Need your good vibes

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I'm going through some real tough times personally right now guys and just wanting you all to send your good vibes and prayers my way as I could really use them. That's as much as I'm willing to say and I'll come out and say more when I can.


Staff member
Let's just say that I know the story. Send him your good vibes and as many of them as you can. We also may do a mini-fund drive for him.


Staff member
I have you in my thoughts, CS. I hope you see some better times very soon. Until then, consider this your Vent Station. :)



Staff member
He said all. Send them ALL. Some of you are clearly holding back. Give them ALL to him. Every. Last. Fucking. One.

*desperately scrapes the bottom of the barrel* That's the rest of em. They're kind of old and crusty but you're welcome to them.


Staff member
In Finnish, we talk of onnenpotku, 'a kick of luck' or 'a kick of fortune', meaning a sudden bout of luck or good fortune.

*kicks CS lighty on the tuchus*

Here's one for starters, dear friend. May there be many more.

I'm gonna be powering up these vibes dude. That is a right terrible situation and I hope you come out on top of it.

*literally starts vibrating*


Staff member
My God.... don't know what to say except good luck and I am so sorry for what you have to endure right now. I can't imagine how you must feel now.
I hope everything works out for the best. I'm sure your kids will be fine, and that you'll see them again.

Element 117

Document everything. In triplicate. Act calm, and if you're restless, exercise or clean the house. Intense busywork can keep you from mind-idling into bad emotional states.
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