Thread starter was me, but some of my old posts didn't make the move during one of our switches. Not concerned about that, though.Woo hoo, the motivational poster thread brought us new blood! I'm gonna go rep-up that thread.
EDIT: Wait, the thread starter got purged or something...
I look forward to having some fun conversations with you guys in the future!
Well, that was fast.Anime sucks.
Hello everyone!
Well, I found this place while trying to find some funny motivational posters. If a forum looks interesting enough, I join. I'm heavily active in two right now, and I'm also occassionally at the Anime Evolution forums, and used to be involved in a Tomb Raider forum, but haven't gone to that one in about a year and a half or so.
I look forward to having some fun conversations with you guys in the future!
I used to walk around pants-free. When my son was born, I didn't bother changing my habits. I figured he was too young to care, and I don't really have any great moral hangups about nudity.Hey! Don't you knock off pants-free until you've tried it, mister!
Also, welcomeHope to see you around these here parts.
I have always liked you, Dave n_nHow do you feel about my unlocking your thread?
Oh he wouldn't u_uIf it helps answer, he only did it because he can use "unlocking your thread" as another vague euphemism for other things.
Excuse me, do I know you?Don't you just looove my new shaven look? :biggrin:
Excuse me, do I know you?Don't you just looove my new shaven look? :biggrin:
Excuse me, do I know you?Don't you just looove my new shaven look? :biggrin: