Insanity !

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So last night before bed.....I saw a commercial for what looks like the hardest most challenging workout I've ever seen in my life....I don't know what's come over me but I must complete the 60 days of Insanity!

Only problem is my cardio is very weak and I smoke. I want this video so bad I've woke up this morning and decided to give my entire devotion to not smoking so I can buy this workout system and get through it.

I wanted to share that with all of yall and I hope that I can receive a little bit of support on this journey to quit smoking. If I can go 2 weeks without smoking I will order my INSANITY package and in the meantime I'm going to work on the hardest cardio I can find.

I'm thinking I may even start a blog about the progress and before and after results of this insanity ordeal. Anyway wish me luck here is a clip of this insanity workout I must master!

So Day one ....Smoked my morning cigarette and am determined to just stay busy all day and not smoke ! Wish me luck !


Staff member
Quit the way my dad did.

He put 1 cigarette in his pocket. Whenever he felt the need he'd pull it out, look at it and say, "I'm stronger than you."

After a while he threw it away.


Smoking is bad for you.

Stop it.
.... says the pot to the kettle. (me, not Dave)
I so need to quit smoking[/QUOTE]

I'm two hours in...I had to smoke the morning one but if I can just smoke that one for the next week every morning I'll be happy but yeah 2 hours in and I'm wanting to cry real bad but I just keep focusing on this damn Insanity workout. I may go buy some gum or losanges to aid me.


Staff member
Quit the way my dad did.

He put 1 cigarette in his pocket. Whenever he felt the need he'd pull it out, look at it and say, "I'm stronger than you."

After a while he threw it away.
My dad quit when I was like 10. He punched a lot of things and spent all his off time in his garage. But the awesome thing about cold turkey was that in a week he was fine, and never touched the stuff again.


I'm trying hard....I smoked one this morning and prolly will have to take a haul at some point today but if I can make it thru today like that then I'll proove I don't need it as much as I thought I did......Then tomo I can have my one morning one again and work on from going to less hauls in a day to just that one cig in the morning then eventually to nothing . It's already hard but I'm a fighter I'm real damn determined I want the damn money thats being wasted on it !


Staff member
Good luck kicking the habit. It's a tough one to kick. And I'd advise you to talk to a doctor before taking on a workout that hard after quitting.

Wasabi Poptart

Don't smoke that cigarette in the morning! It's a crutch. You'll just have that one to get you through. Then it'll be another during the day. Next thing you know, you'll be smoking full-time again. Trust me. I did the same thing so many times. The only way I quit was to throw out the pack and never look back. I've been a non-smoker for almost 8 years now. It isn't always easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.


Staff member
Don't smoke that cigarette in the morning! It's a crutch. You'll just have that one to get you through. Then it'll be another during the day. Next thing you know, you'll be smoking full-time again. Trust me. I did the same thing so many times. The only way I quit was to throw out the pack and never look back.
Same happened with my sister. Now she doesn't smoke in the morning, but after her daughter goes to bed. She's never completely quit.


You're gonna have one awesome body. :(
Why is this sad lol ?

And Don't worry Cajungal I am going to the doctor when my hubby comes home to ask about this workout and be tested to make sure my heart and lungs can take it. I also will be a seeing a dietician for my stomach problems and ask about that workout to make sure I receive enough nourishment for those 60 days.
I just need something to change my life for the better....I wanna be healthy and fit and the only way for this to happen is to work hard.

So anyway I have smoked 3 cigarettes today but I went to get Losanges that helped my grandmother kick and I have only had half of one and it's been 3 hours and I have no urge to smoke .....I agree with the morning one being a crutch but I understand how It can make you fall back but my grandmother did that for 2 weeks before completely letting go and it helped her out alot. So i'm gonna give it a shot like that . But I'm glad about the losanges and that I already workout cuz everytime i wanna smoke I just go for a walk , workout , nap and shower lol .

Thanks for all the good luck messages and I promise to keep yall posted. If I am physically healthy enough after I've quit smoking to do Insanity I will blog about it and post that here to But that is stilll awhile a way :).


Staff member
If/when you are able to do the Insanity workout, I'll look forward to hearing about it. It looks... well, insane.


If/when you are able to do the Insanity workout, I'll look forward to hearing about it. It looks... well, insane.
If and I pray I am be honest I think I will be cleared to do it I'm pretty fit as a smoker and was an athlete all my life . I"m gonna start preparing for it though by stepping up my cardio and maybe intensifying some of my workouts.

I promise to set up a whole blog with videos and the works. That's what everyone does with this workout.......I wanna earn my tshirt that says I DID INSANITY lol !
I have to keep watching that video above so I don't smoke. My hubby said he wants to buy it so I can carry it around the house with me so I don't smoke lol !

Anyhoo i promise to keep u posted but it could take awhile prepping for that thing it is well INSANE ~!


You're gonna have one awesome body. :(
Why is this sad lol ?

And Don't worry Cajungal I am going to the doctor when my hubby comes home to ask about this workout and be tested to make sure my heart and lungs can take it. I also will be a seeing a dietician for my stomach problems and ask about that workout to make sure I receive enough nourishment for those 60 days.
I just need something to change my life for the better....I wanna be healthy and fit and the only way for this to happen is to work hard.

So anyway I have smoked 3 cigarettes today but I went to get Losanges that helped my grandmother kick and I have only had half of one and it's been 3 hours and I have no urge to smoke .....I agree with the morning one being a crutch but I understand how It can make you fall back but my grandmother did that for 2 weeks before completely letting go and it helped her out alot. So i'm gonna give it a shot like that . But I'm glad about the losanges and that I already workout cuz everytime i wanna smoke I just go for a walk , workout , nap and shower lol .

Thanks for all the good luck messages and I promise to keep yall posted. If I am physically healthy enough after I've quit smoking to do Insanity I will blog about it and post that here to But that is stilll awhile a way :).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you're not quitting anytime soon.

I call 20 bucks you're off the wagon by next week.


Staff member
Chaz is a genius. He's a dick and says you can't do it. Prove him wrong so you can rub it in his face.

"Still not smoking after 1 week! Screw you, dick!"


Chaz is a genius. He's a dick and says you can't do it. Prove him wrong so you can rub it in his face.

"Still not smoking after 1 week! Screw you, dick!"
Well that'll work too.

I think it's kinda funny. "Hey guys I'm going to totally stop smoking...right after this last cig....ok this is my last I swear...ok one more....alright, this one I promise....

Just fucking do it if you're going to do it, instead caving in one by one.

FYI. I don't want to hear bullshit about how hard it is. I light up a cig every once in a while (like one week every two to three months). It's not that hard. The addition is 100 fold more mental than physical.
Here's another bit of useful advice: if you absolutely must have a cigarette, go ahead and smoke it, but only rectally.

Takes the cool right out of it...


[STRIKE]Dear HGCLSN, HSCGLN .......[/STRIKE] Dear HackGland You cannot say "pudding" without a Sean Connery Avatar, and esp not with a Destro (Or, I dunno, Silver Sufer with Melonoma) avatar. Standards!
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