If you could change your voice with a popular actor

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Madden is not a hard person to impersonate. He's like Sean Connery or Christopher Walkin. As long as you have basic inflection and tone it's obvious who you are doing.

He does Madden but tries to make his living off of it. His other impersonations are close but no cigar - not everyone looks like a pudgy white guy.

This is the very reason Rich Little didn't dress up like the people he was impersonating. If the look isn't spot on it detracts from the act.
Madden is not a hard person to impersonate. He's like Sean Connery or Christopher Walkin. As long as you have basic inflection and tone it's obvious who you are doing.

He does Madden but tries to make his living off of it. His other impersonations are close but no cigar - not everyone looks like a pudgy white guy.

This is the very reason Rich Little didn't dress up like the people he was impersonating. If the look isn't spot on it detracts from the act.
Just because you make yourself sound a little like them doesn't mean it's a good impression, though. For example, Fred Armisen on SNL is their Obama impersonator. He looks like him, but he just barely gets the voice/inflections right. It's kinda there but it doesn't sound enough like him to really be a good impression.

Also for most sketch comedy there's no choice but to dress like them in order to fit with the sketch. Darrell Hammond on SNL doesn't look much like Schwarzenegger or most of the guys he impersonates, but he sounds a lot like them.

All in all if you don't find him funny that's one thing, honestly most times I don't either (his show was fucking bad). But the guy can at least do a good impression of most of his staple celebrities.
Looking like a person, is not part of an imitation act.

Also he doesn't just sound a "little" like most of his targets, he dead on nails not only their pitches and vocal highs and lows, but accents and tone. To top it off, he uses them all in his show and blends it together to make a fully fleshed out "routine". Very rare these days. Not sure what it is you dislike about him Dave.

Again, I'm not talking about his "show". I'm directly speaking of his Stand-Up.
Not sure what it is you dislike about him Dave.
Watch his Fox Sports stuff every Sunday NFL pregame. Soon you will feel the hate rising![/QUOTE]


He is also one of those guys that likes to kick a person when he's down.

Just go back to his MAD TV days. Where he did a Kenny Rogers routine that did not sound or act like him at all. He was just doing a crazy-drunk redneck and say that he is Kenny Rogers
Again, I'm not talking about any of his previous work, his current TV appearances or any of that like.

I'm talking 100% about his stand-up routine.
Not sure what it is you dislike about him Dave.
Watch his Fox Sports stuff every Sunday NFL pregame. Soon you will feel the hate rising![/QUOTE]


He is also one of those guys that likes to kick a person when he's down.

Just go back to his MAD TV days. Where he did a Kenny Rogers routine that did not sound or act like him at all. He was just doing a crazy-drunk redneck and say that he is Kenny Rogers[/QUOTE]

That's Will Sasso who did Kenny Rogers and those. Were. Fucking. Hilarious.


Staff member
Again, I'm not talking about any of his previous work, his current TV appearances or any of that like.

I'm talking 100% about his stand-up routine.
I got tired of his routine after a while.. I can only listen to impressions for so long before I get bored. But the first time I saw his special, I was impressed with all the voices and facial expressions he could do.

---------- Post added at 04:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:37 PM ----------

But yeah, his show and the football stuff? Obnoxious.
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