Life changing events

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I think it may be the heart but it could be something more depending how far along the missus is.

I know my ultrasound was at three months and at that point they coul tell me the gender and everything. To bad they didn't look at the face closer, though. At that pint that would have been able to tell me about Jets condition but they just didn't look for it. :p
Congratz. And to answer your question, No. There is nothing anyone can say or do to fully prepare you for Parenthood.


Staff member
I'd send you conga rats but the last batch got eaten by the mambo wallabee.

So, congratulations to you and the missus! When's Mind Detective Jr. due? :)
I think it may be the heart but it could be something more depending how far along the missus is.

I know my ultrasound was at three months and at that point they coul tell me the gender and everything. To bad they didn't look at the face closer, though. At that pint that would have been able to tell me about Jets condition but they just didn't look for it. :p
This was taken at 7.5 weeks. It's just a little kidney bean right now.

I'd send you conga rats but the last batch got eaten by the mambo wallabee.

So, congratulations to you and the missus! When's Mind Detective Jr. due? :)
October 2nd!

Thanks for the well-wishes everyone :)


With two birth children, one step son and a new child on the way (in about a year), I can tell you that yes, there actually are many ways to prepare. Creating a living space for the new addition, practice with pets for years, lots of reading on the subject of rearing and raising.

After all that preparation: You'll still feel completely lost, helpless at times and all around grateful that life has gone the way it has. It really is a mixed bag of emotions throughout the entire thing, just remember: Do your best, give it all the love you can, and guide it to be a good and decent person and you'll have succeeded.

The preparation helps though, alot.

Is there any way to really, fully prepare for them?
Yes, but it involves a small, smooth pebble, a small quantity of water, a broken blade of fresh grass, and about 3.5 million metric tonnes of anti-matter.

Barring that, the best you can do is just go with the flow and take things one second/minute/hour/day/week/month at a time.

Usually one second at a time post birth...




Things I wished someone had told me prior to becoming a mom:
warm the water for the breastmilk or formula in a pyrex cup in the microwave 4 minutes max, NEVER the milk or formula itself, and drop the bottle in the pyrex cup till the water heats it to an appropriate temperature. Buy at least twice as many diapers as you think you need, and ship them from Skip dumb gifts like wipe warmers no matter how star trek utopian they seem. (you can get by just using warm wash cloths warmed under the tap.)

Create diaper changing stations on each floor of the house, and in several places. Make sure the changing areas are large enough to accommodate a squirmer.

Buy a swing rocker, and a Johnny Jump Up ( hangs from the lintels) Get used to not sleeping. Get used to doing EVERY chore your wife partner did before she got pregnant. Take up relatives offers on household help but always remember, parents have the final say, and this goes double for baby advice... if it sounds stupid or insane, just say "thank you, I'll remember that" and promptly forget it.

And hang on for a wild wild ride.


Pretty excellent and experienced advice from Biannoshufu for sure. It's been so long since I've had an infant or a toddler, I tend to forget the things that come with that.
Congratulations! There is really no way to prepare so...enjoy the ride, learn from the mistakes, expect to make plenty since it's all on-the-job training, don't sweat the small stuff, revel in the laughter and make time to play. Godspeed and good luck!
Are you at the New Castle, DE fulfillment center Red? If so I'll wave on the way by!
No - I'm a ship clerk at the biggest FC in the world, Lexington KY. We shipped over 750K items in a 24-hr period this past december, over 4 million in a week. *phew* Just 10 more months til we can do it again :eek:
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