnu, goo, grew, gumshoe, guru, haiku, hairdo, hebrew, hereto, hew, hindu, hoodoo, horseshoe, how-to, hue, hugh, igloo, imbue, into, iq, issue, jackscrew, jew, kazoo, knew, kudzu, kung-fu, lean-to, lieu, lulu, make-do, manchu, mantoux, menu, mew, mildew, milieu, miscue, misdo, moo, muumuu, nehru, nephew, new, onto, outdo, outgrew, peru, pew, pooh, preview, purlieu, pursue, purview, queue, ragout, redo, renew, rescue, review, revue, roughhew, rue, screw, see-through, shampoo, shoe, shoo, shrew, sinew, sioux, skew, skiddoo, slew, slough, slue, snafu, snowshoe, spew, sprue, statue, stew, strew, subdue, sue, taboo, tatoo, tattoo, therethrough, thereto, threw, through, thumbscrew, tissue, to, tofu, too, true, tutu, two, undo, undue, unglue, unscrew, unto, untrue, value, vendue, venue, view, virtu, virtue, vishnu, voodoo, wahoo, wherethrough, whereto, whew, who, withdrew, woo, yahoo, yew, you, zebu, zoo, zulu

Knock yourself out.



There once was a poster named klew, whose only wish was to debut, but his connection plopped, he had to be dropped, and the podcast just had to make-do.



Bonhomme Richard

Bonhomme Richard

And suddenly I'm thinking of Nantucket.



Shut your dirty whore mouth, that was totally original and off-the-cuff!!




There once was a poster named Qonas
who, seemingly, during his onus
decided to rhyme
with words set in time
which we counted as a bonus.




I could care less about the boyfriend checking porn... as long as it didn't interfere with our activities later.

Last night while we were raiding, I tabbed out and went to beautifulcervix.com. Not really porn, but it is a series of photographs focusing on the cervix. Kinda educational.




There once was a poster named Qonas
who, seemingly, during his onus
decided to rhyme
with words set in time
which we counted as a small bonus.
Seems to have a better rhythm to it.

Not that I'm disparaging your almighty limerickish skills, mind.





I don-...

Never mind. *wanders away*



Um. Educational? Riiiiiight.

There once was a poster named Qonas
who, seemingly, during his onus
decided to rhyme
with words set in time
which we counted as a bonus.


Kitty Sinatra

There once was a poster named Qonas
who, seemingly, during his onus
decided to rhyme
with words set in time
which we counted as a nice bonus.
Seems to have a better rhythm to it.

Not that I'm disparaging your almighty limerickish skills, mind.[/QUOTE]

Seems less belittling, a little nicer.

I am disparaging your almighty editing skills.



There once was a poster named Qonas
who, seemingly, during his onus
decided to rhyme
with words set in time
which we counted as a nice bonus.
Seems to have a better rhythm to it.

Not that I'm disparaging your almighty limerickish skills, mind.[/QUOTE]

Seems less belittling, a little nicer.

I am disparaging your almighty editing skills.[/QUOTE]

Seems too soft, not enough flamebaiting.

I am disparaging your trolling skills. :D


Kitty Sinatra

Fuck you, it's trollish



There once was a poster named Qonas
who, seemingly, during his onus
decided to rhyme
with words set in time
which we counted as a nice bonus.
Seems to have a better rhythm to it.

Not that I'm disparaging your almighty limerickish skills, mind.[/QUOTE]

Seems less belittling, a little nicer.

I am disparaging your almighty editing skills.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, Britishness. We belittle. It's what we do.

... Peasant.



Fuck you, it's trollish
You've learned so much! Take your diploma and go, the world is your oyster now.




Admittedly, every time I see your Avatar Week avatar, Qonas, I think one thing and one thing only.



Kitty Sinatra

aww *shucks*



Prince of Space? I think it was Prince of Space. It's been so long since I saw it.




Yep! :D



Allow me to reference my earlier codicil on how your weapons are ineffective! Ha ha!




I can't help it. If someone doesn't finish a "roses are red" poem with a rhyme, I must. It's a compulsion!
Really? Roses are red, violets are blue; angst.



-is rampant like, unfortunately, you.

*victory dance*




oh. dang i forgot how roses are red poems work.




God damn it Gurpel, get with the program.
