Knife Recommendation?

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Creature what state do you live in?[COLOR=\"Silver\"]

---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

[/COLOR]If a concealed firearm permit isn't legal in your state and/or you don't feel comfortable with them then I'd suggest a civilian tazer there is only ONE difference between a police tazer and a civilian tazer they can both be used at range (so you can \"shoot the tazer\") the only difference is that a police tazer has a 5 second use where a civlian tazer, after it is shot works for 30 seconds (shoot the guy, drop the tazer run like hell for your 30 second head start). And the folks at tazer are awesome in the case you do use your tazer all you have to do is keep your reciept, file a police report and send both of those to them and they send you a new tazer for free.[COLOR=\"Silver\"]

---------- Post added at 07:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:11 PM ----------

[/COLOR]Here's the consumer website for tazers|utmctr=taser&__utmv=-&__utmk=161803068
Tasers are a good option too. I'd stay away from stunguns/stunbatons though, as they have all the same problems as knives.


Hey creature

As others have said, unless you have specific training at using a knife in self defence, then stay away from them. It is far to easy to lose controll of the weapon and have it turned against you.

Also pulling a knife has a potential to escalate a bad situation.

A good self defense course which teaches you to escape from grabs and get away will serve you much better, if you definetly need a last ditch weapon,Lying bastard was on the money with the kubotan, it works wonders if you jam it in their eye, neck, you can also have one on your keyring without raising to many eyebrows.

My old Aikido and current kempo club runs short courses aimed specifically at women, I'd bet theres something similar in your area.

I guess my view on self defense weapons is coloured by living in britain where carrying a knife in the manner your suggesting will get your ass thrown in jail, it would be novel over here to be able to own more than a pocket knife without s019 visiting.

I guess I should have read more thoroughly and realised all my points have been made before :(
I have a real-life anecdote that relates.

When I was 17 I moved out of my mom's house into a slum (which was all I could afford).

I was walking the half-mile to the convenience store for smokes, as I used to smoke back then, and I did that most days. One day, a couple guys that I'd seen before pulled up on the road beside me and asked me for some money. The exchange went something like this:

Them: "Hey, you got $5 I can borrow?"
Me: "No."
Them: "Where you going?"
Me: "Stop N Go"
Them: "Then you have some money."
Me: "Yeah, but it's not for you."
Them: "What's in your pockets?" (noticing that my hands haven't come out of my jacket pockets the entire time)
Me: (pulls a pair of balisong out of my pockets and flips them open)
Them: "You aren't going to stab me are you?"
Me: "Not if you quit fucking with me."
Them: "That's cool" (drives off).


Staff member
Leg hook, slam to the chest. Prone opponent.

Thumb to the eye. Blinded opponent.

Breaking a finger. Screaming, momentarily disoriented opponent.

Knee to the balls. Soprano opponent.

Element 117

Leg hook, slam to the chest. Prone opponent.

Thumb to the eye. Blinded opponent.

Breaking a finger. Screaming, momentarily disoriented opponent.

Knee to the balls. Soprano opponent.
Well shit, why don't you just tell the woman to become Michelle Yeoh with laser eyes? Just as practical.


Staff member
Leg hook, slam to the chest. Prone opponent.

Thumb to the eye. Blinded opponent.

Breaking a finger. Screaming, momentarily disoriented opponent.

Knee to the balls. Soprano opponent.
Well shit, why don't you just tell the woman to become Michelle Yeoh with laser eyes? Just as practical.[/QUOTE]

I was actually quite serious for once. Well, except with the soprano bit.

When I had more time and practiced Medieval swordmanship, the course also included a certain amount of dagger and unarmed combat. In all, three basic rules applied:
1.) Remove yourself from the line of attack.
2.) Maintain a strong stance.
3.) Disrupt the opponent's stance.

And it worked. I'm 6' and built like a brick shithouse, and in one exercise I ended up on my back on the grass in less than five seconds. My opponent: a sixteen-year-old slip of a girl who weighs sixty pounds soaking wet and with bricks in her pockets.
Can you find another area that may be safer to run at? At least until things cool down in your neighborhood? Is there anyone else in your neighborhood that runs who you could buddy up with? I would recommend that. Several people have commented on a knife being used on you. In many cases your attacker will blindside you. If you see him coming you will be overcome with fear. It's difficult to think straight when the fear factor jumps into play. You'd fumble for your knife and by the time you had it ready to go he'd be upon you. I like carrying a gun but it's the same thing. You get overwhelmed with fear and it's difficult to act. Self defense classes will help you stay calm and keep your wits during an attack and the pistol range will get you use to your gun where you could use it with confidence during an attack. So, 1. find a new place to run, 2. find a running mate or 3. get training and a gun.

Element 117

And it worked. I'm 6' and built like a brick shithouse, and in one exercise I ended up on my back on the grass in less than five seconds. My opponent: a sixteen-year-old slip of a girl who weighs sixty pounds soaking wet and with bricks in her pockets.
who wasn't in a life or death situation being attacked, alone. There's a difference between sparring in a staged environment and being assaulted on the street while out for a run. Unless you're Cynthia Rothrock or a similarly trained martial artist, your best option is to escape, get attention/ go to public crowded areas and call for help.
Having some experience with small bladed weapons I recommend and give personal testimonial to the following:

View attachment 480

Advice for fighting with a knife:

1) dont

2) If rule 1 can not be followed remember this: If your opponent has a knife you -will- get cut. Try to accept a cut in "safe" places such as the side of the arm.

3) Use your whole body as a weapon. If you are fighting someone who does not have a knife their instinct unless they are a trained fighter will be to focus on your blade. Kick, punch, gouge, don't make the novice mistake of using your knife as the only means of attack and defense.

4) For the quick take down attempt to stab, not slash, in to the meat of the upper leg or groin. On a successful stab twist the blade. This causes muscle damage that impedes their pursuit.

5) Keep your attacks quick and fluid. Don't slash, thrust. If possible hold the knife in a blade-down position to apply maximum force to the stab.

6) Do everything you can to get away from an attacker. Self-defense knife fighting is focused on neutralizing an opponents ability to cause you harm not to kill necessarily.


Oh really quick, if you're being attacked yell FIRE! as loud as you can. People tend to avoid conflicts and attacks such as rape but will run to a fire.

Philosopher B.

Personally, I'd love to have some brass knuckles, but I think those are illegal in NJ.

Also, this thread reminds me of that post I read sometime ago in which someone recommended defending yourself by feinting for the crotch and instead jabbing for the neck. I love the things you learn in this community. :D


Personally, I'd love to have some brass knuckles, but I think those are illegal in NJ.

Also, this thread reminds me of that post I read sometime ago in which someone recommended defending yourself by feinting for the crotch and instead jabbing for the neck. I love the things you learn in this community. :D

I prefer feinting to the eyes and kick to the crotch


Can you find another area that may be safer to run at? At least until things cool down in your neighborhood? Is there anyone else in your neighborhood that runs who you could buddy up with? I would recommend that. Several people have commented on a knife being used on you. In many cases your attacker will blindside you. If you see him coming you will be overcome with fear. It's difficult to think straight when the fear factor jumps into play. You'd fumble for your knife and by the time you had it ready to go he'd be upon you. I like carrying a gun but it's the same thing. You get overwhelmed with fear and it's difficult to act. Self defense classes will help you stay calm and keep your wits during an attack and the pistol range will get you use to your gun where you could use it with confidence during an attack. So, 1. find a new place to run, 2. find a running mate or 3. get training and a gun.
Option 1. isn't really possible without a far drive because I'm in the country. I noticed recently my neighbors across the road started running, so maybe I can run with them.

Ya'll have given me a lot of things to think about! Thanks so much.

This seems like a qood choice, if nothing else you end up with a nice flashlight.
The problem with stunguns is that they have all the problems of a knife (have to be dangerously close to someone to use it) without the advantages (people know knives can kill them, but also think a stungun won't. Also, knives don't need batteries). If your intent on committing to a fight, a knife is simple better as a deterrent to make people think twice. If your lucky, once they see it, they'll back off.


Staff member
Don't ever carry a knife with that intention. Ever. Even if you are trained in its use, there are way better ways to disable someone attacking you, and there is no chance of killing them. Do you want that on your concscience?

Now, to the matter at hand.

Mace. This is insanely debilitating and totally non-lethal. This will actually disable someone far more seriously than a knife would, up until the point you kill them.
Mace. This is insanely debilitating and totally non-lethal. This will actually disable someone far more seriously than a knife would, up until the point you kill them.
I disagree with you there, Necro. I've been sprayed with mace before, used it on others and seen it used on others. In my experience it works *most* of the time but I've also seen people sprayed with 3 to 4 cans of mace and keep fighting someone and then when they were done beating down said individual they stood up, walked away from them and got handcuffed. but most of the time, yes, mace does work just not insanely debilitating imo.


This seems like a qood choice, if nothing else you end up with a nice flashlight.
The problem with stunguns is that they have all the problems of a knife (have to be dangerously close to someone to use it) without the advantages (people know knives can kill them, but also think a stungun won't. Also, knives don't need batteries). If your intent on committing to a fight, a knife is simple better as a deterrent to make people think twice. If your lucky, once they see it, they'll back off.[/QUOTE]

The advantage here is the fact that the guy your facing may not realize that he's facing a stun gun and will therefore be careless.

Add to this the fact that carrying a knife can get you into trouble since the cops might wonder why you had the knife on you in the first place and I think the stun gun makes more sense.

Element 117

You know what? You should all carry Shark Action Chaz with Union Battlecry Attack.
I don't know if I'd mind being mugged. At least it would give me something interesting to talk about. Things that I like, or find interesting, do not translate well to others.
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