Kitteh/n Appreciation Thread

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Kitten Appreciation Thread

I don't know why I find this so amusing, but I do! Especially Pepper's solution to the problem! :lol: :

Kitten Appreciation Thread

This is my little guy sleeping in his sock monkey cat bed.

Edit: Must have taken it down and for some reason another picture is there. This isn't it.


Kitten Appreciation Thread

Not a kitten, definitely a kitteh, and this kitteh is WATCHING YOU... from trash!

Kitten Appreciation Thread

No, I want to be a kitty cat cowbear :D

Dammit cats make me go in to silly mode. I will be one of those 80 year olds with 5 cats who all look at you like they want to eat your soul.


Kitten Appreciation Thread

hehe i was making something with dried beef so i gave the jar lid to my cat Tort. He was playing with it for a while and then ran away. When he came back and walked by it for some reason the damn thing scared him and he jumped a foot in the air backwards.

Kitten Appreciation Thread

My Kitty! OK, so it's a bobcat and not a kitty. I got a picture of him on my trail camera the other day. I've never seen one around here before, so I was pretty excited. Figured this was as good a place as any to show it off. He looks like he's ready to attack the camera.

Kitten Appreciation Thread

To be fair, if you see a 100lb dog it's most likely the big St Bernard that's going to drool all over you. A 100lb cat is going to be a wild animal that will claw your face off if given the chance. This guy isn't anywhere near 100lbs though.


Kitten Appreciation Thread

My Kitty! OK, so it's a bobcat and not a kitty. I got a picture of him on my trail camera the other day. I've never seen one around here before, so I was pretty excited. Figured this was as good a place as any to show it off. He looks like he's ready to attack the camera.

dat right dere is a COUGAR, not a bobcat.

for reference in da bigger kittehs, here are some images I stole off the interwebs...

Note das bigger tufts on da ears and da soft stripes.
Kitten Appreciation Thread

He's too small for a cougar, and they are extremely rare here. The lack of stripes or spots is kinda weird, but I think he's just a little different. I've seen some pictures of them without too. Maybe he's just a young one. I marked the beard, and the "bobbed" tail. He blends in well, so they're hard to see in the smaller picture but that's what gives it away.

Here's the full size picture if you wanna check it out.
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