I hate vomiting.

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Personally, when I'm feeling horrid I'm always VERY thankful when I finally vomit. It's always a relief to the pain in my stomach. Then again, the ONLY time I think I've ever thrown up is when I get food poisoning (happens more often than you'd think)


I hate vomiting too. Which happens if I play Halo or any FPS games over 1 hour........ worst if it has flashing colors (like Descent 3...... oh man)
The last time I vomited is the reason why I've stopped drinking almost entirely.

We had a poker night last year and a friend of mine decided it was also gonna be alcoholic smoothie night, so he got a blender, lots of berries and fruits, and vodka. I drank, I swear, at most 3 or 4.

That night and the next morning was spent almost entirely near the toilet, chucking up first everything I'd eaten, and then just bile. Bile, bile and more bile. My body was so poisoned by the alcohol that it continued to make me vomit even though my stomach could not have been emptier. Probably the worst I've ever felt in my entire life. That led to some research on the actual impact alcohol has in your system. So I've switched to weed which is healthier in every way possible. And cheaper.

Philosopher B.

Personally, when I'm feeling horrid I'm always VERY thankful when I finally vomit. It's always a relief to the pain in my stomach. Then again, the ONLY time I think I've ever thrown up is when I get food poisoning (happens more often than you'd think)
Yeah, for me, oftentimes the pre-vomiting tension is way worse than the actual act of vomiting itself.


I usually mix sprite and gingerale together with a pinch of sugar to take out the carbonation. And that usually settles my stomach. Along with a few crackers.

Wasabi Poptart

I keep some papaya enzyme tablets around for the occasional upset stomach and heartburn. Works on the root of the problem, unlike antacids that just cover it up.
I second this! Papaya is great for settling the stomach. It's pretty easy to find the enzyme tablets, too.
Papaya tastes awful, though.

Also.. you people stopped naming things at around 1700 and just decided to go with the local names after that, didn't you? Papaya, Mango.. stop butchering my language!!

Not really.


Staff member
Small sips of Sprite work for me the best.

The few times I've had a stomach bug that's made me vomit, I sleep with a bucket beside my bed. Luckily those times I can count with the fingers of my right hand.
I used to have a terrible time with acid-reflux. I was chewing antacids by the handful. I moved and my acid-reflux dropped almost completely. I don't know exactly what changed. I have been eating a lot less dairy, and a hell of a lot less fast food. I bet the lack of processed foods was key.

As for immediate relief, Tin's suggestion of baking soda in water works like a charm for me.
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