I'll Judge Your Taste in Comics!

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Staff member
ugh. i read too many fucking comics, but shit, fuck it, off the top of my head:

All-star Super Man - already listed many times here, no explanation
Super-villian team Up - Dooooooooooom! DOOM!!! (My top character ever, and his shit from this era is fucking fantastic. "Dreams, like mirrors, exist to be smashed!!!" - classic)
Preacher - i have to tell you fuckers this is good?
Sandman - we all know it, i want to feel goo about knowing it too!
Hitman - fuck you, it is awesome
Hellblazer - the earlier years were fantastic
Punisher (the ennis run)
Infinite Crisis - yeah, thats fucking right. i went there. I fucking loved this crossover. here is the next part...Superboy Prime emerged as one of my favorite characters! The shithead is awesome, and I cannot get enough of the guy. I even loved the legion books in final crisis! And his bitching in blackest night about comics, i thought it was great! they bring this guy back anywhere, and I am there. So fuck all ya haters!
Sinestro Corps War - yuuuuuuup
Batman - Killing Joke
Venom - Lethal protector - christ, this is fucking terrible. I mean...jesus. but here it is. the first run of something I got as a youngin, and it still hold a place in the cockles of my fucking heart. Still own the shitty asa books somewhere, too. How this got me to reading comics, I will never know.
Scott pilgrim. reading it since the first book hit, loved it right on through. fun and hilarious. great stuff.

there is more, but fuck it.
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