I don't get all the people on Facebook (and the like) saying BBC made a mistake because this'll cost them millions in viewers and billions in money. Yes, it will - the people over at the BBC aren't morons. They decided to stick to a principle - that you can't g get away with something simply because you're a celebrity. Treating everyone equal means not crucifying a celebrity for something someone else could do without a problem, but it also means not letting a celebrity getting away with something someone else wouldn't get away with either. I'm honestly a bit sad that Top Gear as we knew it is over - and anyone who's seen BBC US or BBC Australia can attest that it isn't a formula you can easily cop and paste - but he was out of line. Could they have suspended him temporarily or docked his pay or something? Perhaps, but he's made too many faux pas for that to be much of an option. He's made fun of "slaps on the wrist" in the past many a time. I, for one, assume the BBC reviewed the case and decided they couldn't keep him on, despite losing out on millions, and did so anyway. That's not a mistake. That's being principled and correct.