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Need your good vibes




I'm going through some real tough times personally right now guys and just wanting you all to send your good vibes and prayers my way as I could really use them. That's as much as I'm willing to say and I'll come out and say more when I can.


Philosopher B.

Oh, man, sorry to hear it. :( So much sadness going around the forums lately. Here's hoping you pull through whatever it is alright!


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

If found some Spanish vibes with your name on them.




Some German Vibes coming over the big ocean your way. :p




Good vibes sent!

Stay strong, and come and tell us more when you feel like it.




It's not just good, it's the best! ;)




May the bacon always be with you... and good luck with everything.








Good vibes, flowing your way from the Pacific rim!




I hope whatever is going on works out alright for you




Good vibes sent!

Stay strong, and come and tell us more when you feel like it.
I will as soon as it is legally smart for me to talk about it




Vibes from the Desert coming your way. They may be freaking hot but at least its a dry heat.




Let's just say that I know the story. Send him your good vibes and as many of them as you can. We also may do a mini-fund drive for him.




Let's just say that I know the story. Send him your good vibes and as many of them as you can. We also may do a mini-fund drive for him.
Who does he want us to drive over?


General Specific

General Specific

Let's just say that I know the story. Send him your good vibes and as many of them as you can. We also may do a mini-fund drive for him.
Who does he want us to drive over?[/QUOTE]

FunD drive, not "Fun" drive.

Anyway, Crimson, I hope you receive all the bacon you need for your issues.




Vibes from el norte.




Prayers sent.




We'll keep you and your family in our prayers man. Hope everything works out.




I have you in my thoughts, CS. I hope you see some better times very soon. Until then, consider this your Vent Station. :)




ninja'd.. :p

Hope everything works out Baconator..


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

He said all. Send them ALL. Some of you are clearly holding back. Give them ALL to him. Every. Last. Fucking. One.





He said all. Send them ALL. Some of you are clearly holding back. Give them ALL to him. Every. Last. Fucking. One.

*desperately scrapes the bottom of the barrel* That's the rest of em. They're kind of old and crusty but you're welcome to them.


General Specific

General Specific








In Finnish, we talk of onnenpotku, 'a kick of luck' or 'a kick of fortune', meaning a sudden bout of luck or good fortune.

*kicks CS lighty on the tuchus*

Here's one for starters, dear friend. May there be many more.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

In Finland, violence is how they express support, understanding, and hope.




If they're mad at you, they give you flowers, candy and an mp3 player.




Canadian vibes comin' your way!


Wasabi Poptart

I hope everything gets better for you.




I'm deleting the message now, some people have the update you can PM them if you want more info


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight


My vibes feel tiny and inadequate, so it's a good thing there's a whole forum. I hope things turn out better.





I'm gonna be powering up these vibes dude. That is a right terrible situation and I hope you come out on top of it.

*literally starts vibrating*




My God.... don't know what to say except good luck and I am so sorry for what you have to endure right now. I can't imagine how you must feel now.




I hope everything works out for the best. I'm sure your kids will be fine, and that you'll see them again.


Element 117

Document everything. In triplicate. Act calm, and if you're restless, exercise or clean the house. Intense busywork can keep you from mind-idling into bad emotional states.


Wasabi Poptart

Holy Hercules! If you have an idea of where she might be, is there any way that you could have law enforcement there check up on her and the kids since she has a history of being unstable?






Element 117

Uhm, strip out the names to prevent google searches leading to this place. Also, get a cheapy camera if you dont have a cellphone cam and take pictures of the house's condition.




I don't want this out here yet. I'll update everything after stuff happens




Bonne chance, mon copain.




I missed the update but from what other people are saying, this sounds really bad.

*sends more vibes*




.... Indeed. Dude, if there's anything you even THINK I can help out with (and I missed the update, but the hints left in messages speak volumes) let me know. It may not be much, but you've got what support I can muster.




Good Vibes from down under, have some classic aussie rock to help ya!!
Just realised I dont actually know how to embed youtube vids properly. I shall add them later when I have time to nut it out.




Oof. Missed the update but it sounds bad. Good vibes being sent your way.




Good Vibes from down under, have some classic aussie rock to help ya!!
Just realised I dont actually know how to embed youtube vids properly. I shall add them later when I have time to nut it out.
Man! The only vibes I ever get from Down Under are from crazy people wanting to sue me.




Ugh, I missed the update but the hints make me think my attempt at levity was somewhat inappropriate. Hope like hell things work out for you.



Sending epic good vibes.


Element 117

Good Vibes from down under, have some classic aussie rock to help ya!!
Just realised I dont actually know how to embed youtube vids properly. I shall add them later when I have time to nut it out.
Man! The only vibes I ever get from Down Under are from crazy people wanting to sue me.[/QUOTE]

so... get better batteries?




Didn't see the update on what happened but based on peoples reactions I will kick up some more vibes your way.


General Specific

General Specific

*dispatches hoard of Good Karma Chameleons*

Whatever it is that's going on, I know it's bad now. So, all of my thoughts are with you and yours, Crimson. If there's anything at all we can do for you, just ask.


Element 117

I know what's going on. He was the trusting stegosaurus, and was inevitably betrayed in This Land by his co-ruler.




It's ahrd to consentrate on cleaning the house which I need to do, it's a pig sty with all the trash she left behind. Now I'm on nights for the next two weeks so I need to sleep during the day but I can't sleep because my stomach is inknots, she sent me a message on FB about 30 min ago and told me I'd just have to trust her and when she was ready she'd let the kids talk to me. I need to friggin find her so I can get her served




So I just told my-soon to be ex the truth, I'm trying to get her address so I can serve her divorce papers and we can get this all behind us. I didn't tell her that I'm trying to get sole custody and that if I can't find her in 4 weeks she loses custody of the kids, but if she won't tell me the address next time she messages me then I may tell her about it. Maybe not though




Ain't the prayin' kinda guy, dear friend, but you'll be in my thoughts. Sending you some Finnish Good Vibes as we speak.

I'd probably go bat-shit crazy in your situation, so it's good to hear you're taking it this calmly and rationally. If you have any friends who could stay over for a while, that might help with the knots. You're not alone, friend. Look to your friends and family, and hopefully all this will end well.




Ain't the prayin' kinda guy, dear friend, but you'll be in my thoughts. Sending you some Finnish Good Vibes as we speak.

I'd probably go bat-shit crazy in your situation, so it's good to hear you're taking it this calmly and rationally. If you have any friends who could stay over for a while, that might help with the knots. You're not alone, friend. Look to your friends and family, and hopefully all this will end well.
If it weren't for my mom I wouldn't be calm or rational at all right now


Wasabi Poptart

So I just told my-soon to be ex the truth, I'm trying to get her address so I can serve her divorce papers and we can get this all behind us. I didn't tell her that I'm trying to get sole custody and that if I can't find her in 4 weeks she loses custody of the kids, but if she won't tell me the address next time she messages me then I may tell her about it. Maybe not though
I wouldn't tell her. I'd be afraid it wouldn't have a good outcome.




She can't deny you access to the kids. Not without an existing court order. Down here, it's a charge called "Interference with Child Custody," for which a warrant can be drawn through the courthouse. If she continues with these shenanigans, get in contact with your local sheriff's office and see if they have something similar. They should, but it's probably something that's got to be enforced by the Deputies, because it's a criminal charge applied to a civil matter.




Well OC, there is a restraining order (and divorce paperwork) against her now stating that she has to come back down here, I have to find her to get her served so that it can be enforced. if after 2 weeks we can't get her served then it gets extended another 2 weeks if after that she still isn't served they will hold the temporary custody hearing without her (which I'd win) and then I could file all those amber alerts and kidnapping and all that fun stuff




Tracking... sounds like you've got yourself well in hand, then.

As long as she's keeping in contact, that's something, at least. Keep trying to contact her - you sound like you've got a solid game plan for the legal side of things. I'd take out the warrant ASAP, though; see what your requirements are. That way, when/if she shows up for the custody hearing, she can be served with it by the bailiff. There's something deeply satisfying about the ratcheting of cuffs in a courtroom, especially if she thinks she's holding all the cards.




I've called the cops they said theirs nothing they can do because it's a civil matter so nothing I can take a warrant out on her for until after the hearing if she doesn't show up

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

She wants me to get her website back up, so I told her I need her IP address so I can, if she gives it to me I can at least get a geographical location so I know where to look at.

---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 PM ----------

AHHHH I think I just missed a call from her, it was from a private number and as soon as I hit the talk button it went to voice mail :(




The POLICE can't do anything, because it's a civil matter. The Sheriff's Office enforces civil matters, so they're the ones you want to contact. Also, props for the detective work on the IP address.




Well she hasn't given it to me yet

---------- Post added at 04:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:22 PM ----------

So OC, say we have a hearing on the 03rd of august (we do) what happens if she doesn't get notice? it just gets postponed for another two weeks or no?

---------- Post added at 04:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:35 PM ----------

Also, I'm lucky that she documents everything online from her suicidal poetry to how she can't handle the kids and they drive her bonkers to how great of a father I am, so at least I have that, and thankfully I have an almost 0 online presence, searching for my first and last name and for my username (before I just changed it) brought up zero results for me




I'm not as up on civil law, as I'm a police officer, not a deputy, but if they have the hearing, and it can be determined that reasonable efforts have been made to inform her of the hearing date, they may just decide to rule then and there. It's POSSIBLE that they may have a policy of rescheduling regardless, but if you can contact her with the date of the hearing (AND LOG IT!!! ), and show that as evidence in your hearing, along with any/all responses she makes in regards to it, things will definitely not go so well for her.




Say I inform her on facebook.. nevermind I just read your entire post

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------

Cool I sent her a message showing her the court date as long as she makes a post on facebook then I know that she's at least seen the message




If there's a way to get a read-receipt or something, that would be great, too. Screen-caps are okay, but definitely not ideal.




Does anyone live in Wisconsin, or no someone that lives in Wisconsin that lives around Beaver Dam (It's about an hour away from Milwaukee)




Hol-ee crap! I just got a copy of the temporary restraining order that they have filed for me besides the blah blah don't talk bad to each other stuff and don't destroy property stuff that is currently court ordered to me (but not her because she isn't served yet :() My lawyer is asking that I have sole custody of the children and her to have supervised visits only, I have the apt and she has to return everything she took out of it and she isn't allowed here, I get my motorcycle, she has to pay child support, insurance premiums and 60% of their uninsured medical expenses the kids can't leave the county we are in. A psych eval of her, all of the kids's birth certificates and social security cards all valid until the divorce is settled and final custody awarded. I like my attorney




Lawyers are good.




When you get a good lawyer they are very good and when you get a bad one well they are really bad. But overall Lawyers are a very good thing to have on your side.




Question: if we can't find her to serve her I'll automatically win sole custody of the kids, but that would take up to four weeks, if we can find her to serve her it will take 2 or 4 weeks depending if she is found in the first 2 week period. What do you guys think is better, not being able to find her at all and getting the kids back at the expense of missing out on a month of their life or finding and serving her at the expense of missing out on half a month of my kids' life but a possibly harder fought custody battle?

---------- Post added at 05:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 PM ----------

Oh and when I say I'll automatically win it means that they will hold the restraining order hearing without her so basically everything that my lawyer has asked for will be given to me



that sounds really weird.. where do you live?




Texas, see what will happen right now they are attempting to serve her, if they can't find her it will be extended another two weeks, if they can't find her then they will hang a notice on a door where she is likely to be staying, my apartment is where her DL is issued so maybe here as an example, and that will count as her being served, then if she doesn't show up at the court date it's on her and they will hold the temporary custody hearing without her



I guess I dont know texas law. That wouldn't be effective service in Sodak.




ALRIGHT! She was smart enought o send my mom an e-mail and we traced the IP she's Deff in Texas at least so my kids aren't way up in Wi, she's just been playing games with me on FB making me think she's in Wi which is bad juju I would think, just have to find the guy she's staying with. Any of you google types want to try and find him PM me and I'll give you his name, and his last known address, he moved a few weeks ago so it probably isn't a good address but it is a start. The PI we have is doing an SS lookup on him to see where he has got electricity so we will have an exact location of where he is and can get her served!

---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 PM ----------

*cough* anyone work for Earthlink?




Have you tried pipl yet?




like I said, he just moved so it probably isn't on there, but let me check

---------- Post added at 01:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:13 PM ----------

no he isn't listed on there (or that name isn't) anywhere in the area




Any clues as to which part of the nation of Texas she is in?




Harlingen, Tx and they have Earthlink Internet, I have his full name and his last known address and his ex-wifes name (can't find her phone number or I'd call her lol) and I have his last known address




I take it she moved in with another man, yes? Dude. When you get your kids back I think you're going to be much better off. She planned very well and moved on very quickly. When you two were trying to make things work out you were trying and she was using that time against you.




yeah she's with another guy, I have a lot of his Info and my PI is trying to get his SS# to look up where utilities are hooked up in his name

---------- Post added at 01:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:24 PM ----------

And as soon as she gets served their is a clause ordered in the court document already that a man can't be there between 11pm and 6am and I'm almost positive their will be unless he starts sleeping at his moms until the divorce is over/hearing is over and they have to move back to brazoria (if she gets the kids)




Harlingen? Geeze. Sounds like you are narrowing it down pretty good... I'm still surprised that if she runs off to some dudes place with your kids the cops won't get involved.




She's a custodial parent so she can go wherever she wants to with them, just like me if I had them I could go anywhere I wanted to, until there is a court order in place saying otherwise, which as soon as she gets served there will be. It's the guy she's cheated on me with before too, I feel like a friggin idiot




Since she's a parent the cops can't get involved. Civil matter. She's a custodial parent also and didn't move out of state as originally thought.

Until he starts the legal ball rolling she's just fine. If she stays off the grid she's untouchable.




right but when talkign to me on Facebook, and on facebook messages she's telling me she's in Wi, which I think will work against her in court

---------- Post added at 01:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:34 PM ----------

All I have to do is find the guys address I "know" exactly where she is as soon as the PI gets back to me with his address or until I can find his ex-wifes phone number lol




Yeah... I get the custodial parent thing... it just still seems crazy...




Fuck I have to be at work in 5 hours and I haven't slept yet because I'm trying to find the guy




Man, let your PI do his work and get some rest. :)




FUCKING BINGO! His last known good address I'm 90% sure is his correct address because him his mom his ex him and his dad are all registered voters at a different address in Harligen than his DL list him as being at, so yes I've found her just need to serve her to she has to be at court on 8/3 and I can get my kids!!!!!!!!!

I did all that work :)

Also, my Lawyer told me to PRINT EVERYTHING on her facebook wall that says she's in Wisconsin







Wow... thats good news man!




Oh internet! Is there anything you can't do?




Oh internet! Is there anything you can't do?
Make me a grilled cheese, at least according to my experiments.




try this for that, Espy


Wasabi Poptart

I take it she moved in with another man, yes? Dude. When you get your kids back I think you're going to be much better off. She planned very well and moved on very quickly. When you two were trying to make things work out you were trying and she was using that time against you.
I have to agree with Dave. She's been planning this for a while from the way it sounds. It's a shame that she pulled this on you and made you think you could work on your marriage. I'm glad you were able to track her down and found out she's not in WI.




:thumbsup: Glad you're finding things out. Sorry for all your trouble, though.




try this for that, Espy





Outstanding leg-work, brah. And yes, her taunting you by saying that she's in WI will only add to her eventual snoo-snooing via the court. Everything she has done flies in the face of common sense.

Also, I don't know if Texas is like Georgia, but here we still have Adultery as a criminal charge. It's not exactly what you'd call persecutable (sodomy is still on there, too, for example), but it might be something to consider for your civil case...

You also sound like you have a good, hard-line attorney. Don't be surprised if you don't get everything that he's trying for: it's all about the haggle with these guys.




It's a she, and I won't be suprised if I don't get everything, the only thing I need are my kids, she can keep all the furniture and food, it can all be rebought




Man I hate this, I know I need to get her served, I'm not stupid. but I don't want to, I don't want to make her mad at me, I don't want to see her hurt I want to try and work it all out everything is wrong and I want to make it right it just doesn't feel right getting a divorce, I do still love her so friggin much it's killed me to file the divorce papers. I hate this I feel like crap and just want it all better I want my wife and kids back I know it'll never be the same again and I'll never have her back and it's just killing me more I practically live on facebook now just to try and talk to her when I've never logged into it except for maybe two other times since it's been created. I don't have anyone around here to talk to and frankly I don't think I'd want to I don't want to be judged by them, well him only really have one friend around here the other lives in San Antonio and the other in Hawaii I just feel so alone, so empty the only thing I have right now is a job and it's hard to go to that. I want to just give up and become a hermit but I know I can't because of my kids I need to do what's right by them but it won't be the same without her, she really is the love of my life.

---------- Post added at 08:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 AM ----------

I want to do the stupidest thing ever right now and messgae her on FB and tell her how much I miss her and want her back and sorry for anything I've ever done and would do anything to make her happy but I know I shouldn't because she's keeping a record to use against me it's just so hard. I just want to confess my love for her but I can't, it's killing me inside




I'm so sorry man. I'm so damn sorry. It's gonna hurt for a good while too, don't be afraid to let it out. I know we are creepy anon internet folks here but we do care about you and we are here for you. You ever need someone to talk to, or whatever just pm me and I'll shoot you my phone number/at the very least keep talking to us here and get it out.

Kudos to you for, not matter the pain it causes, doing the best thing for your kids. You are, as cheesy as this sounds, a real hero for putting them first and fighting for them.




Damn dude... this is going to be rough but you know you're on the right path and like you said... you have to look out for your kids now.

If you lived close by I'd have you over for a beer and BBQ... (and bacon!)

Stay strong man. Just keep us posted and you can rant and talk all you want here... good luck.




I'm so sorry. :( I agree with espy--I admire you for working so hard for your children. Stay strong...can't say it isn't going to hurt, for a while, but I hope that it gets better soon.




Do NOT engage her on FB! Do not! I know you want to but that's not a good idea. You don't know what you say that could be held against you.

And I'm going to say something that is going to be cold hearted, kinda mean but you gotta hear it.

If she were the love of your life she wouldn't have left you, taken the kids and started shacking up with some other guy that she'd banged before.


Wasabi Poptart

I have to agree with Dave again as far as not talking with her on FB. She has already mislead you several times. She may be waiting for you to do or say something that can give her leverage. Not good.

As far as her being the love of your life. I don't think that matters to her. Unfortunately, I don't think you matter much to her. If you did, she wouldn't have taken everything from you in such a sudden and bold move.




Seriously! Why would you talk to her on FB? What would she tell you that you could believe? She's proven already to be a liar, a manipulator and a very bad person. You are letting the rose-colored glasses take over. Now is not the time to be remembering the good times you had. That will only lead to her getting everything.


Wasabi Poptart

Yes. This is the time when you want to focus on making sure you've got yourself together so you can get custody of your kids when the time comes. I know this is hard. Your emotions are running on overdrive, but when it comes to your wife you are going to have to try to think about things using reason and logic. What are you going to gain by spilling your guts to her? What is she going to gain if you continue to talk to her on FB? Don't set yourself up to be hurt more and lied to again. Protect yourself and your own interests (getting those kids back).




oh my lord, I got to see my kids on webcam today the first time in a week that I've seen them and I talked to them on the phone. I barely held it together long enough until she made them get off it was good to see them again soon as I got off the phone I broke down can't wait to see them again, at the most 10 more days (that's when the hearing date is). it was really good to see them though. I know it's not much of an update but it's huge to me.


Wasabi Poptart

It is huge. Glad you got to see them.




9 more days till the temporary custody hearing. oh I asked her on the phone "why did you take my sheets" and she replied "it's something to remember you with" or something to that effect. I feel like she's just playing with my emotions and stringing me along, she's also telling me that she's not sure if she wants to stay with that guy (who, by seeing my kids via webcam I can see she's furnished his house with my furniture) or come back here. It's infuriating, I love her, I want her and my kids back, but at the same time I know she's playing with me and stringing me along. I can't wait till the 3rd so we can get this all figured out and the kids will be closer to me and I can see them. These 5 minute phone calls I get from a private number to talk to them isn't enough, the 5 minute webcam I got to see of them isn't enough. Everything feel slike it's falling apart. On the bright side though I have almost all of the cardboard boxes out of the house, maybe 10 more boxes left then I need to do a flea bomb then vacuum and everything should be nice and clean just need furniture. but I need to wait till after the court date because I may be getting some of it back.

---------- Post added at 09:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

I can't wait till I can hug and kiss my kids again. longest 9 days ever

---------- Post added at 09:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:02 AM ----------

I hate only being able to talk to my kids whenever she allows it because I don't have her phone number. once she gets that restraining order I should be able to get her number because one of the orders of the court is that she can't secret or hide the children and not giving me the phone number where she is or the address (that I don't care about) I feel is the same thing

---------- Post added at 09:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 AM ----------

Oh O_C I have a question for you. She "bought" furniture from one of our neighbors when he moved out, but now she's not going to pay him and she took the furniture. Should I call him and have him press charges on her, and if so what would the charges be?


Wasabi Poptart

Does he have any proof that she was going to pay him for the furniture?




just his word and her word so blah I guess not :(




Bit late to this, but, dude, massive amounts of good vibes from Brussels :-S
You seem to have been doing good so far, stay strong, and remember what she's done and what your goal is - getting back your children. If she's leaving you for another guy she's been seeing behind your back, and taking the kids with her, and you're doing everything you can to get your kids back, you're the good guy, she's the bad guy. Don't let anything anyone says convince you otherwise. Try to stay strong when facing her - anything you might say can and might be used against you, as the cliche goes.
Good luck, man.




She went to the family crisis center down there and they appointed her a lawyer (according to court records she has one) I looked up the lawyer and she doesn't even specialize in civil trails, mainly criminal and personal injury suits. and She's out of Huntsville, Tx. I'm hoping that's how it stays and I may have a decent chance at everything I have more paperwork to give to my lawyer from stuff my wife has online, one of them describing herself as self-centered, whiny, as well as a lot of other negative things plus the facebook status messages of her saying she's in Wisconsin when she was in Tx. I have a file about an inch thick on her at the lawyers office from all of the stuff she has posted online from her asking for illegal downloads of TV shows to suicidal poetry to how I'm a great father and husband

---------- Post added at 04:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:20 PM ----------

My family has been a huge help in that regard they have been scouring the internet for all of her online names and printing out all of the stuff she has posted the only thing I've printed was stuff on facebook while they have found everything of hers online




Oh here's the visitation schedule that my wife has made, I can have my kids 2 weekends a month but I have to drive to get them and bring them back (it's a 6 hour drive one way, so 24 hours to drive there and back twice in one weekend) because she can't afford to do it, and I can call whenever I want to talk to them, but she won't give me her number to talk to them.


Wasabi Poptart

Agree to nothing. Do not talk to her about any of this. You may be doing more harm than good, just like Ame says.




Oh I didn't agree to any of it, you can believe that, that is an INSANE visitation schedule

---------- Post added at 06:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:59 PM ----------

I'm trying for sole custody, or in the alternative joint custody but they stay with me she only gets supervised visits but I get to decide where they live, school, etc, as long as it's in this county

---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 PM ----------

I've also been taking screen shots of EVERYTHING she is saying (I say screen shots instead of copy/pasting because it's harder to edit) all the deceiving/lies she's been saying plus all of her stuff she puts online, all printed screen shots or directly printed off of the internet and all of it is going to my lawyer. I think the lawyer will LOVE the visitation schedule my wife wants to give me




Haven't talked to my kids since around 11 this morning she said she'd call later so I could talk to them and she hasn't :(




Stay strong man. Stay strong. Court date is coming up and thats when you will get this all settled.




Hopefully I'll get my kids, they are the most important people in the world

---------- Post added at 07:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 PM ----------

I'm wondering if the process server got her served and she read the paperwork and now she's pissed




8 days to court, can't wait.




Thanks to family I am goign to have a couch and recliner a new entertainment center, bunk beds for the boys and a twin bed for my daughter and a TV set up for them, lawyer said I needed to do this (and planned on it anyway) so the courts know I'm ready to take responsibility for my children, which I am and have for their entire life. 8 more days




Why do I get the feeling that if things don't go your way you'll be dressing up like an old woman and getting hired by them as a nanny?




Well regardless the kids will have to move back to the county they've lived in their entire lives, she can stay there if she wants, but the kids will need to come back, that's what the lawyer is saying anyway hopefully she isn't getting my hopes up. can't wait to hug n kiss 'em again




Weird thing here, on the county records website it listed a lawyer for my wife, but when looking at it today (to see if she was served) the lawyer is no longer listed by her name. Could she have called and had this removed to throw me off into thinking that she doesn't have a lawyer, or what, anyone know?




I think you are overthinking and obsessing. I know it sucks but you should do something other than scan everything for every nugget of information. These next 8 days are going to drive you insane.




Yeah I think Dave is right man. Play some video games, go outside, read a book, etc, etc. Don't drive yourself nuts.


Wasabi Poptart





Fifth'd. Dude, just relax. You've already done FAR more groundwork than most in your situation. You have an excellent foundation - now is the time to chill, muster your strength, then unleash it in the form of legal proceedings.

And with regards to your question about the furniture, that would be a civil matter, which your friend would have to take to small claims court, if he wanted to press it that far.



Why do I get the feeling that if things don't go your way you'll be dressing up like an old woman and getting hired by them as a nanny?




I generally lurk but I'll surface to send you some good vibes.

Also to follow the advice of the mods and the police officer. Their counsel looks sound to me.




Fifth'd. Dude, just relax. You've already done FAR more groundwork than most in your situation. You have an excellent foundation - now is the time to chill, muster your strength, then unleash it in the form of legal proceedings.

And with regards to your question about the furniture, that would be a civil matter, which your friend would have to take to small claims court, if he wanted to press it that far.
Think of it this way: the best thing you can do in regards to the trial next week is to rest as much as you can, try to obsess and overthink as little as you can, so you will do better when the time comes.



I am sending you good vibes and many many prayers...YOu'll bounce back and everything will work out in the end it always does...

Best of luck to you and Stay Strong...Sorry you have to deal with all this !




I found her *actual* address today, a certain company came buy looking for some equipment that she didn't turn in (to the tune of 620 bucks) and came here to pick it up, but they had the address where she lives at now as the originating address and the address here as the address where we moved to. Since we have never lived in the originating city I put 2 and 2 together and boom got the address. now just have to get a hold of the process server.


Wasabi Poptart

Here's something you might want to get done: get credit reports from all 3 agencies. Check them out and make sure the things listed on those reports are all ones you know about. Last thing you need is to be screwed because she's taking out credit cards or opening accounts you don't know about. You should also be able to set something up so when someone does try to open a new line of credit or take out a loan, the company has to contact you first for approval. I did just that when the military lost some of their personnel records.




I currently have that on my account, and it's being monitored free for a year after a security leak at a place that had my info, so that's already done lol




I don't know what's up, my wife totally flipped the script and now she won't even call to let my kids talk to me, it's been over 24 hours since I've talked to my kids. She's posting facebook updates so she's around, she's just being evil and using my kids against me which is making me upset.




You should just expect her to treat you poorly man. Don't expect anything good from her and you won't be disappointed by her selfish and horrible actions. 8 days right? Till court?


Wasabi Poptart

If she is mentally unstable, and given her recent actions, I would not expect her to act rationally or kindly.




This is where it stands yesterday she was being all I think I might want to come back and is stripping on the webcam then today I found a diary of hers that I'm now blocked from talking about how I need to get it through my head that we are never getting back together along with previous entries about how horrible I am. So yeah I'm really starting to agree with her about not getting back together. Oh and I finally got to talk to kids at 620 while I was waiting to clock into work they seemed more excited than usual to talk to me so that's good



hang in there ....I know it's not a fun process hence I sit in the same boat ....It's so annoying when people just can't cooperate I mean it's not really hard they are just retarded !

That's all I have to say really ....Good luck and keep smiling as much as you can !




This is where it stands yesterday she was being all I think I might want to come back and is stripping on the webcam then today I found a diary of hers that I'm now blocked from talking about how I need to get it through my head that we are never getting back together along with previous entries about how horrible I am. So yeah I'm really starting to agree with her about not getting back together. Oh and I finally got to talk to kids at 620 while I was waiting to clock into work they seemed more excited than usual to talk to me so that's good
I want you to read this post again. I quoted it exactly as you put it. You are beginning to post incoherently. You need to calm the hell down. I know it's hard but you are going to fuck this up with your obsessiveness. This is one of the most delicate and critical parts of what you are going through and instead of relying on the experts you hired you are going off half-cocked like a bull in a china shop! You are hurting yourself more than you are helping.




Dave speaks the truth. However hard it is, you have to remain calm and composed




Oh my lord... I log onto facebook to see a ton of messages (all screenshtoed and printed out already) that my wife sent me about how I'm only doing any of this so I can hurt her and that's the only reason I'm going to court is to hurt her, and if I really cared about her I would pay for her an attorney so that it's fair because right now it's not fair and she thinks it should be...

wow is all I can say




I didn't, but wow, what the heck man




Maybe leave the house if you can. Sounds like you're going a little nuts. :\




Naw, been keeping busy painting the house and everything got the carpet cleaners coming tomorrow then on Saturday moving in furniture and moving around the furniture that is still here then off Sunday work Monday then court tuesday, Today I think is the first day that I haven't had a knot in my stomach since she's left so today is a really good day 6 more to go till court




Don't respond to anything she posts. A sick mind might be trying to entrap you.




Well as long as you're busy--that's good.




Oh me and darkangel were talking me and her are now the official halforums couple lol all the other halforums couples are null and void. Now there's just the fact that I've never met her don't know her personality and that if she made me work out with her I'd probably die. Besides all those problems though we are good well there's the whole she's from Canada thing too I dunno aboot that




Hey, what's wrong with us Canadians eh?




You guys smell like maple syrup.




Mmmmm... maple syrup... makes me want pancakes now.




Wait...so everything I knew about Canadians was a lie? D:




They do covet beaver pelts above all things.




Rawr. :eyebrows:




Oh me and darkangel were talking me and her are now the official halforums couple lol all the other halforums couples are null and void. Now there's just the fact that I've never met her don't know her personality and that if she made me work out with her I'd probably die. Besides all those problems though we are good well there's the whole she's from Canada thing too I dunno aboot that
Wait, Null's dating someone?

Congrats, Elbows!




No wonder we didn't hear about it.


Wasabi Poptart

I thought they went on one date, but nothing came of it.




Y'all slay me with laughter




This is the second time in two days I wanted to give WildSoul rep but couldn't.





DAMN I was gonna rep her on your behalf but I can't either!




Got both your backs kids. Now clean your rooms.


Wasabi Poptart

Thank you. Thank you. I'll be here all week. Please try the fish.




I'm wondering if it's a good idea to get involved with someone else before the divorce is finalized? Wouldn't that potentially weaken your position somewhat?

Sorry to be a spoilsport.




I was joking




I was joking
In that case, I shall manfully accept any ridicule coming my way.

*stands manfully*



Oh me and darkangel were talking me and her are now the official halforums couple lol all the other halforums couples are null and void. Now there's just the fact that I've never met her don't know her personality and that if she made me work out with her I'd probably die. Besides all those problems though we are good well there's the whole she's from Canada thing too I dunno aboot that
No worries about me being in Canada Let's not forget I have one year to go back and contest my green card lol ;) WOO HOO ! being your halforums girlfriend makes me feel so awesomely special <3 now drop and give me 20 lol :)




Oh heck da if that's the case I'll see you when u get down here... What's your name now?
