moss' art stuff thread!

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Staff member
Ya know, I know how one draws, sculpts, paints, etc... but this is like MAGIC to me. I wouldn't even know where to start doing that kind of stuff. It's very very cool. :D
The Empire should have used those instead of AT-ATs! That there looks cooler and way more effective.

Nice mossy!


neat stuff. How long does it take to render/create something like the train station sign?
the station sign? 45 minutes or so maybe. most of that time is planning on what the thing is. once i have the idea of what its shaped like, then making the stuff. to be honest, its quite a simple model, at the moment anyway. partly because my poor compy can't really cope with high-poly stuff much, and well, because its easier to work with for now. the textures are a bunch of procedural materials from the blender material archive. the render time was... a minute? two?
the daleks? few hours over a few days normally.i tend to spend the most time getting the model right, then sticking on the textures, which doesn't take as long.

and now, new stuff!

So, aages ago, i started on an animation project i never finished. all i ever managed to do was this and that was the last i managed to get done, end of 2008.

So i decided to start from scratch! and first frames are something of an improvement on the old i think :D

yep, thats the plan. problem is its a higher quality material, so... one frame takes four minutes to render on my compy. and 20 minutes to render in HD. :(
*blows the dust off the thread*

dang. its been a while hasn't it? I'm trying to get back into the swing of things yet again. heres the first of hopefully many.

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