List your oddball quirks/habits

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I cannot stand twisted phone cords. If the handset cord on a phone is twisted up, I MUST STRAIGHTEN IT.

When I am severely stressed, I will pluck hairs from my beard, one at a time. You can tell I'm having a bad day when there are bald/thin patches in the beard.

I cannot remember which names start with KRI as opposed to KIR. Kristen? Kirsten? Who knows?
I just noticed today that I keep my pennies in a separate pocket from the rest of my change.

I'm subconsciously engaging in coin segregation.
Spoiled for kind of TMI- ness.

If at home or even sometimes just not at a public restroom I'll take my shirt off when I poop

I crack my knuckles and other bones a lot.

I almost always wear a plain white undershirt even if I'm wearing just a t-shirt over it.

I strongly prefer to sleep with a comforter or something over me for the weight.

In sure there are more.
I don't really like the idea of my shirt touching any part of the toilet I guess. Also in the summer it's just so damn hot anyway.


I almost always wear a plain white undershirt even if I'm wearing just a t-shirt over it.
A guy at work does this all year round. With a fairly thick shirt and body armour over it. He says he sweats too much if he doesn't wear it, but I don't see how the addition of an extra layer of clothing will prevent him sweating. I can see it absorbing sweat, but still...

Mind you, I'm in short sleeves all year round at work (I had some Italian tourists stop me in the park so they could have their photo taken with the crazy British man wearing short sleeves in the snow), so seeing him with the extra layer makes me feel hot anyway.
I used to wear the t-shirt no matter what too. since you are sweating anyway, it is nice to have a buffer between the sweat and the nicer shirt. And it does not make you much or any hotter.
It's the seat thing. It doesn't add much heat but prevents most wet spots from showing on my outer shirt which would normally have a large one on the back.


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Phil, I do that too. Mostly because I wear suspenders under my shirt, so I have to take the shirt off in order to take my pants off.
Too much information:

Oh, the spoilered one! I take off all my clothes, If I'm on the toilet at home. It has several reasons why:

One reason is because it's a way of not having to worry about the shirt going too far down touching the bowl or inside it... I used to lift the shirt and keep it tucked up under my arms, but it got all wrinkly, and I finally decided to take it off completely. I also take off my pants completely because I find it's a much more confortable position if I don't have my legs "trapped" by the trousers. At first, I just took one leg out, but it evolved to full unpanting.

And I have to take my shoes off to be able to take the trousers off.

I keep my socks on.
I have a support beam next to my office chair. When I have a friend in my office, and we are about to go to lunch, I'll grab the pole like I am about to use it to help my self stand... but instead I do a stripper stand, and roll my hips forward to the pole.

Their jaw will hit the floor and I get a good laugh at their expression.


Staff member
-constant knuckle cracking

-tearing out my bangs when I space out during work

-wayyyyyyy too much eye contact when I'm talking to people (old habit beaten into me by a middle school teacher)
I read that as "knuckle dragging". Sorry.

---------- Post added at 04:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

Oddball habits:
I have to have a tight sheet when I sleep. I semi-consiously roll little folds in the tight surface until they pop. I've been doing that as far back as I can recall.

No one, not even my 3-year-old daughter can touch my neck. I think it must be genetic, because my dad does it, too. But I didn't realize that until I was an adult.
I walk tiptoed a lot, usually just off the ground so it's hardly noticeable. If I'm wearing shoes the shoe will hit the ground, but the back of my feet won't.

When I get stressed out I pull through it till I get home and then spend an hour or so just rocking back and forth on my bed.

For some reason I always have sound sources (tv/radio) at just above background noise, but the second I put on headphones I put them on max, which usually means it's actually more noisy to others.

I used to hate being touched, it doesn't bother me so much now but simple touches like a pat on the back still give me an uncomfortable feeling.
No one, not even my 3-year-old daughter can touch my neck. I think it must be genetic, because my dad does it, too. But I didn't realize that until I was an adult.
I've got the same thing with my throat. You put your hands anywhere near my throat, even my kids, you get them pushed away quickly. I figure someone tried to strangle me as a kid and I've blocked the memory.
1) I have a habit of constantly highlighting and unhighlighting anything I am reading online. And I mean constantly. The whole time I am reading there is just a constant barrage of clicking.
As soon as I read that I thought what is he talking about but then I realized I had the first sentence highlighted and that I do that all the time too.

Some other quirks
I dont really like drinking the bubbles that form right after you pour a glass of milk so will try blowing them off to the side making it look like Im trying to cool off my glass of milk

I tend to panic after the fact. For speeches I will be ok before and usually during but right after I finish a dread of terror sweeps over me about doing the speech. Or another driver will do something stupid that looks like it will be a sure accident and everyone else in the car will start freaking out but I just go into work mode "ok have to swerve here, make sure nobody is there etc" and my heart rate just stays the same but the next day the panic hits me.

I also make weird noises especially when doing problems I will make beep boop sounds like a robot.

I also tend to have laughing spouts though not very often. First I will laugh at a joke, then laugh at the fact that I would laugh at something that stupid then laugh at the looks my friends are giving me and on and on until I have no idea what Im laughing at but I just keep going.
I know I have some more but might think them up later.
I headbutt random people whenever I hear Adam Lambert music, and my sweat can be used to polish precious metals.


I'll constantly sign (ASL, Sign language) the alphabet while I'm walking anywhere.
I just thought of one: I have grotesquely long arms.

And the size of my hands has been well documented on this forum.
Another one:

I find that when I leave my house, I can never remember whether I've locked the door. I'll completely forget even like 4 seconds later. In my mind, I think this is because it's such a heavily repeated task tat my mind doesn't even process it, much like you don't really think about blinking directly. So in order to fix the problem, I started knocking on the door after I locked it so I'd have the lasting sensation in my knuckles to remind me. After a while, that became part of my Pavlovian memory conditioning too.

Now most times that I lock my front door, I knock on the door 1-6 times using a random selection of all 10 of my digits.


Staff member
I wash my hands all the fucking time. Not even for germ reasons (example below), just for a "my hands feel perturbed" reason.

I know it's not a germ thing because I wash my hands after touching an animal, but I have no problem whatsoever nomming on my gf's cat's head.

I constantly, all the time, switch the first letters of words or syllables. Examples: Momputer Couse. Doin Jate. Freridgerator. A road sign on the way to school says "Saginaw" and I change it to "Waginas". Apparently my dad does this too.

I love chewing on straws, toothpicks, and paper. I often chew gum AND these things, and chew the two items into a gum-straw or gum-splintery-mess hybrid.

I sing songs by counting a lot. For example, Iron Man: Onnne, twooo, three-four-five, sixseveneightnineten-e-leven!

That actually reminds me of some fucked up singing method I used to do that I actually wondered if I would ever stop doing. Way back when, I'd sing songs like above, but instead of numbers, I'd sing the Moulin Rouge song, "vous le vous coucher avec moi." It was fucked up.

I like to roll something rough in my hands and will do it for hours if given the chance.

I've noticed that I have at least two nervous habits:
1) When talking or trying to appear idle (I most often notice it when ordering at a sit-down restaurant), I twist my watch so it's tight against my wrist again.
2) When driving and I don't know exactly what's going on (like if I'm pulling up on some construction and they're directing traffic all wonky) I rub/squeeze my neck or pick at my stubbly neck beard. =P

I constantly bounce my leg while sitting.

Always pick at hangnails, making a clicking sound. Drives the gf nuts.

All I can think of right now.
oh, oh, this makes me think of another one! When I shake hands with somebody, I sometimes realise this is probably the hand they have used to do everything in their lives. It started as thinking it was the hand they masturbate with, but it evolved to encompass this strange feeling of grandiousness and importance: by offering me his hand, he is actually offering me most of his actions for his whole life, be they good, bad, disgusting, ridiculous or important. It's like some weird mystic moment.

The same thing happens to me sometimes with mouths, but usually when I'm meeting with couples and just relating to sex.


I raise my right heel at urinals. I'd like to think it's because I'm prepping for ninja and/or raptor attack, but who knows.
I pop my knuckles a lot, and each time I do I then have to pop my wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and neck.

Anytime I hear someone clear their throat, I have to clear my throat too.

If I can't have a cigarette for whatever reason, I suck my teeth - by which I mean I clamp my mouth shut and produce as much suction as I can. This made my life hell last week when I had my wisdom tooth extracted and couldn't smoke for fear of dry socketing the extraction site, and couldn't suck my teeth for fear of dislodging the blood clot.

No matter how hot it is, I have to have something covering me while I sleep or I can't sleep.

I cannot stand to have the sheets/blankets tucked in around the sides or bottom of the bed, I feel like I'm trapped.

I can't have anything touching my throat when I go to sleep or I have panic attacks and can't get to sleep for hours. Since I sleep on my side most nights this can be a really tricky exercise in hellishness.

Whenever I'm popping my knuckles I have to include the one at the base of my thumb, and I have to crack it by setting the joint against my forehead and pressing as hard as I can until it pops.

When I'm typing, and I hit enter for a new line, I have to pop my wrists - just realized that one.

I used to separate my food on my plate and eat all of one thing before moving on to another, and still do for most meals - though as I cook more complex meals and my palate becomes more finely tuned, I can combine more things these days.

I grind my back teeth until my jaws ache, and not just when I sleep.

Since spending years working in call centers, whenever I'm on the phone with someone I either have to have my blue tooth headset in or I have to have the phone on speaker. I hate holding a phone to my ear.

I chew my nails on a regular basis to keep them neatly trimmed, except that I always have to have at least one nail of decent length, in cast something gets stuck between my bottom retainer (the permanent metal bar kind) and my teeth and I need something to fish it out with.

I lean a bit too heavily toward hypochondria, and can't help but think that every little ache and pain in my chest is a heart attack. I'll stay awake for hours if I have the least little pain in my chest at bed time (I dislocated a rib a while back and it never fully healed right, so this happens a lot), basically until I pass out from exhaustion, or I'll do something physically demanding that raises my heart rate into the good cardio range, figuring that if it were a heart attack that would have killed me, and since it didn't I'm safe to sleep.

I count steps every time I go up and down stairs.

I count cadence in my head any time I walk more than 3 blocks consecutively. I never served in the military.

I also segregate my multi-colored candies into groups and eat them one group at a time.

If I have change in my pocket, I constantly count it by arranging it in my hand in order of largest coin to smallest and flicking the coins one at a time out of my hand.

Man, I never realized how screwed up I am.


Staff member
I thought suspenders went over the shirt.
Either or. I put them under the shirt if I'm going some place special - or a place where suspenders might be considered ridiculous. That way I can also wear my shirt long, over my jeans, instead of tucking it in.
I constantly bounce my leg while sitting.

I do that all the time and it drives my family insane[/QUOTE]

Me too. If I force myself to stop, I'll start drumming my fingers on something instead.

The one time that I got incredibly high (followed by getting incredibly sick), my bouncing leg could not consciously be stopped by me, even if I lifted my foot off the ground. It bounced much slower and kept perfect time, like a metronome. It was eerie.
I constantly assess situations based on what type of casualties they can produce and what I can do to assist the casualties. I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse. When ever I carry a weapon I check the safety every 15 minutes without fail. All my shoes and boots are laced the same way, Left over right. There are more involving tiles but I will get into that later :)


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I do something similar. I instantly make a contingency plan for a columbine type situation when I enter the room. Even before Columbine. I map escape routes, forts, and potential weapons. Esp. in my big lecture class of ~200 students. I don't know if they'll actually work, but they're there.


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I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse.
I do that, too. But since my current lodgings are next to a major hospital, I have concluded I might as well lather myself with barbecue sauce and serve lunch. Unless I get an assault rifle, then it's a different story.


Staff member
I also judge buildings and vehicles based on their ability to be defended during the Zombie apocalypse.
I do that, too. But since my current lodgings are next to a major hospital, I have concluded I might as well lather myself with barbecue sauce and serve lunch. Unless I get an assault rifle, then it's a different story.[/QUOTE]

This past year I bought a gun... and I have to admit that one of the deciding factors (not the only one, but it was in there) on which gun I bought was be "effectiveness of use during zombie apocalypse." Ended up with an 18.5" barrel pump action 12 gauge with a 5 shell magazine.
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