Alan Scott would like to have a word with you...GL is step by step Lensmen, like a reskin, with every concept copied off and given a new name. Heck, there are a million things that GL took off from Lensmen (either by the world's number one coincidence, or intentionally) than there are in Deadpool and Deathstroke (hey, they are contract killers with many guns, and have similar costumes)
in case it isn't clear, i said that GL didn't start as a Lensmen rip off, not that the Silver Age reboot wasn't one...
As for Deadpool, well i recall reading somewhere that "you do the Deathstroke in the Deadpool" was actually a joke Liefeld actualy used... (but of course as something i heard on the internet it might not be trustworthy).
That's not accurate either... what Supes stole was female and younger version of him, and making his scientist enemy bald (but apparently that was a mistake at printing or drawing)... and one could argue flight, as Cpt. Marvel did it in his serial before Supes did it in his cartoon (and kryptonite and some Daily Planet cast came from the radio show etc.)... but i'm not sure about who did it first in the comics...Superman could only leap over tall buildings and run faster than a speeding bullet (oh, and he was strong), but when Captain Marvel started getting popular, Superman started gaining every other power that appeared in Cpt Marvel.
Anyhow, when DC sued the last decision was that Marvel was not a Supes rip off, but that some stories used might be (one Cpt. Marvel writer admited they where "encouraged" to copy stories from Action Comics), which is why they settled after, for fear that they'd have to pay when the comics wheren't making as much money as they used to. Seems unlikely they'd do that if they could have counter sued because Supes stole powers from Cpt. Marvel...
Of course Namor had flight before them (1939, in his first appearence).
Oh, and not only did Supes had Hugo Danner's powers, but the iconic cover of Action Comics #1 where he lifts the car over his head is taken straight from a scene in the book. And the book probably doesn't qualify as a pulp either based on it's synopsis: