Is spanking the best way to educate kids? How were you educated?

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Zumbo Prime

Zumbo, allow me to offer a rebuttal. I think it is quite simplistic to say that children turn no good if they are not spanked. Are you certain that in the case of your siblings it is not the lack of punishment, instead of specifically the lack of spanking, that had them grow up sour? Cause and effect, and generally teaching children that what they do and say have consequences is something that parents need to teach; how they go about it, is a different matter entirely. Case in point, yours truly. I was never spanked and I believe myself a well-behaved individual. But my parents did teach me to be respectful and kind.
I don't mean it honestly cannot believe that only spanking would have changed the end results. There is essentially no discipline whatsoever, and not much in the way of positive influences. Initially, physical punishment seems to be an effective tool, however, other means are necessary past a certain age. In response to your second point, how were you brought up? Was there any positive influence from your family? From your friends? From the media? How much effort did your parents spend teaching you to be a civilized human being?


My dad was hit with a large board with holes drilled into it at school, at home his dad would beat him with fists or belt or whatever he could find. Kind of a douche bag.
When I was a kid my dad started with his hand but then went up to the belt or spoon, my sister was of course exempt due to being female. She's a no good layabout and I like to think I'm doing well so there's a plus side if it's connected.

Oh yeah, and the tree branch. That blew.
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