I guess it's only good form to write a bit about myself
Elathril, E for short and easier pronounciation

25 years young and hoping to quadruple that amount ( might have to rethink some lifestyle choices though

I'm from Antwerp, Belgium... The country that holds the world record in gouvernment forming during peace time. Can I get a Woot/Wut!?
Like most of you here I like things...
ranging from movies all the way back to movies and everything in between

books, comics, games, sports, cars, hard liquor,...
I'm currently hard at work on a little project: Physical improvement
I'm working out 3 times a week, playing basketball and swimming
to turn the couch potato I was into the next best Kratos Cos-player
My weight has dropped from 125kg (about 250lbs) to 89kg (188lbs) in about 2 years, seeing as I'm 1m90 (6'3") I've almost completely shed the couch potato. This summer might end up being one of my best yet
I've been living by myself since I was 15 and have had some rough patches
But now I'm kicking life in the Nuts

and doing a great job
My advice for everyone
Girls: Running around naked grants you automatic invisibility
Guys: Invest HEAVILY in wisdom and Spot