just a little over a week until X-mas!

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Staff member
Thats right folks! Hope all your holiday shopping is done! me, I wait until the 24th, get the gifts, get hammered, then wrap them in some insane sloppy manner! Tradition at its finest! How is everyone's holiday season holding up?

Also, the greatest part of my Christmas every year, my own personal tradition....?



Staff member
Plane ticket bought, Dave. Looks like I am gonna have to head down there and beat some Christmas cheer into you.


I'm doing pretty good this season. I made some wine to give out this year, because nothing says I don't care enough for you to go out in public and buy something quite like homemade gifts.

My wifes impossible-to-find-sold-out-everywhere-including-the-interwebs gift came in the UPS shipment at work this morning. I should be getting enough positive marriage points to last half of next year.

Wasabi Poptart

I am not into Christmas this year. I have to put on the happy holiday act for my kids and family. Here, I don't have to.
Yeah, I get reminded everyday that Christmas is coming up.

I do tech support for the U.S. post offices and most of them seem to think that reminding me of that fact will get them better service. So, I only hear how close Christmas is 30-40 times a day.

I only have Christmas Eve & Day off this year and I only got Eve because I have to work the Saturday AFTER Christmas.

So, all in all... Bah, Humbug.


Staff member
  1. Wife laid off.
  2. [STRIKE]Traveling [/STRIKE]Driving to Colorado.
  3. Financial happiness ensures bills/mortgage paid. KIDDING!
  4. Bah.
  5. Humbug.
Wow seriously? Everyone around here is having a shitty Christmas and *I* one of the ones looking forward to it?

Oh something has gone off kilter for sure....


Staff member
Wow seriously? Everyone around here is having a shitty Christmas and *I* one of the ones looking forward to it?

Oh something has gone off kilter for sure....
I'm still looking forward to it. My aunt's just finally truly dealing with the reality of what happened last year, and it's been hard on her. It's gonna be a rough one for her. It'll still be great to see everyone.

Philosopher B.

Maaan, I dunno 'bout Christmas (family isn't even exchanging gifts this year); I'm just glad I'm-a be on break. That's Christmas enough for me. Oh, yeah, and Christmas cookies are pretty rad, I 'spose. And Dio.


So it isn't so bad I guess.

---------- Post added at 09:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 AM ----------

Why is Supes punching Batman?[/quote]

Supes wanted to be Santa Claus?[/QUOTE]

Because he got him the wrong gift...[/QUOTE]

He wanted the house he saw on television.

*Hopes someone gets that reference*
Wow seriously? Everyone around here is having a shitty Christmas and *I* one of the ones looking forward to it?

Oh something has gone off kilter for sure....
I'm still looking forward to it. My aunt's just finally truly dealing with the reality of what happened last year, and it's been hard on her. It's gonna be a rough one for her. It'll still be great to see everyone.[/QUOTE]
Don't worry. You two aren't the only ones having a happy holiday. I am too!

I'm at my Grandma's place in Florida, my brothers arrive next week, tickets are covered for Universal Orlando and I have my Christmas shopping done. I feel positively in the spirit!

So, as I raise my glass of hot chocolate, covered in a healthy dab of whip cream, let it ring out: Merry Christmas!

In 5 days I get to drive 12 hours to my mom's house where I get to be treated like an unwelcome burden by my aunt's and uncle while they also treat my mom like shit because she's the oldest and for some reason always the brunt of their cocksuckery. I fucking hate my extended family. Most of my cousins are complete ****s and my grandparents (whom I actually adore) can't make it because of my grandpa's new health issues.

Ugh, I hate Christmas.

If **** is starred out, I want dick and or cock also to be starred out. One derogatory term for genetalia should not be treated with PC kid gloves over another.
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