If you could change your voice with a popular actor

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I really liked Christian Bale's voice in Howl's Moving Castle, but I think I would have to go with Paul McCartney... so I could sing to myself.

As far as a female voice is concerned, I really can't think of anything!


... Paul McCartney...
ooh that one to and John Lenon's to and George Harrison's so I can sing all the beatles song perfectly on my own

then I need to get me some instrument skills and I'll be a one man beatles

..sigh.. one day, one day
I think I would just prefer to have my own voice. That way I don't have to hear people saying "you know you sound just like *insert name*"
Second picture is an imitator named Frank Caliendo.
A BAD imitator named Frank Caliendo.[/quote]

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you haven't seen his stand-up.[/QUOTE]

Was not impressed.[/QUOTE]

That's fine, but "bad" imitator? I can't think of others currently in the business that would be considered better with multiple imitations in such quick succession.
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