My Dinner With Gusto (AMA)

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Do you support fixed election dates for federal elections?

Do you favour our current first past the post model of election or would you rather have a form of proportional representation?

Should advertisements from peoples and corporations be allowed to promote the message of political parties, circumventing electioneering laws?
Do you support fixed election dates for federal elections?

Do you favour our current first past the post model of election or would you rather have a form of proportional representation?

Should advertisements from peoples and corporations be allowed to promote the message of political parties, circumventing electioneering laws?
I don't really know politics! Answering these questions might be akin to digging my own grave.

In short:

The latter.

---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

If you could switch roles with anyone in the entire world for one day, who would it be?
You would literally be him/her but also have all your own thoughts and memories and free will.
Hmmm... Having no specific person in mind, but having several criteria I would like to experience for learning reasons, I'd say Daniel Corsetto. That way I'd be able to experience being a girl for a while to see what that's all about, and also what it's like to be a successful webcartoonist. :)

Ten I would take that experience back to my normal body, which I assume is limp in the closet at in some gypsy's caravan.


Staff member
Do you have any weird, irrational fears that you can't explain?

Do you like standup comedy? If so who are your favorite comedians?

What's the ugliest thing you've ever worn?

Have you ever broken a limb? (did I ask you that already?....)

What's your favorite thing about your little brother?

What's your favorite thing about your parents?

A good friend has played a prank on you... all-in-fun, not humiliating, but still, they got you GOOD. How do you retaliate, if at all?

Do Canadian jokes bother you?

You HAVE to be in a band. Do you decide to play drums, keyboard, guitar, bass, or do vocals?

If you could be any fantasy race (like an elf or a halfling, etc...) which would you be and why?

Have you ever gotten into a real fight? If so, why? If not, is there any situation where you can see yourself fighting with someone, besides a life-threatening situation?
Do you have any weird, irrational fears that you can't explain?
Not really, unless you count spiders, which are easily squashed. Guuuhhh, now I'm thinking about spiders...

Everything else is totally rational and will destroy me if given the chance.

Do you like standup comedy? If so who are your favorite comedians?
I do, but not enough that I can really name any comedians who I may have enjoyed. :eek:hwell:

What's the ugliest thing you've ever worn?
One time I wore a really tight maroon shirt with really baggy bright red pants, but it was for a play or something.

Have you ever broken a limb? (did I ask you that already?....)
Sure haven't! I'm not a break guy, more of an irreparable scar guy.

What's your favorite thing about your little brother?
I like that he's finally grown up a bit? I guess. He's not as much of an asshole as he was 6 years ago, although he's still a bit of an asshole. I dunno, seems like he's being more helpful and whatnot now.

I really can't think of anything really nice to say.

What's your favorite thing about your parents?
They're hip! Which is sometimes good and sometimes bad, but they're pretty easy to talk to and they get along with my friends and girlfriend pretty well.

A good friend has played a prank on you... all-in-fun, not humiliating, but still, they got you GOOD. How do you retaliate, if at all?
I wouldn't retaliate, and I'd just kinda absorb it. I'd maybe try to see the merits of it, but deep down I'd probably be kinda hurt.

Do Canadian jokes bother you?
Haha, no. We Canadians are well known for our graciousness. :)

You HAVE to be in a band. Do you decide to play drums, keyboard, guitar, bass, or do vocals?

If you could be any fantasy race (like an elf or a halfling, etc...) which would you be and why?
Halfling. Strong sense of community, love of good food and entertainment, inability to grow facial hair.

Yeah, I think we'd get along great.

Have you ever gotten into a real fight? If so, why? If not, is there any situation where you can see yourself fighting with someone, besides a life-threatening situation?
Yeah I've been in several fights with kids in grade school who figured they'd be the tough guy and pick a fight with the little scrawny nerd.

They were WRONG. :smug:
I'm not good at singing! I'm just marginally better at it than playing an instrument!


Although I'm BEST at beat boxing (read: still nothing to write home about.)
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