Let's see how long this thread lasts on the first page

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Staff member
That's why I love this city. Everything is within walking distance.

Though I did hate standing in the H1N1 shot line for an hour and a half. Outside. In a slight drizzle. In the cold. Without longjohns. But with hairy legs :D


Staff member
I'm not talking "getting up to get a bag of chips" or "masturbated" physical activity. You had to break a sweat.


Staff member
I'm not talking "getting up to get a bag of chips" or "masturbated" physical activity. You had to break a sweat.
And what if masturbating causes us to break a sweat?[/QUOTE]


Moved a bunch of heavy crates at work.

And I don't sweat.
Canadians are odd fellows.

I fucked your mother, does that count
No; having it slip out numerous times before giving up does not count as sex either.
Yea I have to be doing something really strenuous or have the weather be really hot for me to perspire at all, really.
I'm the opposite. Walking to campus (15min walk) and I'm sweating. It's very unpleasant :-(

Also: besides masturbation, nope, not today :-P


If this thread was made earlier in the year I could keep this badboy standing for months on end. Too bad I'm about to hopefully go on a week(s) long vacation, oh wait thats not too bad at all, screw this thread.


I've hit the gym every night I've lived in NC save the last two nights. We really gonna do this? 'cause I'll bring my A game.


Just got back from walking around the louisiana ren fair. FUCK YOU
Why do they always have that Birch Beer seller at Ren faires? I always wondered that. I mean at Civil War Re-enactments it makes sense. But just slapping on a "Dragons Breath" label and selling birch beer? It's just historically inaccurate.

Kitty Sinatra

I could bump this every freaking day, but it's too physically demanding.

No, seriously. I work out every day. At the very least now, I jog home from work. And work is a physical slog, too.


I broke a sweat sitting here doing nothing. Thanks for reminding me to turn on the air-con.
Unpacked about 9 boxes of books, put together bookcases, did about 7 trash runs, spent some quality time with the wife... so yeah. I broke a sweat MOFO.


I had a beer tasting today, while we had the fun of tasting we made some beer. So there was some mild heavy lifting involved.

Check in tomorrow where I'll actually have done some physical work.
Swept the back porch, assembled and placed a new lighting system for the back yard, cleaned up after the dogs, moved in rented tables and chairs for a party tomorrow, disposed of an old bathroom sink and shelf unit, installed the new sink and shelf, replaced the wax ring under the toilet, painted the bathroom, laid down new tile, and got a haircut.

It was a busy day.
Some walking, then some sex. That's about the extent of my physical activity since I got sick. Haven't been able to do my morning runs or my afternoon workouts. :eek:rly:
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