If I was a selfish hedonist, I'd take the money and use it to fulfill my every desire.
If I was of the nobility among men and we were talking serious money here, I might take it and use it to do more good than I could possibly hope to accomplish otherwise. Build a new wing for the local hospital, donate money for the police to train additional narcotics dogs, buy vaccines to inoculate children in Africa against devastating but easily preventable diseases. Basically I would save lives, enjoy the time I have with those I care for, and just accept the fact that I'll keel over when the ticker strikes forty.
If I was of the common rung of mankind, concerned mostly about my own happiness and that of those around me, I might choose long life.
I'm no hedonist, so for me it's a choice between 2 and 3. While I'd like to think I am a generally good person, I don't know if I possess the kind of courage to sacrifice myself, with not even the slightest hope of survival, for the benefit of total strangers. It's never been tested before, so maybe I do have what it takes. But the most likely choice for me would be long life, even with full knowledge that hundreds or thousands of people, who might have gone on to live happy healthy and productive lives had I chosen differently, will have died to guarantee me a chance of personal happiness.