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Man beats and kills 2 year old for spilling his milk





Jovani Martinez, as 2-year-olds are wont to do, was fooling around with his milk bottle, causing it to spill. This didn't sit well with Manuel Garcia, the boyfriend of the toddler's mother, Lawanda Martinez. So he decided to forcefully make his displeasure known...

He threw the toddler onto a mattress, but Jovani got back up. So Garcia began to pummel him, punching him in the kidneys, stomach and chest.

Mother Lawanda Martinez would later take the boy to visit his grandma, Wanda Williams, in Racine, Wisconsin that day. Grandma noticed that Jovani was barely conscious, kept falling, couldn't stand up on his own and was shaking. She urged Martinez to take Jovani to the the hospital.

But mom said he always acted this way and took him home. She gave him Tylenol that evening. But by 11:30, she noticed that his body had gone cold and his lips blue.

By the time they arrived at the hospital, Jovani's kidney's were failing. He wouldn't survive. A pathologist discovered that his intestines were perforated, his liver and pancreas were lacerated, and he had broken ribs. This wasn't something that could be caused by accident.

Garcia, 40, has now been charged with reckless homicide. Martinez, 23, is charged with neglect of a child causing death.


This is just depressing and sick

(oh and in before any jokes about crying over spilled milk)




Why do people post these things? We all agree this is sick and sad and wrong. There's nothing about it to discuss.




Why do people post these things? We all agree this is sick and sad and wrong. There's nothing about it to discuss.
Usually this evolves into a discussion about what would be an appropriate punishment for the accused in the story. If it does go that route, here's hoping it'll remain civil.








No reason to lock it yet, although these threads are getting depressing. :\







I don't get how the mom didn't notice that the child was acting strange but the grandmother did.

I suppose I just have to frame of reference though for how a 2 year old acts. Are they big enough to walk around? Could the child have expressed in some way what happened?


Wasabi Poptart

A two year old can walk around, but may not have the capacity to explain what has happened or how he feels physically or emotionally. When my son was that young and he was feeling sick, he would throw a temper tantrum of epic proportions and tell me how he didn't love me anymore while he was screaming and crying. Next thing I knew he'd have a fever and usually come down with croup that night.

Do I believe the mom didn't see something was wrong with her child? Hell no. She knew.




Do I believe the mom didn't see something was wrong with her child? Hell no. She knew.
Too me, it seems pretty obvious that the mother was trying to cover up for her boyfriend.

and since Troll mentioned: Fire, and lots of it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Do I believe the mom didn't see something was wrong with her child? Hell no. She knew.



Can we please bring back public capital and corporate punishment now?




Wow. That's really sad.




Can we please bring back public capital and corporate punishment now?
No, Charlie won't allow it. It's Charlie's world, this guy will spend his days in prison.



Aw that is so sad. We need a forum just called Really Depressing Shit so I can just stay out of it.




Aw that is so sad. We need a forum just called Really Depressing Shit so I can just stay out of it.
My exact thoughs.





And why is a 23 year old going out with a 40 year old man?





And why is a 23 year old going out with a 40 year old man?
It happens. It can be a perfectly healthy relationship.


Kitty Sinatra

Yeah. Just ask Iaculus.





And why is a 23 year old going out with a 40 year old man?
It happens. It can be a perfectly healthy relationship.[/QUOTE]






And why is a 23 year old going out with a 40 year old man?
It happens. It can be a perfectly healthy relationship.[/QUOTE]


I was thinking of 2 friends of mine (she's 27 and he's 44), but I guess that works too.



Yeah. Just ask Iaculus.
Weirdly enough, this is actually accurate this time. My dad's several years older than my mum, and they've got one of the most stable, loving relationships I've encountered.

They didn't meet when my mum was fourteen, though. Just so's I make that clear.

Re: punishment, I don't see what the problem with life imprisonment is here. It's cheaper than the death penalty, and... well, dude's a childkiller. It's not like he's going to have a fun time of it there.




Can we please bring back public capital and corporate punishment now?
No, Charlie won't allow it. It's Charlie's world, this guy will spend his days in prison.[/QUOTE]

LEAVE CORPORATIONS ALONE........ they're humans being too, don't you know.

A two year old can walk around, but may not have the capacity to explain what has happened or how he feels physically or emotionally.
Also, bleeding internally from half your organs impairs most peoples capacities anyhow...



Yeah. Just ask Iaculus.
Uh, a 40 year old dating a 23 year is not pedophilia.



Yeah. Just ask Iaculus.
Uh, a 40 year old dating a 23 year is not pedophilia.[/QUOTE]

Which is why you should ask me rather than Icarus.:toocool:




He only needs a little counseling.



Yeah. Just ask Iaculus.
Uh, a 40 year old dating a 23 year is not pedophilia.[/QUOTE]

Which is why you should ask me rather than Icarus.:toocool:[/QUOTE]

Oh snap!




Why do people post these things? We all agree this is sick and sad and wrong. There's nothing about it to discuss.

---------- Post added at 10:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ----------

He only needs a little counseling.
He is just misunderstood.




Re: punishment, I don't see what the problem with life imprisonment is here. It's cheaper than the death penalty, and... well, dude's a childkiller. It's not like he's going to have a fun time of it there.
Only marginally, after you factor in the cost of appeals over a period of time. But yes, he would not do well in prison.




I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the death sentence costs MORE than 70+ years in prison. You guys should just kill these scumbags in a humane yet cheap and quick way... bullet to the head. That's it. No more million-dollar injections/red tape.

How's THAT for a liberal's view?




Speaking as an officer in a system that has had a cop-killer on death row for 20 years (Google Troy Davis, if you're curious), I have few problems with your liberal view, Calleja.




I dunno, he'd probably get beat up in prison a lot, so it might not be that bad. :p




I'm the anti-church, pro-choice, pro-gay liberal who sees more and more sense in Eugenics, though, so I don't think I count much.




I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the death sentence costs MORE than 70+ years in prison. You guys should just kill these scumbags in a humane yet cheap and quick way... bullet to the head. That's it. No more million-dollar injections/red tape.

How's THAT for a liberal's view?
The act of executing a prisoner does not cost more. The lengthy round of automatic appeals, especially lawyer fees, cost more than a life sentence.




Well, that seems simple enough to fix.








Well, that seems simple enough to fix.
If the government is going to execute someone, I would like them to spend as much time and money as they need to make damn sure they are killing the right person.




Well, that seems simple enough to fix.
If the government is going to execute someone, I would like them to spend as much time and money as they need to make damn sure they are killing the right person.[/QUOTE]

I could not agree more.



As much as I revile some of the people I had to meet when interning at DC, I'm in agreement with Troll and BC here. The Death Penalty is a final end to a sentence with no possibility of undoing it. We can't go 'oopsie' and realize we offed the wrong person and act bashful. That in and of itself is a disgusting miscarriage of justice.

And echoing some of the prison folk here, no he would not do well at all. Childkillers and child rapists are seen as the absolute scum of a prison hierarchy and tend to 'fall' and 'accidentally swallow glass' more than you'd think.




As much as I revile some of the people I had to meet when interning at DC, I'm in agreement with Troll and BC here. The Death Penalty is a final end to a sentence with no possibility of undoing it. We can't go 'oopsie' and realize we offed the wrong person and act bashful. That in and of itself is a disgusting miscarriage of justice.

And echoing some of the prison folk here, no he would not do well at all. Childkillers and child rapists are seen as the absolute scum of a prison hierarchy and tend to 'fall' and 'accidentally swallow glass' more than you'd think.
I asked a few convicts why they loathe childkillers and child rapists, their answer? "I was a kid once", I lol'ed.




Many violent offenders were "perpetrated" as children. They can't take revenge on those that made them the way they are. So they take it out on the people that hurt them.



Well, that seems simple enough to fix.
If the government is going to execute someone, I would like them to spend as much time and money as they need to make damn sure they are killing the right person.[/QUOTE]

Kill everyone, and let their gods sort it out in hell.




Well, that seems simple enough to fix.
If the government is going to execute someone, I would like them to spend as much time and money as they need to make damn sure they are killing the right person.[/QUOTE]

To me, that doesn't mean keeping someone on death row for the rest of their natural life. There needs to be a cutoff. At this point, even ten years would be an improvement.




eff that, 2 years should be more than enough for appeals and counter-appeals



it points out an ugly issue. the legal code of the US is frighteningly massive and tangled....



eff that, 2 years should be more than enough for appeals and counter-appeals

I am sure there are plenty of people who sat on death row for more than 2 years and still were wrongfully executed. While it is ridiculously costly to keep these appeals going, I am sure the toll on people to kill an innocent man is greater than the financial toll created by waiting.


Kitty Sinatra

I'm surprised that Gas trusts the authorities enough to give them the power to kill him.



Execution or no, I like to always believe there's a special place in hell for pedophiles, rapists, and child murderers. I don't know how God works (if he works) but I really can't grasp how those three things are warrant of repentance in the least bit.


Philosopher B.

I still can't wrap my head around the fact that the death sentence costs MORE than 70+ years in prison. You guys should just kill these scumbags in a humane yet cheap and quick way... bullet to the head. That's it. No more million-dollar injections/red tape.

How's THAT for a liberal's view?
Bullet in the brain pan. Squish.




What we do in the Philippines is,when a Childrapist or Killer is found guilty,he gets the deathpenalty,fast and swift. if he gets off on some technicality but its 100% sure he did it, a few minutes after he leaves the courtbuilding the family of the child will gun him down in a drive-by while the police is looking the other way.




That always seems to happen on Law & Order. If the killer gets off, and there's a minute left, he either commits suicide or gets gunned down on the courthouse steps.


Kitty Sinatra

That's because there's only been one episode of Law and Order made ever. They just keep repeating it ad nausea.




you mean ad nauseam... stop mixing latin.


Kitty Sinatra

I meant ad nausea. the commercial I was watching at the time of that post was making me sick. Yeah, that's my story.

(but seriously, it was an intentional wrong word)




"nauseam" is still the latin for Nausea so your argument fails, dude.


Kitty Sinatra

my argument was in 6th grade with Jethro Bodine :(



I meant ad nausea. the commercial I was watching at the time of that post was making me sick. Yeah, that's my story.

(but seriously, it was an intentional wrong word)
He's intentionally missing it. again, because he's smarter than us.




nah, I'm just the worst kind of grammar/spelling nazi. It's annoying, I know, but I can't help it. Don't take it personally.


Kitty Sinatra

"nauseam" is still the latin for Nausea so your argument fails, dude.
Oh shit. Crone just made me realize what my response to this should've been: Unless ad is the latin for advertisement, your argument fails.



nah, I'm just the worst kind of grammar/spelling nazi. It's annoying, I know, but I can't help it. Don't take it personally.
this is why your puns are horrible. You beat the shit out any subtlety therein (see my limp point post), and coming from me that's effort. And why, in general, on the subject of language, you excel at being annoying. It's ok, we all have flaws, Fade likes all the wrong things in the world, Chuck likes Tnights, I have mosquito-sized a- cups, and get judged as an idiot before I open my mouth because of being a wimmins, and the universe designed you as the pun destroyer. Don't take this as sarcastic criticism. see it as a business opportunity: I think you should market it it. Sell your services to parents with kids who have dreams of becoming comedians. You can crush them into being the accountants the system needs them to be, and get paid.




The Pun Destroyer.

I like it!!


Kitty Sinatra

The only question that remains is can we get Tom Jane to play him in the movie.




Hell no, it'd obviously have to be Bruce Willis.




I like you, Crone. What does that mean?




That you're a hopeless masochist?


Kitty Sinatra

Hell no, it'd obviously have to be Bruce Willis.
I've got Dolph Lundgren on the phone. He's willing to pay us to do it. Should I just hang up on him?




Yes. Hell yes. Hang up and block his number.


Kitty Sinatra

*hangs up*




Get Jeannie to call Zemeckis, see if he's free to direct.



I like you, Crone. What does that mean?
That I'm not a thing, and that I expected you to say that.


Kitty Sinatra

Talkin' to Bobby right now. He's interested, but only if we call it "Back to the Pun"

Yeah, he may be a pun destroyer, too.




Back to the Pun!?

Ugh... tell him that it MIGHT be a subtitle.. as in "The Pun Destroyer: Back to the Pun", and then maybe we can talk.




I like you, Crone. What does that mean?
That I'm not a thing, and that I expected you to say that.[/QUOTE]

Yes, because, the "thing" pronoun isn't used to refer collectively to people and things by, well, everyone.

Like I said to GasBandit before, expecting an obvious response is just part of it being an obvious response.




I think you don't need that comma after "because" fadesy.

(sorry, I'm just really enjoying my annoyingness liberation today)




That's what's called a "typo".
