Movies you are still traumatized by..

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The movie Clue made me afraid of thunderstorms when I was young. Mostly because I was 10, I watched it during a thunderstorm, and the storm knocked out the power right in the middle of the movie (just after the part where the power was shut off in the movie). From that point on, I wanted no part of being outside or near a door/window during a thunderstorm.
I stayed up late one evening, I was maybe 7 or 8, and watched Rumble in the Bronx with my dad.

The part where the gang ambushes Jackie Chan in the alley and throw bottles at his head kept me from sleeping that night.
I was a huge pussy as a kid. Still am. However, I had a love hate thing with horror movies. Even back then I loved the dark feel and the creepy designs of some movies...but that same thing I loved frightened the fucking shit out of me.

13 Ghosts. I was in high school when that piece of trash came out. I loved the designs of the ghosts but they kept me up at night. I was also deadly afraid of Frank the Bunny from Donnie Darko until I actually saw the movie.

Actually, I was afraid of a lot of crap but I can't even recall the extent of it. Isn't that sad? :p
I stayed up late one evening, I was maybe 7 or 8, and watched Rumble in the Bronx with my dad.

The part where the gang ambushes Jackie Chan in the alley and throw bottles at his head kept me from sleeping that night.
Yeah but then Jackie beat them up with refrigerators afterward. Now THAT'S entertainment!



Rumble in the Bronx.. was fine until they sent a guy through a woodchipper, then brought him home in a garbage bag.. That about made me lose my cookies too, and I won't see that movie to this day because of it.
Rumble in the Bronx.. was fine until they sent a guy through a woodchipper, then brought him home in a garbage bag.. That about made me lose my cookies too, and I won't see that movie to this day because of it.
I honestly had forgotten about that scene, and your post made it vividly play back in my mind.

Makes me wonder what else I'm repressing from myself.
I just realized my fear of spiders, wich are the bugs I hate and fear the most in all the bug kingdom, probably comes from the fact that facehuggers where the ones that impregnated people with insects (small aliens do even look similar to the larvae that got inside deers noses in the cartoon I talked about). Spiders became the heralds of this previous fear I had of bugs getting inside my body.
I missed out on a lot of stuff, growing up. Two that stand out in my memory are, regrettably, Ghostbusters (believe it or not) - the scene where the Demon Dog hands rip through the chair? Yeah, fuck that scene. I couldn't sit in arm chairs for MONTHS.

Also, Beastmaster, I think it was, had a scene wherein some giant bat-winged beastie grabbed hold of a dude, wrapped him up, and proceeded to turn him to bones and goo. That's one that never quite left the brain-housing group, and I think I've only seen that movie once.
The Thing (John Carpenter). That movie kicked my ass when i was a 9 or something.

Even the freaking trailer they showed on TV had me having nightmares.

I can still feel the actual primitive fear when i think about it.


Staff member
I'm going to find a way to synthesize the "clown voice" sound effects from that movie and pipe it into your bedroom late at night.


Besides being annoyed, and creeped out that you were anywhere near my bedroom, I wouldn't really be bothered. It's not like I'm scared of it now. I was scared when I was 7.


Staff member
Besides being annoyed, and creeped out that you were anywhere near my bedroom, I wouldn't really be bothered. It's not like I'm scared of it now. I was scared when I was 7.
I think I detect lingering issues. And besides, when you're asleep, a little (quiet) sonic stimulus can go a long way to shaping dreams... or nightmares.
Oh shit! I completely forgot!

There is one movie that I saw in the past year and a half that disturbed me beyond belief. Alien Versus Predator: Requiem. Now, this was a stpuid movie full of pointless gore and pointless characters. HOWEVER, I was pregnant when I saw this movie....

Yeeeeh...if you've seen it you know why I freaked out and couldn't sleep afterwards.


Oh shit! I completely forgot!

There is one movie that I saw in the past year and a half that disturbed me beyond belief. Alien Versus Predator: Requiem. Now, this was a stpuid movie full of pointless gore and pointless characters. HOWEVER, I was pregnant when I saw this movie....

Yeeeeh...if you've seen it you know why I freaked out and couldn't sleep afterwards.
You mean this scene.

Jesus... that's almost as bad as the zombie baby from the new Dawn of the Dead...

which my pregnant wife just saw. Yeah... THAT was a fun night of trying to sleep for her
OK... I need to stop reading this thread.

Last night I dreamt that I was dating Christian Bale's character in American Psycho. Note: I have never seen the movie. When I heard about what he was doing (he somehow skeletonized a whole marching band... this is hilarious now that I look back on it), I played it cool because I didn't want to get shot. Now, I hear that before he killed someone in the movie, he got really prickish about music. This didn't happen in my dream. We ended in a church attic, struggling each other for a shotgun. I eventually flipped it around and shot him in the chest and in the head.

So weird.


Did he look like this?

Cuz I was no where near your dreams last night.

(But my chest and head have been hurting real bad today.)
Oh shit! I completely forgot!

There is one movie that I saw in the past year and a half that disturbed me beyond belief. Alien Versus Predator: Requiem. Now, this was a stpuid movie full of pointless gore and pointless characters. HOWEVER, I was pregnant when I saw this movie....

Yeeeeh...if you've seen it you know why I freaked out and couldn't sleep afterwards.
You mean this scene.


I am not fucking watching it again.



I remembered another one : Dan Aykroyd's "Nothing but Trouble" .. sick movie altogether.. I can understand his sentiment towards the groups he dislikes, but I intensely disagree with how to handle of them... that is, I do NOT think that people should be sentenced to death and immediately stripped of all flesh and have their bones unceremoniously dumped in a trash bin!!
NSFW (in my opinion)
The scene in Poltergeist where the clown doll tries to strangle the kid. I have a monkey doll about the same size as the clown, and I still keep it buried in my closet where I can't see it when I'm trying to sleep.
It was the scene where the mother falls into the unfinished pool that got me. Bodies start floating up and she keeps trying and failing to crawl out.

I remember having nightmares after seeing Ghostbusters.
The nightmares I had were always about Zuul.

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