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List your oddball quirks/habits




Just a place to list your little quirks and habits that other people find weird. I will kick this off with my list below.

I have a hard time stepping on cracks. It's not that I am superstitious or anything it's just that my mind doesn't like it for some reason. If I have to step on cracks I can but it kinda sticks in the back of my head bugging me.

When I am walking my mind sometimes assigns a certain amount of steps that I am allowed to take per tile. Like when I am walking to work my mind only lets me take 1 -2 steps per sidewalk tile. Once again if need to be for whatever reason I can avoid this but it nags me in the back of my head.

My posters/pictures on my walls have to be perfectly straight. I also have to have my bookshelf at least somewhat organized or it drives me insane. And yet at the same time my floor and bed can be a complete mess (at least until it starts to interfere with my day to day activities than I have to fix it) The same thing goes at my work. All my boxes and assets have to be perfectly organized and labeled and yet my desk is covered in papers,pens,etc.

When I get in a crowded/stressful environment or when I get bored I end up counting things in the room. Such as how many lights, chairs, exits, etc that there are in the room.

I have a hard time eating at buffets cause the thought of all the people touching the utensils and everything creeps me out. I also try top carry a pen with me so that when I purchase something with my debit card I can use my own pen to sign the receipt instead of their pens that everyone else uses. Once again if need to be I can go to a buffet or use their pens but it annoys me.

A lot of times when I eat a sandwich/burger I prefer to cut it into halves or quarters and than eat each section piece by piece. I don't always do it but when I am near the utensils to do so I prefer to eat it this way.

If I am at a store and I start getting bored I catch myself making the items on the shelf symmetrical

I tend to fidget a bit with my hands when I am bored/nervous.

I have a more but I think this is enough for right now (no sense it making you all think I am any more crazy than you already do :) )




Symmetry, and all of its offshoots (keeping things even, trying to be obsessively fair in decisions, balance in game skills training, etc).

Connections/relations - I will hear those portions of a song which sound like another song, I will see similarities between people's faces, car models, physical behavior (fire/fluid). Basically if there's a pattern or a correlation, I'll see it or at least recognize a corner of it.

Mimicry - I'll often try to mimic a sound I just heard, or a mannerism I just saw. If you have an accent and I am talking to you, in a few minutes I will also have your accent. This one gets me into soooooo much trouble.





Whenever I eat something that requires the use of a knife and fork, I always hold the fork upside down. It's just something I've done ever since I was little, and no one ever noticed until recently.

I am also a knee-joggler, which irritates my mother to no end.



I have a few.

I randomly make strange noises, I cant really explain what they are but my friend Andrea says I sound like a crazy person.

I hold my breath when passing cemeteries. That stems from something my aunt told me when I was little and it just kind of stuck. Even though I didn't believe ghosts would possess you as a kid and I don't believe it now. Lol.

I bite my lip a lot when Im stressed. Unfortunately this has been a stressful semester so far and Ive chewed some pretty big sores in my lip.

And my most embarrassing quirk is I sleep in pretzel shape. So I sleep on my stomach with my left leg curled under me and my right leg hooked over my right arm so sometimes my right foot ends up by my shoulder. I don't know why I do this but I always have. it doesn't really matter except my friend Robin always comes into my room when I'm asleep, now we are really good friends but she doesn't need to see me sleeping half naked in a pretzel shape. Sigh. She never listens though :(




I'm a clicker, I click pens all the time. I also have to go through the pen holders and make sure all the pens are capped, or the point isn't out on them.




I nibble the hair at my wrists when I'm focusing on something. I jiggle my feet back and forth, as well as bounce my legs when I'm seated. When I sense something awkward in a situation, I tend to hum tunelessly and avert my eyes. I chew the HELL out of my pens. I loudly correct people when they say something incorrectly; specifically "heighth" or "complaintant" are guaranteed to elicit a reaction from me.

There are several others, doubtless, but I can't come up with them all now...




I have to make sure the seating at a table is balanced when seating.




specifically "heighth" or "complaintant" are guaranteed to elicit a reaction from me.
Don't you mean "illicit"? :whistling:

(Yes, I know.)




specifically "heighth" or "complaintant" are guaranteed to elicit a reaction from me.
Don't you mean "illicit"? :whistling:

(Yes, I know.)[/QUOTE]

I'll wait until I get home to attach the appropriate image macro
(Well-played, sir *golfclap*)




I have a lot. 99 problems but none of them concern bitches.

Here's a fun one because I can actually trace it to childhood conditioning!

I eat all the food on my plate in hierarchical order.



I read backwards and work out how to pronounce words and sentences in reverse. This has actually been useful.

I look for patterns in numbers. Again, useful.

I add the digits of numbers until only a single digit remains. Never been useful.

I bite my fingernails when they get too long (and by too long, I mean longer than the bare minumum length a nail can be before it become painful). This has only been useful when I don't have access to nail scissors.

Edit: I also hate people touching my ears. A guy I trained with had the strange habit of touching people's ears when he was standing behind them. I almost broke his fingers.




I have a deep giggle. and I do it a lot. like "huh huh huh" not "tee hee"

I'll just hold my breath for random amounts of time, the inhale sharply. People around me thing that I am agitated. No, I just forgot to breathe.



I eat all the food on my plate in hierarchical order.
and what is the heirarchy?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I'm sure I have a lot, but right now I can't think of any. Wich makes me feel terribly dumb.




-constant knuckle cracking

-tearing out my bangs when I space out during work

-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people (old habit beaten into me by a middle school teacher)




-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.




I used to have a fake quirky habit
When I was a new teacher none of the older teachers would talk to me in the lounge. I knew most teachers are creatures of curiosity so I laid a conversational trap.

I bought a bag of M&M's. Sat down at the table, and poured out the M&M's onto a napkin. Then I would sort the M&M's into columns of 2 for each color. Then I would proceed to eat them two by two, eating the most numerous ones first, working my way down the columns until I ate the least numerous.

Man, I never fielded so many questions about my habits during potty training before...




The girlfriend tells me I have at least five different kinds of laughter, from small chuckle to all-out crazy laughter.

If I see a number I try to see if it's divisible by three using a rule we once learned at school. If you add up all the digits in a number and the resulting number is divisible by three, then the whole number is divisible by three.

Even though I wear my shirt on top, I always place my hand on my waistline as if to tuck my thumb under the belt.

I pick at scabs.

Like Hylian, I try to avoid stepping on cracks on a pavement. This also counts the black parts in a zebra crossing and shadows cast by trees.

If I'm going inside the door and I see a car coming my way, I try to duck inside so that when the car goes by, I can't be seen from there.

I've been told that I mumble in my sleep.

I sing and hum to myself. Mostly Irish trad songs, or snippets from some song I happen to remember at that moment.

I sometimes slap myself a little on the right side of my belly. For some reason it always produces a slight echo.

I like to scare people by walking right behind them and stare at the back of their neck until they turn and go AAAAGH! Of course, I only do that to close friends.




specifically "heighth" or "complaintant" are guaranteed to elicit a reaction from me.
Don't you mean "illicit"? :whistling:

(Yes, I know.)[/QUOTE]




I eat all the food on my plate in hierarchical order.
and what is the heirarchy?[/QUOTE]

Naturally women and children first.

My quirk?

I am a huge gestural talker. Hands and objects are flying everywhere.




I have a huge stack of books, games, etc that I have yet to play/read/watch and yet I refuse to get rid of them cause I may get around to them eventually. Heck even the books, games,etc that I have read,played,watched I have a hard time getting rid of cause I may want to reread/replay/etc later on down the road.



Frankie Williamson

I eat all the food on my plate in hierarchical order.
This is an issue that has been brought to my attention by everyone who has ever eaten multiple meals with me.

I always start with starches, move on to vegetables and then I settle with meat, unless there is a salad, then it is eaten first. Always.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Let's see, reading your examples is making me think.

- I am also a huge gestural talker (Hey, I'm half italian!), and it got worse when my little sister was very young because I adopted a lot of "for-baby" gestures.

- I like the doors in the room I am inside to be closed.

- Everything on my table and my room is a mess, but I do have a certain love for simmetry.

- I use to blow a little bit of air in glasses when I take them from the cupboard, before I pour any liquid in. I have to refrain myself from doing it when I pick up glasses for other people, but luckly, I'm pretty sucessful.

- I have the urge to collect all kinds of boxes. Right now, I have several on my desk, some in use and some completely useless.

-The same thing applies for pens and little notebooks (usually so small that I can't find a use for them)

- I tend to hoard all kinds of old and useless stuff.

- I crack my knucles very often.

- Is finding dirty jokes in everything an odball quirk?

-I sometimes amuse myself with stuff nobody else finds funny. Two examples I shared on facebook:
I had some milk on a bookshelf for several weeks (it wasn't opened and didn't need cold) because the idea of milk stored in a bookshelf, a place for books and not milk, in plain sight but without anybody noticing it made me laugh.
I laughed today when I got spam for "long distance tourism lessons".

- I have a relatively long piece of wood with a large metal "E" ductaped on one end. Everybody thinks it's a weapon when they see it for the first time, but I mainly use it to scratch my back.

- I hate insects with all my passion, and will try to either flee or kill them on sight.

- I don't swear unless completely necessary, wich means I'll usually find weird ways to swear, say some random gibberish or use what we could call "Flanders cursewords" in spanish (like "demonio" or "narices" and combinations "demonio de las narices del demonio")

- I'm very shy and uneasy when speaking to people, so I don't usually watch their faces even when I'm talking to them. If I do (something I try to do), I'll probably be staring at the space near their chin or something.

- I speak to pets like I would talk to them if they were humans, wich basically means I say "hello dog. What do you want? Ok, have this then" in a dry calmed voice.

- I also don't touch animals, pets or not.

- I don't like to be touched when I don't expect it especially on my belly. Sometimes, it doesn't bother me though, especially if the touching is done by a girl.

-I like to chew stuff, eat or drink continously.

-When I'm bored, have paper at hand and don't want to draw, I usually do paper boats, each one smaller than the previous one, until I have to fold them with the tip of a pen or something. It's not ususual that I stack them one over the other.

And that's all I can think about right now... but I told you there had to be tons of stuff. I've gotten better, but there was a time I think my friends had more reasons to compare me to Monk or Sheldon.




I eat all the food on my plate in hierarchical order.
This is an issue that has been brought to my attention by everyone who has ever eaten multiple meals with me.

I always start with starches, move on to vegetables and then I settle with meat, unless there is a salad, then it is eaten first. Always.[/QUOTE]

So, if Gusto had on his plate: 1. Divinity fudge, 2. Chicken a la King 3. Shepherd's pie

..... :awesome:




And that's all I can think about right now... but I told you there had to be tons of stuff. I've gotten better, but there was a time I think my friends had more reasons to compare me to Monk or Sheldon.

My coworkers and even my family often tease me by calling me Monk.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

When we discovered the character, my mother and brother had a field day comparing Monk and me... but I have to admit that even I saw it myself.




I sleep with a pillow on my head and my feet uncovered. I'm a light sleeper so any noise or light usually wakes me up, hence the pillow.

My brain works far faster than my mouth (and my mouth works pretty fast) so I'm prone to Spoonerisms more often than not.

I tend to play ignorant to many topics of conversation because I don't have the energy to debate it.

My sarcastic nature notwithstanding, when I give someone a compliment, it's usually done in the first person so they know I'm not being facetious. "Adam likes your hair today. Adam thinks you look nice today."

I can sleep in any position, anywhere. On car rides, I'm usually asleep before leaving town, assuming I'm not driving...that would be messy otherwise.

I don't eat breakfast but I'll eat a lunch consisting of breakfast food. (This is a terribly bad habit)

I grow a moustache every November for Movember :)




I have a post-reading ritual. When I finish a book, I smell the last page, read the first page again, smell it, then close the book. Then I put my palm on the cover of the book, turn it over, and put my palm on the back of the book. Then I open it to a random page, read it, smell again, close the book, and then put it away.




I correct people who call themselves OCD, because they are not Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. They are obsessive compulsive. They have OCD.

...I'm so sorry. :facepalm:




If I'm going inside the door and I see a car coming my way, I try to duck inside so that when the car goes by, I can't be seen from there.

I sing and hum to myself. Mostly Irish trad songs, or snippets from some song I happen to remember at that moment.
Both of these.

Also, biting my nails, raking my hair with my fingers, cracking knuckles, and eating any candy that comes in small pieces in same-colored pairs. if there is an odd number, I bite the last in half.







Let's be honest - you're not asleep. Other than that, not a huge surprise about you.


General Specific

General Specific

I read backwards and work out how to pronounce words and sentences in reverse. This has actually been useful.
Backwards sentences say to used I. Crap, OH! Again go I there!




My sarcastic nature notwithstanding, when I give someone a compliment, it's usually done in the first person so they know I'm not being facetious. "Adam likes your hair today. Adam thinks you look nice today."
You are referring to yourself in the third person, not first. If you complimented me like that, I would probably assume you were joking around, especially if you are by nature sarcastic.

Oh yeah, another quirk: I like to intentionally mispronounce words. Luckily, none of the mispronunciations have stuck.




My sarcastic nature notwithstanding, when I give someone a compliment, it's usually done in the first person so they know I'm not being facetious. "Adam likes your hair today. Adam thinks you look nice today."
You are referring to yourself in the third person, not first. If you complimented me like that, I would probably assume you were joking around, especially if you are by nature sarcastic.[/QUOTE]

Yes, of course you're right on first vs third person. It's all in the body language, speaking third person makes me slow down and stop flailing wildly while speaking. Just comes across more believable. I can't count the number of times I've said "You look nice today." and it's automatically assumed I'm being sarcastic. Gets frustrating after a while.



Whenever someone tells me I look nice today my first thought is, man how shitty do I look every other day?

I can't help it.




Whenever someone tells me I look nice today my first thought is, man how shitty do I look every other day?

I can't help it.
I guess I could ascribe some of the reactions I receive to low self-esteem, but, I'll be honest, I work in an office full of hotties. Maybe they're the worst kind for esteem issues?



I don't know sometimes complimenting appearance is just kind of creepy.




I don't sometimes complimenting appearance is just kind of creepy.
Well, I think there's appropriate ways to do it and appropriate venues to do it in. I wouldn't go up to a complete stranger and tell her she looks 'bangin' in that skin tight PVC, yo'. I will tell a girl I like their hair, or an older woman that her dress looks nice on her.



Unless I'm dressed differently like Im wearing my suit or something, if a guy tells me I look nice it feels weird. I know a lot of women feel like that for whatever reason. Although when women tell each other they look good it has a different feeling to it. I guess because it is assumed that when a girl says it she is appreciating fashion choices or something but when a guy says it, it is more about the body.




Unless I'm dressed differently like Im wearing my suit or something, if a guy tells me I look nice it feels weird. I know a lot of women feel like that for whatever reason. Although when women tell each other they look good it has a different feeling to it. I guess because it is assumed that when a girl says it she is appreciating fashion choices or something but when a guy says it, it is more about the body.
Weird. I guess I can understand where that comes from. I know after years of harassment lawsuits, guys are reluctant to give out compliments to women anyways so everyone's uncomfortable with the idea of making other people feel good.



But what about if we made a habit of complimenting appearance wouldn't that lead to people being more stressed about it? Like "yesterday so and so said I look good today he/she didnt. I guess I must look crappy today"



posting in these forums ;)

I love working on, troubleshooting, fixing computers with Windows.. but my programming functionality is extremely limited due to a math learning disability =(((( .. canceled my dreams of being a big game programmer.




I also pull on my eyebrows. I get that from my dad. I have a feeling I'll end up like him and have no eyebrows left when I get old...



do you tug on your forelock but miss causing you to slide under the table?







sigh my ref was too subtle.

aw well.




Don't feel too bad. It didn't stand a whelk's chance in a supernova of being recognized.




I'm just dense like that.



Don't feel too bad. It didn't stand a whelk's chance in a supernova of being recognized.
hehe :awesome:




I can't stand going to bed before 10:30 p.m. and that is the earliest I can make myself go to bed. Usually I end up till 11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. even though I know I have to get up for work. But on the same hand I can't stand sleeping past 8:30 a.m. even if I don't have any work or anything to do that day. And 8:30 is pretty much the latest I sleep in. I usually get up by 7:00 a.m..

I tend to over think every thing. I run every possible scenario for a situation through my head and than I try to determine the most likely outcome. I can't count the times I have had mental conversation with someone and based there responses based off what I know about them and than decide from there if I should actually have the conversation in real life.

I can't stand most music. I think it stems from my childhood where my brothers would blast rock and other loud music all the time and with me being a major introvert I despised it when he did that. Lately I have been tryign to broaden my music tastes by listening to some classical music, Jazz, etc.

I talk to my computer/pet/whatever even if it can't talk back to me.

I will take the numbers off of license plates and convert them to their place in the alphabet (1=A, 2 = B, etc) and than try to make words out of the letters available.




I correct people who call themselves OCD, because they are not Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. They are obsessive compulsive. They have OCD.

...I'm so sorry. :facepalm:
Down wit' OCD, yeah you know me...




-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly this.

I've found that some ladies love it. That I have a type of quiet intensity.


Chad Sexington


I can't stand going to bed before 10:30 p.m. and that is the earliest I can make myself go to bed. Usually I end up till 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. even though I know I have to get up for work. But on the same hand I can't stand sleeping past 8:30 a.m. even if I don't have any work or anything to do that day. And 8:30 is pretty much the latest I sleep in. I usually get up by 7:00 a.m..
Here's a combination between a quirk and a pet peeve: I use the 24-hour clock almost exclusively in writing. 12PM is noon! This kind of mistake happens a lot, I find, and it drives me crazy. There are twenty four distinct hours, why don't use 24 numbers to represent them? Agh. But in conversation, I always use the 12-hour clock; it's more accepted and it's less likely to be confused (I find).



-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly this.

I've found that some ladies love it. That I have a type of quiet intensity.[/QUOTE]

Quiet intensity or quiet insanity?

I was at a meeting the other day. This guy was talking and his eye contact lasted WAY too long. It was disconcerting and made pretty much everyone uncomfortable.




The strangest one I have is this:

Whenever I am walking on a tiled surface where the tiles are large enough I imagine that there are lasers crossing the tile which bisect the 90 degree angles. I can't step on the lasers. This means that I have to walk with my foot entirely inside one of the 4 90 degree triangles which makes up a square tile. Rectangular tiles are more difficult, because the lasers will bounce off of each other and create a more complex pattern. The more bounces there are, the less it bothers me, but I still look at each tile and follow at least one or two bounces through. Places with large creative tile patterns make me angry.

Now, this actually extends beyond tiles. Any object with a 90/270 degree angle in it releases a laser from that angle. Of course, you can imagine that it would be impossible to avoid all of those lasers (as they are often planar), so it just becomes something that my mind recognizes and ignores, although it does bother me slightly. With tiles though, it actually effects how I walk.


2 other small ones

1) I have a habit of constantly highlighting and unhighlighting anything I am reading online. And I mean constantly. The whole time I am reading there is just a constant barrage of clicking. It drives me nuts at work because we have to use IE8, which, if you don't know, will pop up a little tool whenever you highlight something, and sometimes I click it (throws me to bing I think). On top of that our computers are old, so it really slows down my computer's performance.

2) When I eat a fortune cookie, I have to break it, eat one side, read the fortune, and read the other side. If I don't do it in that order, or read it before I eat the first half, the fortune is tainted. There's also a certain taint if, when I pull the fortune out, the lottery number side is in front.




-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly this.

I've found that some ladies love it. That I have a type of quiet intensity.[/QUOTE]

Just remember, there's a difference between looking assertive and confident, and the piercing stare of a psychopath.




I'm shifty-eyed in all other aspects. :)


Fun Size

Fun Size

When I find myself alone wandering the house at night, I like to open the basement door and, before turning on the light, give myself a moment to recognize that if someone were down there, looking back up at me, there is no way in Hell I would see them because of how dark it is. Never fails to freak me out, and I have no idea why I do it.




When sitting up on my recliner, I either cross my legs, or drape one over the armrest...




Remembered another one: I cannot STAND sitting with my back to a door. I either have to be facing it or off at an angle to it. This is usually easy to deal with at restaurants, but can get awkward at someone's house.




Remembered another one: I cannot STAND sitting with my back to a door. I either have to be facing it or off at an angle to it. This is usually easy to deal with at restaurants, but can get awkward at someone's house.
Spoken like a true gunslinger...

I feel that way in restaurants too.



Frankie Williamson

Remembered another one: I cannot STAND sitting with my back to a door. I either have to be facing it or off at an angle to it. This is usually easy to deal with at restaurants, but can get awkward at someone's house.
I know what you mean, but my obsession with this started with wanting to see every girl that would walk into a room. Now it's a defense instinct.




-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly this.

I've found that some ladies love it. That I have a type of quiet intensity.[/QUOTE]

Just remember, there's a difference between looking assertive and confident, and the piercing stare of a psychopath.[/QUOTE]

O.O Your skin would make a lovely hat.





I'm not crazy, I'm a nice boy.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

O.O I'm not crazy, I'm a nice boy.







HAH! That's not at all what you look like when you've hacked someone up into teeny tiny little bits!


Not that I would know or anything....





O.O I'm not crazy, I'm a nice boy.

aaaw I was planning on making that joke but you beat me to it :(







I cannot stand twisted phone cords. If the handset cord on a phone is twisted up, I MUST STRAIGHTEN IT.

When I am severely stressed, I will pluck hairs from my beard, one at a time. You can tell I'm having a bad day when there are bald/thin patches in the beard.

I cannot remember which names start with KRI as opposed to KIR. Kristen? Kirsten? Who knows?




I just noticed today that I keep my pennies in a separate pocket from the rest of my change.

I'm subconsciously engaging in coin segregation.




Spoiled for kind of TMI- ness.

If at home or even sometimes just not at a public restroom I'll take my shirt off when I poop

I crack my knuckles and other bones a lot.

I almost always wear a plain white undershirt even if I'm wearing just a t-shirt over it.

I strongly prefer to sleep with a comforter or something over me for the weight.

In sure there are more.




Why do you do that? The spoilered one?




I don't really like the idea of my shirt touching any part of the toilet I guess. Also in the summer it's just so damn hot anyway.



I almost always wear a plain white undershirt even if I'm wearing just a t-shirt over it.
A guy at work does this all year round. With a fairly thick shirt and body armour over it. He says he sweats too much if he doesn't wear it, but I don't see how the addition of an extra layer of clothing will prevent him sweating. I can see it absorbing sweat, but still...

Mind you, I'm in short sleeves all year round at work (I had some Italian tourists stop me in the park so they could have their photo taken with the crazy British man wearing short sleeves in the snow), so seeing him with the extra layer makes me feel hot anyway.




I used to wear the t-shirt no matter what too. since you are sweating anyway, it is nice to have a buffer between the sweat and the nicer shirt. And it does not make you much or any hotter.




It's the seat thing. It doesn't add much heat but prevents most wet spots from showing on my outer shirt which would normally have a large one on the back.




Phil, I do that too. Mostly because I wear suspenders under my shirt, so I have to take the shirt off in order to take my pants off.




I thought suspenders went over the shirt.


Chad Sexington


I thought suspenders went over the shirt.
This. Also the other day I saw a guy wearing suspenders and a belt. I thought it was either or?


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Too much information:

Oh, the spoilered one! I take off all my clothes, If I'm on the toilet at home. It has several reasons why:

One reason is because it's a way of not having to worry about the shirt going too far down touching the bowl or inside it... I used to lift the shirt and keep it tucked up under my arms, but it got all wrinkly, and I finally decided to take it off completely. I also take off my pants completely because I find it's a much more confortable position if I don't have my legs "trapped" by the trousers. At first, I just took one leg out, but it evolved to full unpanting.

And I have to take my shoes off to be able to take the trousers off.

I keep my socks on.




I have a support beam next to my office chair. When I have a friend in my office, and we are about to go to lunch, I'll grab the pole like I am about to use it to help my self stand... but instead I do a stripper stand, and roll my hips forward to the pole.

Their jaw will hit the floor and I get a good laugh at their expression.




-constant knuckle cracking

-tearing out my bangs when I space out during work

-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people (old habit beaten into me by a middle school teacher)
I read that as "knuckle dragging". Sorry.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

Oddball habits:
I have to have a tight sheet when I sleep. I semi-consiously roll little folds in the tight surface until they pop. I've been doing that as far back as I can recall.

No one, not even my 3-year-old daughter can touch my neck. I think it must be genetic, because my dad does it, too. But I didn't realize that until I was an adult.




I walk tiptoed a lot, usually just off the ground so it's hardly noticeable. If I'm wearing shoes the shoe will hit the ground, but the back of my feet won't.

When I get stressed out I pull through it till I get home and then spend an hour or so just rocking back and forth on my bed.

For some reason I always have sound sources (tv/radio) at just above background noise, but the second I put on headphones I put them on max, which usually means it's actually more noisy to others.

I used to hate being touched, it doesn't bother me so much now but simple touches like a pat on the back still give me an uncomfortable feeling.




I hate being touched. Especially if someone just walks up behind me and touches my shoulder or back.


Fun Size

Fun Size

No one, not even my 3-year-old daughter can touch my neck. I think it must be genetic, because my dad does it, too. But I didn't realize that until I was an adult.
I've got the same thing with my throat. You put your hands anywhere near my throat, even my kids, you get them pushed away quickly. I figure someone tried to strangle me as a kid and I've blocked the memory.




1) I have a habit of constantly highlighting and unhighlighting anything I am reading online. And I mean constantly. The whole time I am reading there is just a constant barrage of clicking.
As soon as I read that I thought what is he talking about but then I realized I had the first sentence highlighted and that I do that all the time too.

Some other quirks
I dont really like drinking the bubbles that form right after you pour a glass of milk so will try blowing them off to the side making it look like Im trying to cool off my glass of milk

I tend to panic after the fact. For speeches I will be ok before and usually during but right after I finish a dread of terror sweeps over me about doing the speech. Or another driver will do something stupid that looks like it will be a sure accident and everyone else in the car will start freaking out but I just go into work mode "ok have to swerve here, make sure nobody is there etc" and my heart rate just stays the same but the next day the panic hits me.

I also make weird noises especially when doing problems I will make beep boop sounds like a robot.

I also tend to have laughing spouts though not very often. First I will laugh at a joke, then laugh at the fact that I would laugh at something that stupid then laugh at the looks my friends are giving me and on and on until I have no idea what Im laughing at but I just keep going.
I know I have some more but might think them up later.




I headbutt random people whenever I hear Adam Lambert music, and my sweat can be used to polish precious metals.



I'll constantly sign (ASL, Sign language) the alphabet while I'm walking anywhere.




-constant knuckle cracking

-tearing out my bangs when I space out during work

-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people (old habit beaten into me by a middle school teacher)
I read that as "knuckle dragging". Sorry.[/QUOTE]

I have grotesquely long arms. Sue me!




I just thought of one: I have grotesquely long arms.

And the size of my hands has been well documented on this forum.




Another one:

I find that when I leave my house, I can never remember whether I've locked the door. I'll completely forget even like 4 seconds later. In my mind, I think this is because it's such a heavily repeated task tat my mind doesn't even process it, much like you don't really think about blinking directly. So in order to fix the problem, I started knocking on the door after I locked it so I'd have the lasting sensation in my knuckles to remind me. After a while, that became part of my Pavlovian memory conditioning too.

Now most times that I lock my front door, I knock on the door 1-6 times using a random selection of all 10 of my digits.




I wash my hands all the fucking time. Not even for germ reasons (example below), just for a "my hands feel perturbed" reason.

I know it's not a germ thing because I wash my hands after touching an animal, but I have no problem whatsoever nomming on my gf's cat's head.

I constantly, all the time, switch the first letters of words or syllables. Examples: Momputer Couse. Doin Jate. Freridgerator. A road sign on the way to school says "Saginaw" and I change it to "Waginas". Apparently my dad does this too.

I love chewing on straws, toothpicks, and paper. I often chew gum AND these things, and chew the two items into a gum-straw or gum-splintery-mess hybrid.

I sing songs by counting a lot. For example, Iron Man: Onnne, twooo, three-four-five, sixseveneightnineten-e-leven!

That actually reminds me of some fucked up singing method I used to do that I actually wondered if I would ever stop doing. Way back when, I'd sing songs like above, but instead of numbers, I'd sing the Moulin Rouge song, "vous le vous coucher avec moi." It was fucked up.

I like to roll something rough in my hands and will do it for hours if given the chance.

I've noticed that I have at least two nervous habits:
1) When talking or trying to appear idle (I most often notice it when ordering at a sit-down restaurant), I twist my watch so it's tight against my wrist again.
2) When driving and I don't know exactly what's going on (like if I'm pulling up on some construction and they're directing traffic all wonky) I rub/squeeze my neck or pick at my stubbly neck beard. =P

I constantly bounce my leg while sitting.

Always pick at hangnails, making a clicking sound. Drives the gf nuts.

All I can think of right now.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

oh, oh, this makes me think of another one! When I shake hands with somebody, I sometimes realise this is probably the hand they have used to do everything in their lives. It started as thinking it was the hand they masturbate with, but it evolved to encompass this strange feeling of grandiousness and importance: by offering me his hand, he is actually offering me most of his actions for his whole life, be they good, bad, disgusting, ridiculous or important. It's like some weird mystic moment.

The same thing happens to me sometimes with mouths, but usually when I'm meeting with couples and just relating to sex.




I do the same thing every time a dude asks me to shake his penis.



I raise my right heel at urinals. I'd like to think it's because I'm prepping for ninja and/or raptor attack, but who knows.




I pop my knuckles a lot, and each time I do I then have to pop my wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and neck.

Anytime I hear someone clear their throat, I have to clear my throat too.

If I can't have a cigarette for whatever reason, I suck my teeth - by which I mean I clamp my mouth shut and produce as much suction as I can. This made my life hell last week when I had my wisdom tooth extracted and couldn't smoke for fear of dry socketing the extraction site, and couldn't suck my teeth for fear of dislodging the blood clot.

No matter how hot it is, I have to have something covering me while I sleep or I can't sleep.

I cannot stand to have the sheets/blankets tucked in around the sides or bottom of the bed, I feel like I'm trapped.

I can't have anything touching my throat when I go to sleep or I have panic attacks and can't get to sleep for hours. Since I sleep on my side most nights this can be a really tricky exercise in hellishness.

Whenever I'm popping my knuckles I have to include the one at the base of my thumb, and I have to crack it by setting the joint against my forehead and pressing as hard as I can until it pops.

When I'm typing, and I hit enter for a new line, I have to pop my wrists - just realized that one.

I used to separate my food on my plate and eat all of one thing before moving on to another, and still do for most meals - though as I cook more complex meals and my palate becomes more finely tuned, I can combine more things these days.

I grind my back teeth until my jaws ache, and not just when I sleep.

Since spending years working in call centers, whenever I'm on the phone with someone I either have to have my blue tooth headset in or I have to have the phone on speaker. I hate holding a phone to my ear.

I chew my nails on a regular basis to keep them neatly trimmed, except that I always have to have at least one nail of decent length, in cast something gets stuck between my bottom retainer (the permanent metal bar kind) and my teeth and I need something to fish it out with.

I lean a bit too heavily toward hypochondria, and can't help but think that every little ache and pain in my chest is a heart attack. I'll stay awake for hours if I have the least little pain in my chest at bed time (I dislocated a rib a while back and it never fully healed right, so this happens a lot), basically until I pass out from exhaustion, or I'll do something physically demanding that raises my heart rate into the good cardio range, figuring that if it were a heart attack that would have killed me, and since it didn't I'm safe to sleep.

I count steps every time I go up and down stairs.

I count cadence in my head any time I walk more than 3 blocks consecutively. I never served in the military.

I also segregate my multi-colored candies into groups and eat them one group at a time.

If I have change in my pocket, I constantly count it by arranging it in my hand in order of largest coin to smallest and flicking the coins one at a time out of my hand.

Man, I never realized how screwed up I am.




I constantly bounce my leg while sitting.

I do that all the time and it drives my family insane




I thought suspenders went over the shirt.
Either or. I put them under the shirt if I'm going some place special - or a place where suspenders might be considered ridiculous. That way I can also wear my shirt long, over my jeans, instead of tucking it in.




I constantly bounce my leg while sitting.

I do that all the time and it drives my family insane[/QUOTE]

Me too. If I force myself to stop, I'll start drumming my fingers on something instead.

The one time that I got incredibly high (followed by getting incredibly sick), my bouncing leg could not consciously be stopped by me, even if I lifted my foot off the ground. It bounced much slower and kept perfect time, like a metronome. It was eerie.




I constantly assess situations based on what type of casualties they can produce and what I can do to assist the casualties. I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse. When ever I carry a weapon I check the safety every 15 minutes without fail. All my shoes and boots are laced the same way, Left over right. There are more involving tiles but I will get into that later :)




I do something similar. I instantly make a contingency plan for a columbine type situation when I enter the room. Even before Columbine. I map escape routes, forts, and potential weapons. Esp. in my big lecture class of ~200 students. I don't know if they'll actually work, but they're there.




I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse.
I do that, too. But since my current lodgings are next to a major hospital, I have concluded I might as well lather myself with barbecue sauce and serve lunch. Unless I get an assault rifle, then it's a different story.




I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse.
I do that, too. But since my current lodgings are next to a major hospital, I have concluded I might as well lather myself with barbecue sauce and serve lunch. Unless I get an assault rifle, then it's a different story.[/QUOTE]

This past year I bought a gun... and I have to admit that one of the deciding factors (not the only one, but it was in there) on which gun I bought was be "effectiveness of use during zombie apocalypse." Ended up with an 18.5" barrel pump action 12 gauge with a 5 shell magazine.




I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse.
I do that, too. But since my current lodgings are next to a major hospital, I have concluded I might as well lather myself with barbecue sauce and serve lunch. Unless I get an assault rifle, then it's a different story.[/QUOTE]

This past year I bought a gun... and I have to admit that one of the deciding factors (not the only one, but it was in there) on which gun I bought was be "effectiveness of use during zombie apocalypse." Ended up with an 18.5" barrel pump action 12 gauge with a 5 shell magazine.[/QUOTE]

All hail the mighty turkey shotgun!




I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse.
I do that, too. But since my current lodgings are next to a major hospital, I have concluded I might as well lather myself with barbecue sauce and serve lunch. Unless I get an assault rifle, then it's a different story.[/QUOTE]

This past year I bought a gun... and I have to admit that one of the deciding factors (not the only one, but it was in there) on which gun I bought was be "effectiveness of use during zombie apocalypse." Ended up with an 18.5" barrel pump action 12 gauge with a 5 shell magazine.[/QUOTE]

All hail the mighty turkey shotgun![/QUOTE]

Barrel's really too short for any kind of serious hunting. Any shorter than 18 inches and they call it a sawed-off (and illegal). Most would use a 28 inch or so barrel for hunting, for tighter grouping. This one's a real scattergun.


for hunting:




Get it an extended magazine and a bayonet lug, and we're talking




If the magazine was any more extended, it'd stick out farther than the barrel.



I never put my clothes in the hamper. I will drop them right next to it, but never into it. It doesn't have a lid.

Things out of place do not bother me at all. My wife tested this the other day. She left the vaccuum cleaner in the middle of the living room with the cord extended out around the middle of the room. It took me three days to give enough of a shit to move it out of the way.




Well Chaz, it is a good thing you are married. I get that way and my house gets rather messy.




Ooo, I have that problem. If something gets left out long enough, my brain will just accept that this is its new location and not see any need to put it away unless someone else (Kati) mentions it OR until we get ready to have people over and I look around the place with the critical 'People will see our house like this!' eyes.





For me it depends on what it is and where it is at. But for the most part once something hits the ground/table/dresser/etc it will stay there until I get bored enough to straighten it or it starts to get in my way for whatever specific task I am working on.




Not me, I'm a neat freak. Someone once asked me if my kids had any toys. Yeah, I just obsessively clean them up (after I make them start).




I sometimes mix up words in a sentence just because it sounds funny to me.
For example: She gives me the creeps
turns into: She creeps me the gives.
They're going to a photoshoot = They're going to a shotophoot.
It's very stupid. I do it in my head sometimes when other people are talking, most of the time it's funnier in spanish.

I also count the steps I am allowed to take per tile, of course most of the time it just ends up frustrating me but it's not a big deal.

I'm always looking for spelling/grammar mistakes on everything I read. 98% of the time I find them, especially in spanish.

I always translate songs, sometimes it sounds very very funny when trying to sing in spanish a song that's originally in english, (or vice versa) literal translation can have very ridiculous outcomes.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Oh, I also love literal translation!


Philosopher B.

I will be watching a movie and I'll hear a word or a phrase and I'll think 'that would make a rad-ass sample!' and imagine what it would sound like to a beat. This sometimes occurs in meatspace, as well, especially when I catch a random snippet of conversation from someone sitting behind me in a class or something.

I check the time on my cellphone constantly out of nervous habit; often, directly after I've checked, I can't even remember what the figgidy-fuck the time is.

I sometimes bite the shit out of the inside of my cheek. Luckily, I have almost completely kicked this habit.

I like to make my knees jiggle like a couple of grapefruits in a blustery gale.

I crack my knuckles/fingers/neck far more often that I ought to.

I constantly bounce my leg while sitting.

I do that all the time and it drives my family insane[/QUOTE]

Me too. If I force myself to stop, I'll start drumming my fingers on something instead.

The one time that I got incredibly high (followed by getting incredibly sick), my bouncing leg could not consciously be stopped by me, even if I lifted my foot off the ground. It bounced much slower and kept perfect time, like a metronome. It was eerie.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, if I'm sitting down, chances are my feet/legs are going to be doing something down there.

- I like the doors in the room I am inside to be closed.

- Is finding dirty jokes in everything an odball quirk?
Also, these.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I've got to have both strings on a hooded sweatshirt be the same length.



I sometimes bite the shit out of the inside of my cheek. Luckily, I have almost completely kicked this habit.
I do that too when I'm stressed out. I had a huge sore in my mouth last month because of that.
