List your oddball quirks/habits

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Whenever someone tells me I look nice today my first thought is, man how shitty do I look every other day?

I can't help it.
Whenever someone tells me I look nice today my first thought is, man how shitty do I look every other day?

I can't help it.
I guess I could ascribe some of the reactions I receive to low self-esteem, but, I'll be honest, I work in an office full of hotties. Maybe they're the worst kind for esteem issues?


I don't know sometimes complimenting appearance is just kind of creepy.
I don't sometimes complimenting appearance is just kind of creepy.
Well, I think there's appropriate ways to do it and appropriate venues to do it in. I wouldn't go up to a complete stranger and tell her she looks 'bangin' in that skin tight PVC, yo'. I will tell a girl I like their hair, or an older woman that her dress looks nice on her.


Unless I'm dressed differently like Im wearing my suit or something, if a guy tells me I look nice it feels weird. I know a lot of women feel like that for whatever reason. Although when women tell each other they look good it has a different feeling to it. I guess because it is assumed that when a girl says it she is appreciating fashion choices or something but when a guy says it, it is more about the body.
Unless I'm dressed differently like Im wearing my suit or something, if a guy tells me I look nice it feels weird. I know a lot of women feel like that for whatever reason. Although when women tell each other they look good it has a different feeling to it. I guess because it is assumed that when a girl says it she is appreciating fashion choices or something but when a guy says it, it is more about the body.
Weird. I guess I can understand where that comes from. I know after years of harassment lawsuits, guys are reluctant to give out compliments to women anyways so everyone's uncomfortable with the idea of making other people feel good.


But what about if we made a habit of complimenting appearance wouldn't that lead to people being more stressed about it? Like "yesterday so and so said I look good today he/she didnt. I guess I must look crappy today"


posting in these forums ;)

I love working on, troubleshooting, fixing computers with Windows.. but my programming functionality is extremely limited due to a math learning disability =(((( .. canceled my dreams of being a big game programmer.
I also pull on my eyebrows. I get that from my dad. I have a feeling I'll end up like him and have no eyebrows left when I get old...


do you tug on your forelock but miss causing you to slide under the table?
I can't stand going to bed before 10:30 p.m. and that is the earliest I can make myself go to bed. Usually I end up till 11:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. even though I know I have to get up for work. But on the same hand I can't stand sleeping past 8:30 a.m. even if I don't have any work or anything to do that day. And 8:30 is pretty much the latest I sleep in. I usually get up by 7:00 a.m..

I tend to over think every thing. I run every possible scenario for a situation through my head and than I try to determine the most likely outcome. I can't count the times I have had mental conversation with someone and based there responses based off what I know about them and than decide from there if I should actually have the conversation in real life.

I can't stand most music. I think it stems from my childhood where my brothers would blast rock and other loud music all the time and with me being a major introvert I despised it when he did that. Lately I have been tryign to broaden my music tastes by listening to some classical music, Jazz, etc.

I talk to my computer/pet/whatever even if it can't talk back to me.

I will take the numbers off of license plates and convert them to their place in the alphabet (1=A, 2 = B, etc) and than try to make words out of the letters available.
I can't stand going to bed before 10:30 p.m. and that is the earliest I can make myself go to bed. Usually I end up till 11:00 - 12:00 p.m. even though I know I have to get up for work. But on the same hand I can't stand sleeping past 8:30 a.m. even if I don't have any work or anything to do that day. And 8:30 is pretty much the latest I sleep in. I usually get up by 7:00 a.m..
Here's a combination between a quirk and a pet peeve: I use the 24-hour clock almost exclusively in writing. 12PM is noon! This kind of mistake happens a lot, I find, and it drives me crazy. There are twenty four distinct hours, why don't use 24 numbers to represent them? Agh. But in conversation, I always use the 12-hour clock; it's more accepted and it's less likely to be confused (I find).


-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly this.

I've found that some ladies love it. That I have a type of quiet intensity.[/QUOTE]

Quiet intensity or quiet insanity?

I was at a meeting the other day. This guy was talking and his eye contact lasted WAY too long. It was disconcerting and made pretty much everyone uncomfortable.


Staff member
The strangest one I have is this:

Whenever I am walking on a tiled surface where the tiles are large enough I imagine that there are lasers crossing the tile which bisect the 90 degree angles. I can't step on the lasers. This means that I have to walk with my foot entirely inside one of the 4 90 degree triangles which makes up a square tile. Rectangular tiles are more difficult, because the lasers will bounce off of each other and create a more complex pattern. The more bounces there are, the less it bothers me, but I still look at each tile and follow at least one or two bounces through. Places with large creative tile patterns make me angry.

Now, this actually extends beyond tiles. Any object with a 90/270 degree angle in it releases a laser from that angle. Of course, you can imagine that it would be impossible to avoid all of those lasers (as they are often planar), so it just becomes something that my mind recognizes and ignores, although it does bother me slightly. With tiles though, it actually effects how I walk.


2 other small ones

1) I have a habit of constantly highlighting and unhighlighting anything I am reading online. And I mean constantly. The whole time I am reading there is just a constant barrage of clicking. It drives me nuts at work because we have to use IE8, which, if you don't know, will pop up a little tool whenever you highlight something, and sometimes I click it (throws me to bing I think). On top of that our computers are old, so it really slows down my computer's performance.

2) When I eat a fortune cookie, I have to break it, eat one side, read the fortune, and read the other side. If I don't do it in that order, or read it before I eat the first half, the fortune is tainted. There's also a certain taint if, when I pull the fortune out, the lottery number side is in front.
When I find myself alone wandering the house at night, I like to open the basement door and, before turning on the light, give myself a moment to recognize that if someone were down there, looking back up at me, there is no way in Hell I would see them because of how dark it is. Never fails to freak me out, and I have no idea why I do it.
Remembered another one: I cannot STAND sitting with my back to a door. I either have to be facing it or off at an angle to it. This is usually easy to deal with at restaurants, but can get awkward at someone's house.
Remembered another one: I cannot STAND sitting with my back to a door. I either have to be facing it or off at an angle to it. This is usually easy to deal with at restaurants, but can get awkward at someone's house.
Spoken like a true gunslinger...

I feel that way in restaurants too.
Remembered another one: I cannot STAND sitting with my back to a door. I either have to be facing it or off at an angle to it. This is usually easy to deal with at restaurants, but can get awkward at someone's house.
I know what you mean, but my obsession with this started with wanting to see every girl that would walk into a room. Now it's a defense instinct.


Staff member
-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people
I do this too, people say it's very intimidating at times. But I can't help it.[/QUOTE]

Exactly this.

I've found that some ladies love it. That I have a type of quiet intensity.[/QUOTE]

Just remember, there's a difference between looking assertive and confident, and the piercing stare of a psychopath.[/QUOTE]

O.O Your skin would make a lovely hat.
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