Introduce Yourself!

For tapatalk. I'll be on my iPad, and while the forum page is loading up, a little popup will tell me that there's an app for the form. I hit cancel and the page finishes loading. I go to a thread, and the popup comes again, like I didn't see it the first time! It keeps telling me... I checked it out and don't really want to pay the $3 for it just yet (since I'm cheap and rarely buy apps, I just download the free stuff). I'm hoping it stops next week since it sounds like Halforums is new to the app, and it says new forums added each week. >.<
It doesn't happen to me every time, but it's frequent enough that I've mostly stopped reading the forums from my phone while I'm on the go. It doesn't matter that much to me since I almost always have my laptop with me, but just sayin'...
Sounds like a bug that used to happen on an older version of tapatalk with the old forums, so it should probably be fixed soon. In the meantime, if you change the browser identification from mobile to desktop, you won't get the message.


Yah this issue ismfixed in our 1.0.1 version of Xenforo plugin.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk X


Been listening to how awesome all of you are for quite a while now, and decided to dive in for some of the halforumy goodness.
Getting the basics out of the way:
USA, Louisiana
Loves me some comics, webcomics, movies, tv, animation, video games, blah blah.


Ohai! :D

What kind of games do you play?
Jeez, lots of different kinds. Hoping to get into the industry someday, so I like keeping my mind open about genres I may not enjoy playing myself.
But the ones I do enjoy would be along the lines of shooters, FPS, Strategy, RPG, Action, Action RPG, JRPG, RPG Shooter, FPSRPG, MMO, MMORPG, Puzzle, Stealth, 2D, 3D, 4D, multidimensional..... oh and platformer. ;)

Added at: 22:57
Welcome! I'm already starting to think you'll fit in just fine around here. I have one question for you:

If could only pick one music album to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?


Welcome! I'm already starting to think you'll fit in just fine around here. I have one question for you:

If could only pick one music album to listen to for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
*clutches heart* Geh... too hard to choose. I listen to so much (from Classical to Jazz to Metal to Jrock to anything else), and enjoy so much that I'd probably go into shock if I really had to make that kind of decision.

So, what is it exactly that you do do?
I have sex with ladies on platforms intended for science.
Smartassery aside (for now), I'm still in college (dual majoring in Computer Programing and Moving Arts {to cut ahead, I know jack squat about programing at the moment, but that's what studying is for}), a waiter who's looking for better work or pay or both, I'm currently working on various written projects (books, short stories, etc.), and am also currently in the process of trying to make my own simple games for mobile devices (no where near finished yet. I JUST got started. I'll probably post some links to Betas here in the forum at some point {Love getting feedback on my work}.).

Pleased to meetcha. Have a look around, hopefully you'll find something you like and decide to stick around.
Webcomic Top 5, GO!
Webcomic top 5? Again, I get kinda flighty. But I suppose at the moment my top pick would be Sequential Art, Los Lindas (not usually into more dramatic {if high school/soap opera dramatic} comics, but this one is really enjoyable), XKCD, Least I Could Do.... well, to be honest a lot could got in a Top _ list of mine if more that I liked were updated more recently. So you'll have to settle for a top 4.


I guess it's only good form to write a bit about myself :)

Elathril, E for short and easier pronounciation :)
25 years young and hoping to quadruple that amount ( might have to rethink some lifestyle choices though :))
I'm from Antwerp, Belgium... The country that holds the world record in gouvernment forming during peace time. Can I get a Woot/Wut!?

Like most of you here I like things...
ranging from movies all the way back to movies and everything in between :)
books, comics, games, sports, cars, hard liquor,...

I'm currently hard at work on a little project: Physical improvement
I'm working out 3 times a week, playing basketball and swimming
to turn the couch potato I was into the next best Kratos Cos-player
My weight has dropped from 125kg (about 250lbs) to 89kg (188lbs) in about 2 years, seeing as I'm 1m90 (6'3") I've almost completely shed the couch potato. This summer might end up being one of my best yet :)

I've been living by myself since I was 15 and have had some rough patches
But now I'm kicking life in the Nuts :) and doing a great job :)

My advice for everyone
Girls: Running around naked grants you automatic invisibility
Guys: Invest HEAVILY in wisdom and Spot ;)

AMA ;)


Welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll find plenty of people with similar interests and have lots to discuss with us crazy folk.

That's pretty impressive with the weight change dude... I envy you being able to stick to your workouts (my own are sporadic at best... leaving me weak as a kitten instead of awesome like a warrior).

Stick around for a while... you just might like it! :D


Staff member
I was originally going to ask you what your avatar was...but then I saw it was a wasp.

So now I have nothing. Welcome aboard!


Don't give up, is really all I can say dude :)
And you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it... You could even become a Warrior Kitten...
Thundercats anyone? :p

imagine a dog chasing it's tail Dave, then look at the avatar :D

thx guys :)


Staff member
So does Elathril have a meaning or is it just a name you made? (Like mine used to be "Edrondol".)


It's the name I made for my DnD char and it just stuck as a nick

Elathril 'Wasatho' Nimroth - Wasatho meaning Lil Orphan :)


Actually I'm a fan of the webcomic Manly Guys doing Manly Things
and figmentPez put up the main character of the comic as one of the Cosplays he'd like to see.
Coelasquid the very cool artist that created MGdMT, linked here cuz she liked it so much... And whatta ya know, someone cosplayed the Commander

and well
the first line of cocaine is handed out for free, to get you hooked
Guess halforums is my daily fix ;)