Motivational Posters Thread

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Philosopher B.

@ The anorexia one: Augh, that makes me die a little inside every time I see it. Anorexia is horrible. :puke:
Here a few that I made:

btw, go to

There is tons of raw material for demotivational-posters... ^^ Together with the bighugelabs mp-creator tool mentioned earlier in this thread, I guess there should be tons of news motivators up in short time. :aaahhh: :Leyla:
:lol: :lol:

Good one bubble!

Great scott... I'm surfing this foundphotos right now... just plain :Leyla: what's to find there!

:shock: :paranoid:

If he comes in, I'll

And the problem is, most foundphotos can just be captioned "Yes, I'm speechless too", or "don't ask me" or "Hmm....Yeah..." or some such. Trouble is finding something witty to add.

Seriously, other people, start posting, I feel like I'm talking to myself here.

Don't worry. I'm still here:

And yes, that IS me. on the right. Left is my beloved significant other. :-D
And what now? What are you going to do with me?

This? :zoid:

Shiat... as of this post, I am now "one of us" :Leyla:


Staff member
Anyone miss me?


Okay, didn't think so. Well, as long as I'm here. My top 10 favorite posters I've made (in no particular order):



Here are the ones I created and posted:

Any repeats are already on auto apology mode.
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