Marijuana And You

How often do you smoke pot?

  • Never have.

    Votes: 41 50.0%
  • Have tried it one or two times

    Votes: 20 24.4%
  • Every once in a long while

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • Every once in a short while

    Votes: 2 2.4%
  • Once or twice a week

    Votes: 1 1.2%
  • Regularly

    Votes: 5 6.1%

  • Total voters
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Seeing as how Conan won't stop mentioning pro-legalization movements in California, and all news sources are going crazy over Mexico's quasi-decriminalization and Argentina's recent following... the winds seems to be moving, finally, towards a more marijuana-friendly planet.

So I wondered... how many of my fellow forumites enjoy a joint or two?


Staff member
Haven't tried it. Don't want to, but won't get in anyone's face if they do (unless they are operating heavy machinery or have access to military-grade weaponry).

Got enough vices as is.
Damn, the thread posts before you're done with the poll, that kinda sucks.

Anyway, poll is up, please vote.
Don't smoke period. I've seen what smoking did to my Father's health and I do not wish to go through the same thing when I get to be his age.
As shocking as this may come to a few, I've never had an illegal substance in my life.
Cigarettes when I was a teen, and wine with some dinners. Otherwise, nada.

As for legalization? I'm completely for it.


Hmmmm no poll choice is applicable for me. I used to be a very regular user. However, I gave it up over 15 years ago out of choice, and now I have a job that is very persnickity about that sort of thing. What I miss? Mmmmmmm shotgunssssss. Yeeeaaaah.
As shocking as this may come to a few, I've never had an illegal substance in my life.
Cigarettes when I was a teen, and wine with some dinners. Otherwise, nada.

As for legalization? I'm completely for it.
Yeah, I used to smoke weed when I was in high school and shit, but since choosing my current vocation I live a cleaner lifestyle.

Why I quoted you? I am also completely for legalization. It would make my job much easier.

Cuyval Dar

I'm not against it, and I do support legalization, but I don't want to mess up my health.


Absolutely legalize it. I run on drunks and crack heads all the time. I hardly ever see a pot head call 9-1-1.
Eh, it causes cancer just as much as any other smoke into your lungs product, there's no need to get high (CHICA CHICAAAAH!) and mighty about how awesome pot is.

Cuyval Dar

Nope. I do consume more caffeine than I should though.
I regularly exercise,so I guess it evens out.
It's healthier than alcohol... do you drink?
That's subjective at best. Both impair your judgment, both have negative effects on your health, some of which can be long lasting. I'd say both are about even... it's just much easier to kill yourself with booze than with your old friend Mary Jane because one it socially acceptable and cheap, while the other is illegal and expensive.

That being said, I have no problem with others smoking it or even having it be legalized. I just don't want to partake myself.


Staff member
I tried it once or twice in college. Found I didn't like the effects at all. Made me feel... well, you know that feeling your brain gets when you've dove too deep into the pool and stayed down on the bottom too long, and now you're clawing for the surface because your brain is screaming for oxygen? That's how pot made me feel. It wasn't the fun, sloshy, discoordinated confidence of alcohol, or even anything similar. It just felt like stinky brain death.

I'm also in favor of legalization of marijuana. Not just for medical purposes, but the growing and selling for recreational purposes as well. There are few bigger, more expensive boondoggle fiascos than the United States' "War on Drugs."
Done it a few times, wasn't for me. I'll stick to alcohol. No issues with folks who do enjoy it or need it medical-wise, of course, as it's their choice/need. I also don't see any reason not to legalize it.


Staff member
As shocking as this may come to a few, I've never had an illegal substance in my life.
Cigarettes when I was a teen, and wine with some dinners. Otherwise, nada.

As for legalization? I'm completely for it.
Exactly this.
Calleja it seems like your trying to convince people to get back on the weedz.

No, no, I'm just stating some facts, the effects of MJ is something I've done quite some research on.

It *is* healthier than alcohol, as in, literally.. the short and long term PHYSICAL effects of marijuana are nothing compared to those of alcohol. No one has EVER died of marijuana use alone, EVER. The same can not be said of alcohol, tobacco or even caffeine for that matter.

The easiest way to personally notice this is comparing your worst alcohol hangover, which is a side effect of alcohol imbibing, to your worst marijuana next day-blues. Which is a slight lazyness you sometimes get when you really blow your head off with bong hits the previous night.


Staff member
No, no, I'm just stating some facts, the effects of MJ is something I've done quite some research on.

It *is* healthier than alcohol, as in, literally.. the short and long term PHYSICAL effects of marijuana are nothing compared to those of alcohol. No one has EVER died of marijuana use alone, EVER. The same can not be said of alcohol, tobacco or even caffeine for that matter.

The easiest way to personally notice this is comparing your worst alcohol hangover, which is a side effect of alcohol imbibing, to your worst marijuana next day-blues. Which is a slight lazyness you sometimes get when you really blow your head off with bong hits the previous night.
My first time, the Pot literally DID turn me blue. As in, the color. My lips and fingers all went purple.
Absolutely legalize it. I run on drunks and crack heads all the time. I hardly ever see a pot head call 9-1-1.
Funny most people run on coffee and doughnuts, or similar product. How do you grind them up fine enough to dissolve in water?
Eh, used to smoke quite often, socially, in college/uni. Haven't really smoked since I work inmy current job, though. Don't really miss it. All in favour of legalisation, though.
I tried it once, the same night I tried a regular cigarette. Didn't care for either, so never did it again.

Edit: And yes, I am aware of the irony of this sentence coupled with a Spider Jerusalem avatar.
I'm all for legalizing it. How much more money could the US garner by legalizing and taxing marijuana, versus how much money we spend every year trying to control it as an illegal substance?

Personally, however, I had the opposite reaction from what everyone always told me was the norm. Gave me crushing headaches and made me vomit, so not for me. Though, it was extremely useful when I was incredibly ill one time and had lungs so full of phlegm I could barely breathe. Getting the phlegm out of my lungs and instantly vomiting so it was completely out of my body was great. Sadly, the vomiting and headaches happened every time I tried it (ex-wife was a medical marijuana abuser and ex-mother-in-law was a grower, so I had plenty of chances to try it), not just when I was horribly ill.


Haven't tried because of the following: I don't smoke anything, it's too expensive (in the sense that it's something else to spend money on), and it's illegal.

In that order.
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