Knife Recommendation?

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So, I run in my neighborhood every day. Recently, there have been some shady things going on, which has made me consider purchasing a small knife to wear with a leg strap sheath while I run. I already carry mace, but I feel like I need some extra protection. Can anyone give me any recommendations?

I believe that under my state's laws, the blade cannot be longer than 5 inches.
If you have no experience and skill handling a blade DO NOT BUY ONE WITH THE BELIEF IT WILL PROTECT YOU! It is more likely to be used against you in this case.

Now, on the other hand, if you do have experience and some skill with it (which I would venture to say you don't because then you'd already know what you'd buy) ... well, I'll stop there.

You should also consider that in some states regardless of blade length a knife can be considered a concealed weapon purely depending upon how you are carrying it. Leg strap in this case would qualify. Also there are often restrictions on edges. A dual edge knife is almost always looked down upon.

With all that being said I would recommend finding a local self defense/weapons class of a sort you can get involved in for carrying your knife. With the knowledge you gain there you will learn what you wish to carry.


Personally, I carry something similar to this. It is functional as a tool but can still be used for defense.



Hooolyyy shit those are pricey. They seem great, but I can't spend that much. Any solid, cheaper options you know of? I didn't want to spend more than $75.
TN's got some good points, I was just thinking from a product point of view.

And you want this to be something to protect your life with, but don't want to spend a lot of money on it? Might want to think this through a bit more.


Thanks TN, you're right. I do need to take a self defense class. I used to take martial arts when I was around 10 years old, but all of that knowledge and skill is long lost. I was trained in sticks (can't remember the exact name, collie sticks?) but nothing else. I will check into getting some training before I carry it.


Staff member
Yeah, a self-defense class and mace (which you already have) will probably do you a lot of good. Me? I just carry my 7-inch Henckels kitchen knife on my belt like a badass.

..not really.


LB, I am trying to not go into the $300 range because I simply cannot afford that. I thought that something cheap would have been better than nothing, but considering TN's points, maybe nothing is better!
Probably Kali sticks, usually called escrima sticks.

Honestly, you might be better off getting a kubotan type instrument. Easy to conceal, less likely to be illegal, and a lot harder to injure yourself with.


Kali sticks! That's them. I still have them. Not that I remember how to use them.
bud k has inexpensive knives.
This one's fairly no-frills and costs $5.00

Personally, I like to carry my big aluminum tinwhistle around with me. It has more reach, could be potentially just as deadly, and it makes me as cool as David Carridine's flute-kung-fuing character in Circle of Iron (a character 100 times more cool than Kwai Chang Caine). And cops don't usually hassle you for carrying around a musical instrument.

Thanks TN, you're right. I do need to take a self defense class. I used to take martial arts when I was around 10 years old, but all of that knowledge and skill is long lost. I was trained in sticks (can't remember the exact name, collie sticks?) but nothing else. I will check into getting some training before I carry it.
If you mean Kali, that's really useful. Not only might something like that be more legal to carry under the correct circumstances, there also tends to be a lot of training focusing around defending yourself from knife attacks, weapon disarms, and being able to pick up stuff of the same approximate size and weight and use it if you have to.

These days, you might have some luck finding mixed self-defense art classes that integrate a lot of different styles. In college, my Go-ju Karate dojo that also worked in Jiu-Jitsu and Kali to round out self-defense a bit more.
Yeah, I still have mine, too. But at 28" long, they're not exactly something you can stick in your pocket.


Oh, oh I remember now. I took Wing Chun. I wasn't far from a black belt either. I wish I would have finished.
Any weapon you don't know how to use is a liability, not an asset. Whether it's pepper spray, a knife, a lightsaber, or an orbital railgun.
Mace is OK, unless it is windy or raining. And it works well against stray dogs. A knife is a pretty bad idea. Even if you successfully defend yourself, you will likely face jail time for assault with a deadly weapon.

I assume you are in decent shape, just keep running.

Is what I carry. basically I keep a thin, light-weight lock-blade with a belt clip that you can operate one handed.
My only advice is not to get anything cheap. Cheaply made knives tend to snap or bend when you put any real weight into them due to shoddy work. If your actually planning on putting your life on the line with a knife, you really should consider shelling out the big bucks for one or getting a surplus military issue one.


Staff member
Another thing you can do is alter your routine. Don't run the same route at the same time. Change it up. The more predictable you are the better they can devise a way to take you out with minimal effort.


I use this when running. 138 decibels. It's a use it, and sprint like hell chance. I like that it goes off if you let go of it, so if you're grabbed from behind you can still set it off reactively. Still, you cut your chances of attack when you run/ go out with a partner, and know when it's safer to go out.
Awesome recommendation. I will definitely be getting this.

Another thing you can do is alter your routine. Don't run the same route at the same time. Change it up. The more predictable you are the better they can devise a way to take you out with minimal effort.
Great idea, too.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone!

Element 117

I didn't bother to look, but if you're female, take a month of specialized self defense escape training, even if it's a refresher course for what you already know. Really important as it helps you hone fight or flight reaction into instinctual routine, and knowing what to do with the fear adrenaline.

If you're a guy, just run around naked with toothpaste foam in your mouth area, I guess?
basically the only things you should carry while out exercising, a key to your front door and your driver's license. lose the iPod, and keep the mace. if you have a way to carry a cellphone those are good too.
I didn't bother to look, but if you're female, take a month of specialized self defense escape training, even if it's a refresher course for what you already know. Really important as it helps you hone fight or flight reaction into instinctual routine, and knowing what to do with the fear adrenaline.

If you're a guy, just run around naked with toothpaste foam in your mouth area, I guess?
That works great for me

Element 117

Well, I mean, I can't really speak to guys' self defense needs or the reasons they are attacked. I just know a guy can go out walking at 3 in the morning and generally seem to feel safer than me.
If you're a guy, just run around naked with toothpaste foam in your mouth area, I guess?
The naked toothpaste thing can have it's uses for a women too as far as I'm concerned. But probably not the best idea.

Also remember the thing about classes and all self defense. The movements and the actions you will need in a split second must become second nature or they are unreliable. And the actions don't even start to come on their own until you've done them so many times your body reacts without your mind thinking. If you have to think you're already in a bad spot. This takes practice. Lots of it.

Not trying to scare or anything, merely trying to promote the idea of practice practice practice. I am sickened by these classes and promotions I see that lead people to believe that if they take one class all of a sudden they are ready to take on the world.
Creature what state do you live in?

---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

If a concealed firearm permit isn't legal in your state and/or you don't feel comfortable with them then I'd suggest a civilian tazer there is only ONE difference between a police tazer and a civilian tazer they can both be used at range (so you can "shoot the tazer") the only difference is that a police tazer has a 5 second use where a civlian tazer, after it is shot works for 30 seconds (shoot the guy, drop the tazer run like hell for your 30 second head start). And the folks at tazer are awesome in the case you do use your tazer all you have to do is keep your reciept, file a police report and send both of those to them and they send you a new tazer for free.

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

Here's the consumer website for tazers|utmctr=taser&__utmv=-&__utmk=161803068
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