I still feel very much like a big, clumsy man stomping around in a skirt. I know that it will just take time, this is all new.
I'm going to be blunt here, but to be clear, I don't mean this in any way as a negative or an insult, quite the contrary. So, you know, take from it what you will.
As a regular old cishet whathaveyou guy, I represent the typical Male Gaze. Now, while you don't ooze feminine sensuality like, errr, I dunno, insert-your-example-of-a-very-feminine-looking-celeb-I-guess, in those pictures, you absolutely scan as a woman. If I crossed you in the street, I wouldn't turn my head to stare at your ass perhaps, but I wouldn't give you a second glance - you'd just be "some woman I passed in the street'. Also, I think you look better and more like a normal human being in these last pictures or the ones after the beauty parlor, than you do in the FaceApp filter pictures. That may be my personal preference at work, though, I just generally don't like the airbrushed look that app tends to try and give everyone.
So, you know, I really don't think you're ugly, just fairly average-ish (though I don't remember how old you are, if you're over 35 you look great!) for a woman. But definitely woman.
I'm aware that's what we call in Dutch "throwing someone flowers with the pot still attached", sorry

but I figured you'd appreciate true honesty more than just a generic "no guurrrlll you look amazing 10/10 fabulous OMG wow so hot" where your own mind can tell you I'm saying it "just to make you feel better but doesn't really mean it".